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New tag suggestion #124

Closed Diabolical5777 closed 2 years ago

Diabolical5777 commented 2 years ago

Tag Name- VPS The tag covers what is a VPS and some examples of good ones Tag content: If you need to run your bot 24/7 (with no downtime), you should consider one a cheap VPS. The following is a list of recommended services that many people on the server have used. They are reliable and good value for money. Their specs should be sufficient for running Discord bots.

If you would rather not pay for a hosting service, consider one of the following options: Self-hosting: Any modern hardware should be sufficient for running a bot, as long as you're not working under ridiculous conditions like less than 1GB of RAM. An old computer you have could be suitable and a Raspberry Pi (any model, except perhaps one of the particularly less powerful ones) can also run a bot.

Free hosting: There is no good or reliable free method for VPS hosting It is highly suggested not to use services like Heroku or There are a number of problems with them which make them highly unreliable.

swfarnsworth commented 2 years ago

I believe we have a pin to this effect in the discord-bots channel.

Diabolical5777 commented 2 years ago

I see, yeah there is indeed one, but this is more informative in my opinion.

swfarnsworth commented 2 years ago

I've pinned a variation of this in the discord-bots channel. Thank you for the suggestion!