The script creates a Flask web server that serves an HTML page (index.html) where users can generate color palettes.
The generate_color_palette() function in generates a list of random hexadecimal colors using the random module.
The front-end (index.html) uses a form to capture the user's input for the number of colors, and the results are displayed using a simple CSS grid for visualization.
Each color is displayed as a square with its corresponding hex code.
Issue no. - #887
[x] This issue was assigned to me.
[x] One Change in one Pull Request
[x] My file is in proper folder (Name of folder should be in lowercase with no space in between) (E.g. meet_schedular)
[x] I am following clean code and Documentation and my code is well linted with flake8.
[x] I have added and requirements.txt (Include version numbers too e.g. pandas==0.0.1) with my script
Pull Request
Color Palette Generator -
Brief about script
Issue no. - #887
Issue was assigned to me by @pawangeek