python-fedex-devs / python-fedex

A light wrapper around FedEx's SOAP API.
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Is there anybody also have tracking problem with this tracking request #110

Open pumaatlarge opened 5 years ago

pumaatlarge commented 5 years ago

I keep getting errors as below, and FedEx API team doesn't know what's going on. The tracking number in the example(781820562774) works, but all my other real tracking numbers got the failure while they can be tracked on

Notification Code: 7025 Notification Message: Sorry, we are unable to process your tracking request. Please retry later, or contact Customer Service at 1.800.Go.FedEx(R) 800.463.3339.

mkfiddle commented 5 years ago

@pumaatlarge Are you sure you're using the correct carriercode? I think by default it's set to Fedex Express service, wheras you are probably using a different service. For example, I had Fedex Ground so I had to use

track.SelectionDetails.CarrierCode = "FDXG"

in order to get rid of that error.

You can find reference to the various service and their corresponding codes on page 20 of this PDF

pumaatlarge commented 5 years ago

@mkfiddle Thank you so much. I can not believe that I used track.CarrierCode='FDXG' but forgot to include the SelectionDetails. I spent a couple of hours with different FedEx tech support representative and have no clue. It's weird though the example tracking number works on track.CarrierCode='FDXG"

Helix31522 commented 5 years ago

@mkfiddle, I have a question that I hope you can help with.

Please see the code below and the response below that. I indicate that the tracking number is Express (FDXE), but the api returns ground. Would you please take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks

` from fedex.config import FedexConfig CONFIG_OBJ = FedexConfig(key='mykey', password='mypassword', account_number='myaccount', meter_number='mymeter')

from import FedexTrackRequest

track = FedexTrackRequest(CONFIG_OBJ) tracking_num = '783822991457'

track.SelectionDetails.PackageIdentifier.Type = 'TRACKING_NUMBER_OR_DOORTAG' track.SelectionDetails.PackageIdentifier.Value = tracking_num track.SelectionDetails.CarrierCode = 'FDXE'

track.send_request() print(track.response)


(reply){ HighestSeverity = "SUCCESS" Notifications[] = (Notification){ Severity = "SUCCESS" Source = "trck" Code = "0" Message = "Request was successfully processed." LocalizedMessage = "Request was successfully processed." }, Version = (VersionId){ ServiceId = "trck" Major = 10 Intermediate = 0 Minor = 0 } CompletedTrackDetails[] = (CompletedTrackDetail){ HighestSeverity = "SUCCESS" Notifications[] = (Notification){ Severity = "SUCCESS" Source = "trck" Code = "0" Message = "Request was successfully processed." LocalizedMessage = "Request was successfully processed." }, DuplicateWaybill = False MoreData = False TrackDetailsCount = 0 TrackDetails[] = (TrackDetail){ Notification = (Notification){ Severity = "FAILURE" Source = "trck" Code = "7025" Message = "Sorry, we are unable to process your tracking request. Please retry later, or contact Customer Service at 1.800.Go.FedEx(R) 800.463.3339." LocalizedMessage = "Sorry, we are unable to process your tracking request. Please retry later, or contact Customer Service at 1.800.Go.FedEx(R) 800.463.3339." } TrackingNumber = "783822991457" TrackingNumberUniqueIdentifier = "12018~783822991457~FDEG" StatusDetail = (TrackStatusDetail){ Location = (Address){ Residential = False } } CarrierCode = "FDXG" OperatingCompanyOrCarrierDescription = "FedEx Ground" Service = (TrackServiceDescriptionDetail){ Type = "FEDEX_GROUND" } PackageSequenceNumber = 0 PackageCount = 0 ShipTimestamp = 2018-11-16 00:00:00 DeliveryAttempts = 0 TotalUniqueAddressCountInConsolidation = 0 DeliveryOptionEligibilityDetails[] = (DeliveryOptionEligibilityDetail){ Option = "INDIRECT_SIGNATURE_RELEASE" Eligibility = "INELIGIBLE" }, (DeliveryOptionEligibilityDetail){ Option = "REDIRECT_TO_HOLD_AT_LOCATION" Eligibility = "INELIGIBLE" }, (DeliveryOptionEligibilityDetail){ Option = "REROUTE" Eligibility = "INELIGIBLE" }, (DeliveryOptionEligibilityDetail){ Option = "RESCHEDULE" Eligibility = "INELIGIBLE" }, }, }, }

radzhome commented 4 years ago

Was this ever resolved?

lilej7176 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for building!

I am also having issues with changing the carrier code. When I make an edit to FedEx SmartPost (“FDXS”), my query errors out. It states that aids encountered an error validating your data against this service. That “FDXS” is not a valid facet.

I’ve only added the following line to the script

track.SelectionDetails.CarrierCode = ‘FDXS’

amreshgiri-coditas commented 3 years ago

This should be clearly mentioned somewhere in the documentation as I faced this same issue which got solved only after seeing this post :(

dmellstrom commented 3 years ago

@lilej7176 I was also unable to track FDXS (SmartPost) shipments, even though such requests are supported through FedEx's Web Services API. I ended up ignoring this project and building SOAP requests myself because I didn't feel like working around this issue.

ssuckow commented 3 years ago

I was running into the same issue. This discussion put me on the right track and just has one error. I was able to get it to work using FXSP instead of FDXS. track.SelectionDetails.CarrierCode = 'FXSP'

adeanadean commented 1 year ago

I am trying to create a shipment tracking using fedex api but I am unsure how to pip install the appropriate package/library. It looks like the pip install fedex won't work for anyone. Any ideas how to make this possible?