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Resource request to add build-your-own-x and project-based-learning #184

Open AbooMinister25 opened 2 years ago

AbooMinister25 commented 2 years ago

Resource type




Where can the resource be found?,

What sort of content is in the resource? What areas of Python does it cover?

Both of these github repositories list a lot of project ideas on various topics, as well as tutorials to occompany them. They're both very extensive, and although the projects aren't exclusively for python, there are still a lot that are.

Please give any additional information about the resource you think is worth including, as well as any potential limitations

No response

minalike commented 1 year ago

The first build-your-own-x resource is actually currently linked on Ned's Kindling page, though I don't know if that's reason to add it or not.

We can add the second Project Based Learning resource, linked directly to the Python section.

AbooMinister25 commented 1 year ago

The first build-your-own-x resource is actually currently linked on Ned's Kindling page, though I don't know if that's reason to add it or not.

We can add the second Project Based Learning resource, linked directly to the Python section.

For build-your-own-x, yeah, that's fair, it is already listed on the kindling page. The benefit of adding it would just be removing a layer of indirection.