python-hyper / hyper

HTTP/2 for Python.
MIT License
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Receive ssl errors from `` #345

Open dozer47528 opened 7 years ago

dozer47528 commented 7 years ago

One is [('SSL routines', 'ssl3_write_pending', 'bad write retry')] in Another one is [('SSL routines', 'ssl3_write_bytes', 'bad length')] in

I will reuse the HTTPConnection to send lots requests.

And after few mins, I will receive these errors.

In my code, I won't read the response, but I will close the stream like this:

stream_id = conn.request('POST', url, body=body)
Lukasa commented 7 years ago

How did you install hyper?

dozer47528 commented 7 years ago


pip install hyper

My python version is 2.7.6

And here is my package list:

amqp (1.4.9) anyjson (0.3.3) apt-xapian-index (0.45) arrow (0.10.0) asn1crypto (0.22.0) attrs (17.2.0) Babel (2.3.4) backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0) billiard ( boto (2.32.1) boto3 (1.4.2) botocore (1.4.88) cachetools (2.0.1) celery (3.1.25) cffi (1.10.0) chardet (2.0.1) Cheetah (2.4.4) clarifai (2.0.31) click (6.7) cloud-init (0.7.5) colorama (0.2.5) configobj (4.7.2) configparser (3.5.0) contextlib2 (0.5.3) crcmod (1.7) cronex (0.1.0) cryptography (2.0.3) debtcollector (1.10.0) decorator (4.0.9) docutils (0.13.1) elasticsearch (5.3.0) elasticsearch-dsl (2.1.0) enum34 (1.1.6) filelock (2.0.6) firebase-admin (2.2.0) Flask (0.12) funcsigs (1.0.2) functools32 (3.2.3.post2) future (0.15.2) futures (3.0.5) google-api-python-client (1.5.5) google-auth (1.0.2) google-cloud-core (0.26.0) google-cloud-storage (1.3.2) google-resumable-media (0.2.3) googleapis-common-protos (1.5.2) h2 (2.6.2) hpack (3.0.0) html5lib (0.999) httplib2 (0.9.2) hyper (0.7.0) hyperframe (3.2.0) idna (2.6) ip-associations-python-novaclient-ext (0.2) ipaddress (1.0.18) ipython (4.2.0) ipython-genutils (0.1.0) iso8601 (0.1.11) itsdangerous (0.24) Jinja2 (2.9.5) jmespath (0.9.0) jsonpatch (1.3) jsonpointer (1.0) jsonschema (2.5.1) keyring (10.1) keystoneauth1 (2.16.0) kombu (3.0.37) Landscape-Client (14.12) langid (1.1.6) MarkupSafe (1.0) mock (2.0.0) monotonic (1.2) msgpack-python (0.4.8) MySQL-python (1.2.5) netaddr (0.7.18) netifaces (0.10.5) newrelic ( numpy (1.13.1) oauth (1.0.1) oauth2client (4.0.0) os-diskconfig-python-novaclient-ext (0.1.3) os-networksv2-python-novaclient-ext (0.26) os-virtual-interfacesv2-python-novaclient-ext (0.20) oslo.config (3.21.0) oslo.i18n (3.11.0) oslo.serialization (2.15.0) oslo.utils (3.21.0) oss2 (2.2.2) PAM (0.4.2) pathlib2 (2.1.0) pbr (1.10.0) pexpect (4.1.0) phonenumbers (8.4.2) pickleshare (0.7.2) PIL (1.1.7) Pillow (2.9.0) pip (8.1.2) positional (1.1.1) prettytable (0.7.2) prometheus-client (0.0.19) protobuf (3.4.0) ptyprocess (0.5.1) pyapns (0.4.1) pyasn1 (0.1.9) pyasn1-modules (0.0.8) pycparser (2.18) pycrypto (2.6.1) pycurl (7.19.3) pyOpenSSL (17.2.0) pyparsing (2.1.10) pyrax (1.9.8) pyserial (2.6) python-apt ( python-dateutil (2.5.3) python-debian (0.1.21-nmu2ubuntu2) python-keystoneclient (3.8.0) python-novaclient (2.27.0) pytz (2017.2) PyYAML (3.10) rackspace-auth-openstack (1.3) rackspace-novaclient (2.1) raven (5.19.0) rax-default-network-flags-python-novaclient-ext (0.4.0) rax-scheduled-images-python-novaclient-ext (0.3.1) redis (2.10.3) requests (2.13.0) rfc3986 (0.4.1) rsa (3.4.2) s3transfer (0.1.10) SecretStorage (2.3.1) service-identity (17.0.0) setuptools (21.2.1) simplegeneric (0.8.1) simplejson (3.6.3) six (1.10.0) SQLAlchemy (1.0.13) ssh-import-id (3.21) stevedore (1.19.1) tenacity (4.4.0) threadpool (1.2.7) traitlets (4.2.1) Twisted (14.0.2) Twisted-Core (13.2.0) Twisted-Names (13.2.0) Twisted-Web (13.2.0) twitter-text-py (2.0.2) Unidecode (0.4.17) uritemplate (3.0.0) urllib3 (1.20) uWSGI ( vine (1.1.3) Werkzeug (0.11.10) wheel (0.24.0) wrapt (1.10.8) zope.interface (4.0.5)