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Make `bot-var` and `cogs` tags (mainly for discord-bots channel) #113

Closed NIRDERIi closed 2 months ago

NIRDERIi commented 2 years ago

Many people ask a lot of times how to access some variable through all the files they have, and we have to explain many times what is a bot-var and how to use it, a tag that we can show can be a real help in #discord-bots channel, like how to use bot vars in cogs and why to use it anyway About the cogs, also this is for the discord-bots channel, which is a was to organize your code, also about this topic many people ask, and the responses are ofc not enough, a tag could also be very useful.

NIRDERIi commented 2 years ago

Tho even some pinned message could be helpful, but I am not sure what is for a better suggesion.

GDWR commented 1 year ago


it seems like we already have a botvar tag now. This can be viewed using !botvar and the content is screenshotted below. image

It seems to have made its way into the tag list here


I'd expect linking to the documentation for cogs to be helpful to a user who wants to find out more, namely Cog Quickstart. A brief description of what they offer and a link to this page could be created as a tag.

My suggestion would be along the lines of (which is practically the brief they give here) :


View Raw
[]( offers a cogs framework to organize your commands, listeners, and state into reusable classes that can be loaded and unloaded during runtime. An example of a cog is shown below: ```py class Greetings(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot self._last_member = None @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member): channel = member.guild.system_channel if channel is not None: await channel.send(f'Welcome {member.mention}.') @commands.command() async def hello(self, ctx, *, member: discord.Member = None): """Says hello""" member = member or if self._last_member is None or != await ctx.send(f'Hello {}~') else: await ctx.send(f'Hello {}... This feels familiar.') self._last_member = member ``` To learn more, [see the docs](

Do you think this content would be ample? and/or do you have an idea of what the cogs tag should look like or include?

fisher60 commented 1 year ago

I agree that cogs is an important and likely topic on Pydis, but I have doubts that we could provide much additional help over the cog docs provided by Typically, a tag would cover some additional information and context than what might be provided in the docs for that topic. Therefore, I do not think the cogs tag will be much help.

wookie184 commented 2 months ago

I also agree that linking the docs would be better here, as cogs are quite a broad topic. I'll close this, though a new issue can be opened if a tag for a specific aspect of cogs would be useful.