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US Daylight Time broke test_format_time and some doctests #992

Closed hroncok closed 1 year ago

hroncok commented 1 year ago
$ git rev-parse HEAD

$ tox -e py311
python  -m pytest --cov=babel --cov-report=xml:.coverage_cache/coverage.py311.xml
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.2, pytest-7.2.2, pluggy-1.0.0
cachedir: .tox/py311/.pytest_cache
rootdir: .../babel, configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: cov-4.0.0
collected 4900 items

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
______________________ [doctest] babel.dates.format_time _______________________
770     what a given time would translate to in a different timezone without
771     information about whether daylight savings time is in effect or not. This
772     means that time values are left as-is, and the value of the `tzinfo`
773     parameter is only used to display the timezone name if needed:
775     >>> t = time(15, 30)
776     >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=get_timezone('Europe/Paris'),
777     ...             locale='fr_FR')
778     u'15:30:00 heure normale d\u2019Europe centrale'
779     >>> format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=get_timezone('US/Eastern'),
    u'3:30:00\u202fPM Eastern Standard Time'
    '3:30:00\u202fPM Eastern Daylight Time'

.../babel/babel/ DocTestFailure
___________________ [doctest] babel.dates.get_timezone_name ____________________
536 Return the localized display name for the given timezone. The timezone
537     may be specified using a ``datetime`` or `tzinfo` object.
539     >>> from datetime import time
540     >>> dt = time(15, 30, tzinfo=get_timezone('America/Los_Angeles'))
541     >>> get_timezone_name(dt, locale='en_US')
    u'Pacific Standard Time'
    'Pacific Daylight Time'

.../babel/babel/ DocTestFailure
_____________________ test_format_time[zoneinfo.ZoneInfo] ______________________

timezone_getter = <class 'zoneinfo.ZoneInfo'>

    def test_format_time(timezone_getter):
        t = time(15, 30)
        assert dates.format_time(t, locale='en_US') == '3:30:00\u202fPM'
        assert dates.format_time(t, format='short', locale='de_DE') == '15:30'

        assert (dates.format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a", locale='en') ==
                "03 o'clock PM")

        paris = timezone_getter('Europe/Paris')
        eastern = timezone_getter('US/Eastern')

        t = _localize(paris, datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30))
        fr = dates.format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=paris, locale='fr_FR')
        assert fr == '15:30:00 heure d’été d’Europe centrale'

        custom = dates.format_time(t, "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz", tzinfo=eastern, locale='en')
        assert custom == "09 o'clock AM, Eastern Daylight Time"

        t = time(15, 30)
        paris = dates.format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=paris, locale='fr_FR')
        assert paris == '15:30:00 heure normale d’Europe centrale'

        us_east = dates.format_time(t, format='full', tzinfo=eastern, locale='en_US')
>       assert us_east == '3:30:00\u202fPM Eastern Standard Time'
E       AssertionError: assert '3:30:00\u202...Daylight Time' == '3:30:00\u202...Standard Time'
E         - 3:30:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
E         ?                    ^ ------
E         + 3:30:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
E         ?                    ^^^^^^^

tests/ AssertionError


=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED babel/
FAILED babel/
FAILED tests/[zoneinfo.ZoneInfo] - AssertionEr...
================= 3 failed, 4041 passed, 856 skipped in 9.18s ==================
make: *** [Makefile:2: test] Error 1
ERROR: InvocationError for command /usr/bin/make clean-cldr test (exited with code 2)
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
ERROR:   py311: commands failed
jun66j5 commented 1 year ago

The same issue of #988. I'd suggest to search open and closed issues before submitting new issue.

hroncok commented 1 year ago

My apologies, I accidentally looked over open Pull Requests insted of Issues.