python-discord / sir-lancebot

A Discord bot started as a community project for Hacktoberfest 2018, later evolved to an introductory project for aspiring new developers starting out with open source development.
MIT License
240 stars 240 forks source link

Text Based Adventure #238

Open lemonsaurus opened 5 years ago

lemonsaurus commented 5 years ago

Slay the dragon! Implement an old-school text-based adventure for our bot!

You can write the adventure any way you want, and pick any theme you want, no dragons required! The only hard requirement is that you must implement this in a way that isn't super noisy. That means, we can't have the bot posting dozens of messages every time you play a game.

An example of an implementation that isn't very noisy would be that the text is posted in a single embed that gets updated whenever the game progresses. Player input could happen through emote reactions rather than having the player typing. That would contain the entire game in a single message, rather than requiring tons of messages to be posted from either the bot or the player.

If you'd like to tackle this with a friend, please feel free to!

Implementation details

Additional information

A5rocks commented 5 years ago

Quick question: Could it be a rogue-like? (Just asking, I don't really think I could do this)

Chlorophytus commented 5 years ago

Putting some notes down here: I have worked with recursive divide/etc. maze generation algorithms in an obscure game engine, but not with Python.

I was also thinking you can use the arrow indicators to move around, in reactions.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I'd love to give this a shot!

SebastiaanZ commented 5 years ago

There are multiple people that have expressed interest in this issue, maybe we can work out a collaboration? I know Patrol was looking for someone to collaborate with for this issue on server, but they haven't commented here on the issue yet.

Edit: I've pinged Patrol in the seasonalbot-chat channel; let's hope they'll join the conversation here, too.

imPatrol commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have arrived Sebastian

SebastiaanZ commented 5 years ago

Hi! You mentioned on server yesterday that you want to take a shot at this, but would really like to work together with someone. Maybe you and @glowingrunes can work something out for that?

imPatrol commented 5 years ago

Yeah! of course, I would just need his discord so we can communicate better

SebastiaanZ commented 5 years ago

@imPatrol and @glowingrunes are going to collaborate on this. I'll mark it as "in progress".

ghost commented 5 years ago

@imPatrol has told me that he no longer wants to collaborate on this project, so I'll be working alone on this for the moment. I'm open to working with someone new, but in the meantime I'll just be doing my own thing.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hello! It's been a while so I thought I'd give you a quick progress update. I've been collaborating with @Chlorophytus on this. Between us, we haven't had much time to work on it, but so far we've made the room navigation and an inventory system. We've got a long way to go, but we have a team Trello board with our remaining tasks on. I'll report back once we hit the next milestone.

ChrisGallardo commented 3 years ago

How many choices should the user make?

Kronifer commented 3 years ago

I would be interested in taking this!

Kronifer commented 3 years ago

@Xithrius is it ok if I take this one?

Kronifer commented 3 years ago

Hi @Xithrius , please add @MrKomodoDragon to the issue, were doing this together

Xithrius commented 3 years ago

Alright. Good luck on development! Remember, if you have any questions, feel free to post in #dev-contrib.

Xithrius commented 3 years ago

They will have to participate in this issue if you want me to assign them.

MrKomodoDragon commented 3 years ago


Xithrius commented 3 years ago

@MrKomodoDragon @Kronifer what's your status on this feature?

Kronifer commented 3 years ago

I don't think it's happening at the moment