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filterwarnings does not work with request.applymarker #5677

Closed spumer closed 4 years ago

spumer commented 5 years ago

I whant to manage filterwarnings from shared fixture, for example filter urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning when requests client fixture used.


def raw_client(request):
    return RequestsClient()

def test_oauth_error(raw_client, oauth_error):
    resp = raw_client.get('https://testserver/auth/obtain-token', params={'code': '123'})
    assert resp.status_code == 400, resp.json()

Above usage not worked for me, but filtering through pytest.ini works fine:

filterwarnings =
$ pip list
Package                          Version  
-------------------------------- ---------
alabaster                        0.7.12   
amqp                             2.5.0    
aspy.yaml                        1.3.0    
atomicwrites                     1.3.0    
attrs                            19.1.0   
Babel                            2.7.0    
celery                           4.1.1    
certifi                          2019.6.16
cfgv                             2.0.1    
chardet                          3.0.4    
CommonMark                       0.5.4    
coreapi                          2.3.3    
coreschema                       0.0.4    
Django                           2.1.7    
django-filter                    2.1.0    
django-model-utils               3.2.0    
django-oauth2-login-client       0.8.0    
django-postgrespool2             0.2.0    
djangorestframework              3.9.2    
djangorestframework-role-filters 0.3.0    
docutils                         0.15     
drf-yasg                         1.15.0   
elementpath                      1.1.8    
environs                         4.1.0    
factory-boy                      2.11.1   
Faker                            2.0.0    
freezegun                        0.3.11   
gunicorn                         19.9.0   
identify                         1.4.5    
idna                             2.8      
imagesize                        1.1.0    
importlib-metadata               0.18     
inflection                       0.3.1    
itypes                           1.1.0    
Jinja2                           2.10.1   
json-rpc                         1.11.0   
kombu                            4.2.1    
lxml                             4.3.4    
MarkupSafe                       1.1.1    
marshmallow                      2.19.5   
more-itertools                   7.2.0    
multidict                        4.5.2    
nodeenv                          1.3.3    
oauthlib                         3.0.1    
packaging                        19.0     
pip                              19.2     
pluggy                           0.12.0   
pre-commit                       1.15.1   
psycopg2-binary                  2.7.7    
py                               1.8.0    
Pygments                         2.4.2    
pyparsing                        2.4.1    
pytest                           5.0.1    
pytest-django                    3.5.1    
pytest-env                       0.6.2    
pytest-freezegun                 0.3.0    
pytest-mock                      1.10.0   
pytest-testdox                   1.1.1    
pytest-timeout                   1.3.3    
python-dateutil                  2.8.0    
python-dotenv                    0.10.3   
pytz                             2019.1   
PyYAML                           5.1.1    
raven                            6.10.0   
recommonmark                     0.4.0    
requests                         2.21.0   
requests-mock                    1.5.2    
requests-oauthlib                1.2.0    
ruamel.yaml                      0.15.100 
setuptools                       41.0.1   
simplejson                       3.16.0   
six                              1.12.0   
slackclient                      1.3.1    
snowballstemmer                  1.9.0    
Sphinx                           1.8.1    
sphinx-rtd-theme                 0.4.2    
sphinxcontrib-websupport         1.1.2    
SQLAlchemy                       1.3.6    
text-unidecode                   1.2      
toml                             0.10.0   
trafaret                         1.2.0    
uritemplate                      3.0.0    
urllib3                          1.24.3   
vine                             1.3.0    
virtualenv                       16.7.0   
wcwidth                          0.1.7    
websocket-client                 0.54.0   
wheel                            0.33.4   
xmldiff                          2.3      
xmlschema                        1.0.13   
xmltodict                        0.12.0   
yarl                             1.3.0    
zipp                             0.5.2 
RonnyPfannschmidt commented 5 years ago

At fixture set up time warning is already configured, you need a imperative way to configure your warnings, I'm on mobile, so I won't find the docs links

nicoddemus commented 5 years ago

As @RonnyPfannschmidt said, at fixture setup time pytest's own warnings were already configured, so pytest's internal warning mechanisms never has a chance of "seeing" your filter.

I suggest this (untested):

def raw_client(request):
    return RequestsClient()

def test_oauth_error(raw_client, oauth_error):
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        resp = raw_client.get('https://testserver/auth/obtain-token', params={'code': '123'})
        assert resp.status_code == 400, resp.json()
spumer commented 5 years ago

As @RonnyPfannschmidt said, at fixture setup time pytest's own warnings were already configured, so pytest's internal warning mechanisms never has a chance of "seeing" your filter.

I suggest this (untested):

def raw_client(request):
    return RequestsClient()

def test_oauth_error(raw_client, oauth_error):
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        resp = raw_client.get('https://testserver/auth/obtain-token', params={'code': '123'})
        assert resp.status_code == 400, resp.json()

Yea, but i whant to disable warnings explicit, not for all. Your case can be rewritten by mark:

And this why i expect applymark will work fine

adammrozik commented 3 years ago

Unlocking this subject, as I have similar issue.

I have a custom pytest plugin which creates infrastructure, which I mark with @infra(name ='postgres'). However, I want to skip tests if the creation of the infrastructure fails.

Right now I cannot do it, because if I do applymarkers or add_marker inside a fixture, it is already too late. Is there a way to do it?