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Python family snakes latin names for help channel name #68

Closed ks129 closed 3 years ago

ks129 commented 3 years ago

Another idea for pool of help channel names: Pythonidae (Pythons) Latin names.

Here is pool that I collected:

  1. an-childreni
  2. an-maculosa
  3. an-perthensis
  4. an-stimsoni
  5. ap-papuana
  6. as-melanocephalus
  7. as-ramsayi
  8. bo-albertisii
  9. bo-biakensis
  10. bo-boa
  11. bo-fredparkeri
  12. bo-huonensis
  13. bo-meridionalis
  14. bo-montanus
  15. li-fuscus
  16. li-mackloti
  17. li-olivaceus
  18. ma-reticulatus
  19. ma-timoriensis
  20. py-molurus
  21. py-sebae
  22. py-regius
  23. py-bivittatus
  24. py-curtus
  25. py-breitensteini
  26. py-anchietae
  27. py-brongersmai
  28. py-kyaiktiyo
  29. py-europaeus
  30. mo-amethistina
  31. mo-bredli
  32. mo-azurea
  33. mo-carinata
  34. mo-oenpelliensis
  35. mo-spilota
  36. mo-viridis
  37. mo-riversleighensis
  38. si-boeleni
  39. si-clastolepis
  40. si-kinghorni
  41. si-nauta
  42. si-oenpelliensis
  43. si-tracyae

Prefixes is short versions of generas because writing full version will not look good in mobile. Used Wikipedia to create this list. Not all Pythonidae names is included here and it's possible to extend this list in future.

Akarys42 commented 3 years ago

That’s a cool idea, although maybe without the prefix, it could be pretty noisy with the help- prefix. Either way, I like this!

Although, we currently have more than 32 channels, so this list isn’t long enough.

ks129 commented 3 years ago

No problem, I can extend it I think up to 40 names. Removing prefix will make names incorrect, as Latin names is like: Morelia bredliand I just made first part shorter.

ks129 commented 3 years ago

Extended list, but left some really similar names out.

swfarnsworth commented 3 years ago

I really like Latin, but names of elements are more familiar than the names of species. I think people are going to look at the Latin names, glaze over, and have trouble remembering which help channel is which. For example, I don't think anyone is going to read mo-riversleighensis and have an idea of what that sounds like.

ks129 commented 3 years ago

@swfarnsworth We discussed about prefixes in #meta and decided to leave them out. I also left out similar names and as they are pretty different, user should be able to remember enough of channel name to identify.

SebastiaanZ commented 3 years ago

The general consensus in the staff meeting was that these names would not be more memorable than the names we currently. However, not everyone is happy with the memorability of the current names as well, but we don't have a solid consensus for an alternative set of names at the moment. This is something we need to think about before rushing in an alternative.

jb3 commented 3 years ago

We've got a plan for this internally which we'll be converting into issues on the necessary repositories in the coming months.