pythad / nider

Python package to add text to images, textures and different backgrounds
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Update pillow to 7.2.0 #214

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

This PR updates Pillow from 6.0.0 to 7.2.0.

Changelog ### 7.2.0 ``` ------------------ - Do not convert I;16 images when showing PNGs 4744 [radarhere] - Fixed ICNS file pointer saving 4741 [radarhere] - Fixed loading non-RGBA mode APNGs with dispose background 4742 [radarhere] - Deprecated _showxv 4714 [radarhere] - Deprecate"...") 4646 [nulano, hugovk, radarhere] - Updated JPEG magic number 4707 [Cykooz, radarhere] - Change STRIPBYTECOUNTS to LONG if necessary when saving 4626 [radarhere, hugovk] - Write JFIF header when saving JPEG 4639 [radarhere] - Replaced tiff_jpeg with jpeg compression when saving TIFF images 4627 [radarhere] - Writing TIFF tags: improved BYTE, added UNDEFINED 4605 [radarhere] - Consider transparency when pasting text on an RGBA image 4566 [radarhere] - Added method argument to single frame WebP saving 4547 [radarhere] - Use ImageFileDirectory_v2 in Image.Exif 4637 [radarhere] - Corrected reading EXIF metadata without prefix 4677 [radarhere] - Fixed drawing a jointed line with a sequence of numeric values 4580 [radarhere] - Added support for 1-D NumPy arrays 4608 [radarhere] - Parse orientation from XMP tags 4560 [radarhere] - Speed up text layout by not rendering glyphs 4652 [nulano] - Fixed ZeroDivisionError in Image.thumbnail 4625 [radarhere] - Replaced TiffImagePlugin DEBUG with logging 4550 [radarhere] - Fix repeatedly loading .gbr 4620 [ElinksFr, radarhere] - JPEG: Truncate icclist instead of setting to None 4613 [homm] - Fixes default offset for Exif 4594 [rodrigob, radarhere] - Fixed bug when unpickling TIFF images 4565 [radarhere] - Fix pickling WebP 4561 [hugovk, radarhere] - Replace IOError and WindowsError aliases with OSError 4536 [hugovk, radarhere] ``` ### 7.1.2 ``` ------------------ - Raise an EOFError when seeking too far in PNG 4528 [radarhere] ``` ### 7.1.1 ``` ------------------ - Fix regression seeking and telling PNGs 4512 4514 [hugovk, radarhere] ``` ### 7.1.0 ``` ------------------ - Fix multiple OOB reads in FLI decoding 4503 [wiredfool] - Fix buffer overflow in SGI-RLE decoding 4504 [wiredfool, hugovk] - Fix bounds overflow in JPEG 2000 decoding 4505 [wiredfool] - Fix bounds overflow in PCX decoding 4506 [wiredfool] - Fix 2 buffer overflows in TIFF decoding 4507 [wiredfool] - Add APNG support 4243 [pmrowla, radarhere, hugovk] - ImageGrab.grab() for Linux with XCB 4260 [nulano, radarhere] - Added three new channel operations 4230 [dwastberg, radarhere] - Prevent masking of Image reduce method in Jpeg2KImagePlugin 4474 [radarhere, homm] - Added reading of earlier ImageMagick PNG EXIF data 4471 [radarhere] - Fixed endian handling for I;16 getextrema 4457 [radarhere] - Release buffer if function returns prematurely 4381 [radarhere] - Add JPEG comment to info dictionary 4455 [radarhere] - Fix size calculation of Image.thumbnail() 4404 [orlnub123] - Fixed stroke on FreeType < 2.9 4401 [radarhere] - If present, only use alpha channel for bounding box 4454 [radarhere] - Warn if an unknown feature is passed to features.check() 4438 [jdufresne] - Fix Name field length when saving IM images 4424 [hugovk, radarhere] - Allow saving of zero quality JPEG images 4440 [radarhere] - Allow explicit zero width to hide outline 4334 [radarhere] - Change ContainerIO return type to match file object mode 4297 [jdufresne, radarhere] - Only draw each polygon pixel once 4333 [radarhere] - Add support for shooting situation Exif IFD tags 4398 [alexagv] - Handle multiple and malformed JPEG APP13 markers 4370 [homm] - Depends: Update libwebp to 1.1.0 4342, libjpeg to 9d 4352 [radarhere] ``` ### 7.0.0 ``` ------------------ - Drop support for EOL Python 2.7 4109 [hugovk, radarhere, jdufresne] - Fix rounding error on RGB to L conversion 4320 [homm] - Exif writing fixes: Rational boundaries and signed/unsigned types 3980 [kkopachev, radarhere] - Allow loading of WMF images at a given DPI 4311 [radarhere] - Added reduce operation 4251 [homm] - Raise ValueError for io.StringIO in 4302 [radarhere, hugovk] - Fix thumbnail geometry when DCT scaling is used 4231 [homm, radarhere] - Use default DPI when exif provides invalid x_resolution 4147 [beipang2, radarhere] - Change default resize resampling filter from NEAREST to BICUBIC 4255 [homm] - Fixed black lines on upscaled images with the BOX filter 4278 [homm] - Better thumbnail aspect ratio preservation 4256 [homm] - Add La mode packing and unpacking 4248 [homm] - Include tests in coverage reports 4173 [hugovk] - Handle broken Photoshop data 4239 [radarhere] - Raise a specific exception if no data is found for an MPO frame 4240 [radarhere] - Fix Unicode support for PyPy 4145 [nulano] - Added UnidentifiedImageError 4182 [radarhere, hugovk] - Remove deprecated __version__ from plugins 4197 [hugovk, radarhere] - Fixed freeing unallocated pointer when resizing with height too large 4116 [radarhere] - Copy info in Image.transform 4128 [radarhere] - Corrected DdsImagePlugin setting info gamma 4171 [radarhere] - Depends: Update libtiff to 4.1.0 4195, Tk Tcl to 8.6.10 4229, libimagequant to 2.12.6 4318 [radarhere] - Improve handling of file resources 3577 [jdufresne] - Removed CI testing of Fedora 29 4165 [hugovk] - Added pypy3 to tox envlist 4137 [jdufresne] - Drop support for EOL PyQt4 and PySide 4108 [hugovk, radarhere] - Removed deprecated setting of TIFF image sizes 4114 [radarhere] - Removed deprecated PILLOW_VERSION 4107 [hugovk] - Changed default frombuffer raw decoder args 1730 [radarhere] ``` ### 6.2.2 ``` ------------------ - This is the last Pillow release to support Python 2.7 3642 - Overflow checks for realloc for tiff decoding. CVE-2020-5310 [wiredfool, radarhere] - Catch SGI buffer overrun. CVE-2020-5311 [radarhere] - Catch PCX P mode buffer overrun. CVE-2020-5312 [radarhere] - Catch FLI buffer overrun. CVE-2020-5313 [radarhere] - Raise an error for an invalid number of bands in FPX image. CVE-2019-19911 [wiredfool, radarhere] ``` ### 6.2.1 ``` ------------------ - Add support for Python 3.8 4141 [hugovk] ``` ### 6.2.0 ``` ------------------ - Catch buffer overruns 4104 [radarhere] - Initialize rows_per_strip when RowsPerStrip tag is missing 4034 [cgohlke, radarhere] - Raise error if TIFF dimension is a string 4103 [radarhere] - Added decompression bomb checks 4102 [radarhere] - Fix ImageGrab.grab DPI scaling on Windows 10 version 1607+ 4000 [nulano, radarhere] - Corrected negative seeks 4101 [radarhere] - Added argument to capture all screens on Windows 3950 [nulano, radarhere] - Updated warning to specify when Image.frombuffer defaults will change 4086 [radarhere] - Changed WindowsViewer format to PNG 4080 [radarhere] - Use TIFF orientation 4063 [radarhere] - Raise the same error if a truncated image is loaded a second time 3965 [radarhere] - Lazily use ImageFileDirectory_v1 values from Exif 4031 [radarhere] - Improved HSV conversion 4004 [radarhere] - Added text stroking 3978 [radarhere, hugovk] - No more deprecated bdist_wininst .exe installers 4029 [hugovk] - Do not allow floodfill to extend into negative coordinates 4017 [radarhere] - Fixed arc drawing bug for a non-whole number of degrees 4014 [radarhere] - Fix bug when merging identical images to GIF with a list of durations 4003 [djy0, radarhere] - Fix bug in TIFF loading of BufferedReader 3998 [chadawagner] - Added fallback for finding ld on MinGW Cygwin 4019 [radarhere] - Remove indirect dependencies from requirements.txt 3976 [hugovk] - Depends: Update libwebp to 1.0.3 3983, libimagequant to 2.12.5 3993, freetype to 2.10.1 3991 [radarhere] - Change overflow check to use PY_SSIZE_T_MAX 3964 [radarhere] - Report reason for pytest skips 3942 [hugovk] ``` ### 6.1.0 ``` ------------------ - Deprecate Image.__del__ 3929 [jdufresne] - Tiff: Add support for JPEG quality 3886 [olt] - Respect the PKG_CONFIG environment variable when building 3928 [chewi] - Use explicit memcpy() to avoid unaligned memory accesses 3225 [DerDakon] - Improve encoding of TIFF tags 3861 [olt] - Update Py_UNICODE to Py_UCS4 3780 [nulano] - Consider I;16 pixel size when drawing 3899 [radarhere] - Add TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT to blocklist 3926 [cgohlke, radarhere] - Create GIF deltas from background colour of GIF frames if disposal mode is 2 3708 [sircinnamon, radarhere] - Added ImageSequence all_frames 3778 [radarhere] - Use unsigned int to store TIFF IFD offsets 3923 [cgohlke] - Include CPPFLAGS when searching for libraries 3819 [jefferyto] - Updated TIFF tile descriptors to match current decoding functionality 3795 [dmnisson] - Added an ``image.entropy()`` method (second revision) 3608 [fish2000] - Pass the correct types to PyArg_ParseTuple 3880 [QuLogic] - Fixed crash when loading non-font bytes 3912 [radarhere] - Fix SPARC memory alignment issues in Pack/Unpack functions 3858 [kulikjak] - Added CMYK;16B and CMYK;16N unpackers 3913 [radarhere] - Fixed bugs in calculating text size 3864 [radarhere] - Add to output basic format and support information 3870 [jdufresne] - Added variation font support 3802 [radarhere] - Do not down-convert if image is LA when showing with PNG format 3869 [radarhere] - Improve handling of PSD frames 3759 [radarhere] - Improved ICO and ICNS loading 3897 [radarhere] - Changed Preview application path so that it is no longer static 3896 [radarhere] - Corrected ttb text positioning 3856 [radarhere] - Handle unexpected ICO image sizes 3836 [radarhere] - Fixed bits value for RGB;16N unpackers 3837 [kkopachev] - Travis CI: Add Fedora 30, remove Fedora 28 3821 [hugovk] - Added reading of CMYK;16L TIFF images 3817 [radarhere] - Fixed dimensions of 1-bit PDFs 3827 [radarhere] - Fixed opening mmap image through Path on Windows 3825 [radarhere] - Fixed ImageDraw arc gaps 3824 [radarhere] - Expand GIF to include frames with extents outside the image size 3822 [radarhere] - Fixed ImageTk getimage 3814 [radarhere] - Fixed bug in decoding large images 3791 [radarhere] - Fixed reading APP13 marker without Photoshop data 3771 [radarhere] - Added option to include layered windows in ImageGrab.grab on Windows 3808 [radarhere] - Detect libimagequant when installed by pacman on MingW 3812 [radarhere] - Fixed raqm layout bug 3787 [radarhere] - Fixed loading font with non-Unicode path on Windows 3785 [radarhere] - Travis CI: Upgrade PyPy from 6.0.0 to 7.1.1 3783 [hugovk, johnthagen] - Depends: Updated openjpeg to 2.3.1 3794, raqm to 0.7.0 3877, libimagequant to 2.12.3 3889 [radarhere] - Fix numpy bool bug 3790 [radarhere] ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: