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Add `!nedbat` tag to link to Ned's talk on names in Python #220

Open shenanigansd opened 1 year ago

shenanigansd commented 1 year ago

We would like to add a nedbat tag that embeds Ned Batchelder's "Facts and Myths about Python names and values" PyCon 2015 talk. Video is here:

wookie184 commented 1 year ago

We already have a tag that links to that talk:

3ddP commented 1 year ago

can it be added as an alias? ;(

ChrisLovering commented 1 year ago

It doesn't quite seem appropriate to have a command with Ned's name that links to a tag semi-related to a talk he gave 8 years ago.

I'd expect a nedbat command describe who Ned is, and maybe link to some of the content they have produced, which also doesn't seem appropriate to do for one person in isolation.

A tag is supposed to quickly describe a concept and link to further reading, which is why we often link to Ned's content as they are very well written/spoken.

janine9vn commented 1 year ago

The names tag is quite long and honestly includes a bit too much information to be useful. I think a !names-and-values tag that has a 2 sentence summary and a non-suppressed link to Ned's video would be much better. Alternatively, we could rework the names tag a bit to be more usable and approachable.

wookie184 commented 1 year ago

The names tag is quite long and honestly includes a bit too much information to be useful. I think a !names-and-values tag that has a 2 sentence summary and a non-suppressed link to Ned's video would be much better. Alternatively, we could rework the names tag a bit to be more usable and approachable.

Either/both of those sound good to me.