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Resource Suggestion: Python Graph Gallery #210

Closed etrotta closed 1 year ago

etrotta commented 2 years ago

Resource name Python Graph Gallery

Resource location\

Payment type\ Free (Open Source 0BSD)

Why it should be included\ It contains information about multiple types of graphs and charts available in popular graphing libraries, and some General Knowledge about graphing.

Potential limitations\ Some of the Graph examples are specific to one or two specific libraries, but it still provides a single-stop summary for what you can do with multiple types of graphs - and for most part, you can look up "{library I'm using} + {name of the chart}" to find how to replicate it in the one you're using.

minalike commented 1 year ago

While the barrage of ads is unpleasant, the content seems interesting and useful for those wanting to explore what these plotting libraries are capable of. I'd be in favor of adding it, especially also because I don't believe we currently have any competing similar resources.

I think it would be a good candidate for the Data Science topic.