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Pillow stickers & domain #4361

Closed aclark4life closed 4 years ago

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

Attention world and @python-pillow/pillow-team,

I have long longed for Pillow stickers, and thanks to the generosity of Tidelift and logistical assistance from @brennaheaps, looks like 2020 will be the year we finally get them. Roughly, my vision is 500 of the following design purchased from StickerMule and 100 shipped to each of the 5 core developers (@homm included, though he recently stepped away from Tidelift payroll):


The deadline for submitting the order will be arbitrarily set to coincide with the next Pillow release, with delivery in the hands of core developers no later than mid-year (at which point they can distribute them at local events, PyCon, etc.)

To accomplish this, we'll need:

Thanks all!! Looking forward delivering awesome Pillow stickers to core developers and subsequently the world.

hugovk commented 4 years ago

Sounds good!

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

I still hope for one like this one:


Metallicow commented 4 years ago

I never knew imagery on stickers was so important until now lol! What are we talking about... like something to slap on a laptop or a bumper sticker or at the head of your bed or something....? What is the intended use for the stickers I mean...

hugovk commented 4 years ago

They're commonly used for laptops, but you can of course stick them anywhere.

Hexagonal stickers allow for tessellation.

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

That is kinda neat. I knew a 1 guy that did that type of sticker graffiti to his fridge. Other than that usually children get in trouble with them around halloween and you'll find a ton of em plastered everywhere the next day.

In the printshop usually magnets as giveouts was more popular, something for your fridge from the local pizza joint that had a phone number on it, tho they cost more. Usually it is a advertising tax writeoff at the end of the year. One guy did vinyl for cars and windows and such, tho I never really considered that type of stuff "stickers". Usually you will see bands put them on their instrument cases also sometimes. and sometimes in a holiday card isle at the store.

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

I’d say its at least as important as the color of the bike shed.

Sticker covered laptops are a thing at open source conferences, we need to keep up appearances or we’ll have a sticker gap.

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

OK so maybe we'll do 50 hexagon + 50 custom * 5 developers.

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

I'd ask you to send me a proof, but, I'd guess you already stuck them on your laptop to test :)~

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

There needs to be rigorous testing -- we need to ensure compatibility with pre-butterfly keyboard macs.

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

OK @brennaheaps is working on some test prints so should be able to paste both designs shortly. Also thanks @brennaheaps & Tidelift for 3 years of domain renewal!

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

Yes, tho the testing comment was a sorta a joke, really a few stickers should be tested on some sort of surface and removed. Preferable recorded. This not only shows the quality of the glue for the sticker, but if someone might need to remove a sticker(or graffiti!) and best method of doing so.

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

pip install pillow-sticker

...for example...

brennaheaps commented 4 years ago

Hi there @python-pillow/pillow-team!

The sample stickers are in and a few of each are on their way to @aclark4life for testing. Here's some photos and details:

Version 1: logo only


Size: 2.97" x 3"

Version 2: logo and project name (no drop shadow)


Size: 5" x 1.64"

Version 3: logo and project name (drop shadow)


Size: 5" x 1.95"

...and here's a comparison shot:


aclark4life commented 4 years ago

Awesome!! Thanks for that. I’d say put the logo only sticker inside a hexagon to make @wiredfool happy and let me get back to you on the other one (it’s close)

aclark4life commented 4 years ago


aclark4life commented 4 years ago

FYI Looks like humans on Twitter prefer Version 2: logo and project name (no drop shadow), so that's a go.

I also kinda like Version 1: logo only but @wiredfool you prefer hexagon right? If we put that logo-only inside a hex shape, maybe we can add text "" at the bottom (though I wouldn't copy the borders that the Python logos sticker has).

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

Also thanks again @al45tair, we're taking your "baby" to print!!

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

I think those are quite large compared to other stickers, although measuring them, the other stickers might be bigger than I’d thought. 18430A13-E442-4662-A739-B07E58CC7764 C1D42A7F-45A5-484E-B88D-65C78E17A656

brennaheaps commented 4 years ago

👋 friends! Just want to confirm the following before we move forward:

Version 1

Version 2

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

@brennaheaps I think sizing on both is fine, hexagon could probably white with some appropriate color text that says "pillow" or "". Thank you!!

brennaheaps commented 4 years ago

@aclark4life sounds good! I'll get Version 1 revised and post as soon as it's ready.

brennaheaps commented 4 years ago

👋 revisions! I worked with our amazing designer @justinsid and he came up with two options for a revised V1:



Please let us know your thoughts. Thanks!

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

I like how the gradient goes along with the images in the first sticker. I really think the dots in the <> makes both designs look odd.

Also the type seems cramped in both designs. python pillow on 2 lines I think would look better as far as typesetting the font. Ex: python on top and pillow on bottom.

... just my thoughts...

Edit: quick mockup with krita...


Something along these lines I think looks better. I'm guessing the font might be the python font for half of it and try to recreate the style for the pillow half. Try and keep the font/gradient similar to the hex style so to speak...

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

Actually I guess I'm already part of the sticker clan sorta... lol I just uncovered my first stickering on a laptop. Nothing special but it sends a message anyway. This laptop only has 1 sticker on it.(lame, I know... I'm a sticker noob) 320px-I_Voted_Sticker I think we all know where we get these free stickers lol

hugovk commented 4 years ago

Looks good! I prefer the gradient too, and I quite like the circles: they're eyes so these are snakes too :)

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

I like the gradient in the first one.

brennaheaps commented 4 years ago

Sounds like the gradient version is the winner but may require some font edits.

@aclark4life any additional feedback before we revise?

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

@brennaheaps Gradient looks good to me, and I think we should have text (only) at the bottom and make it look like the text in the other logo e.g.


I'd also be curious about a hexagon with just the logo + text and no side bars, in an attempt to not rip-off the PSF's design too much (copying "hexagon" is fair game, and they've approved our logo design already.)

Lastly, I had wanted to include the domain but not as much as I'd like the design to look really good 😄

Thanks as always!!

justinsid commented 4 years ago

Hello! 👋 I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm a designer working at Tidelift and I was happy that @brennaheaps asked me to help assist with this project. Thank you for all the feedback in regards to the new options above. I removed the side bars and brought in the original text logo. I think it looks simple and clean and lets the color and imagery in the logo mark speak for itself. I hope this is getting closer to what you envision!

Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 12 15 26 PM
aclark4life commented 4 years ago

@justinsid Welcome, thank you, and I love it! I suggest maybe another revision with the logo filling more of the hexagon and the text reduced to accommodate. Either that… or it's absolutely perfect as-is, and I'm not sure which yet. 😄

hugovk commented 4 years ago

One thing I just noticed, hexagonal laptop stickers tend to have sharp corners, so they tesselate (check a Google Images search).

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

Also, to make hexagons tessalate, they need to be the same size.

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

I still think #1 here: is the best to be a companion to the python hex sticker.

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

I'm OK with sizing in accordance with "standard hex sticker size" (whatever that is, smaller I guess) but I definitely don't want anything but the logo and text now, since if we copy the Python sticker logo design I'd feel obligated to track down the designer to get permission before printing up something so similar it can only be assumed to be a "design rip off". Alternatively if anyone else wants to find that designer and get them to approve our version, go for it.

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

I think @justinsid 4 design looks fine also, tho maybe using krita's wraparound mode and tweaking the offset might give a better preview of what a sheet might look like since default wraparound is rectangular... It appears the ones @brennaheaps posted have a grey border, so not sure if that is supposed to be actually grey or a material layer such as clear material then printed on... Obviously the blue edge is the vector/cnc instruction layer for whatever a sticker company would use for the production cutting machine. I'd guess whatever they use is like a industrial 4 color press and crikut cutter combined into one machine to minimize errors nowadays.

Not sure what the end file format you send off is, but the guy that wrote this open source nesting software is awesome. works real well if you have your own cnc machine/table and might for example want to cut something out of a piece of plywood, steel, lazercut plastics, etc. It's a life/material saver for his asking price of a $5+ donation. Just the material waste from most projects pays for itself with this one... !

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

I don't think you should worry too much about hex design. Its just some basic offsetting algorithms most any high-school kid should be able to do, tho it takes a bit to work them all together if you want smooth curves for example for more complex stuff like fonts. This is a basic cad patcher I wrote for SourceCoder. As far as the hex, it is just a circle algorithm. a hex has 6 points so start with that double it in two circles so you have 12 points, then basically calulate the subdivisions further out the smoother to the edge you might want. Calculating the first and last point in the 2 circles is important tho as the [1:-1] will have overlap and whether you are considering tiling or nesting various polygons is a more complicated option. spline_polygon if you dont have for example a tiling design, the last point will want to curve to what the logic would expect is the next shape or starting point of vertices. This might be where it starts to confuse some people, but normally the shop software/worker takes care of that before the file ends up in the machine. But overall the bits of simple logic combine into what most people would call a splined polygon basically.

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

These are probably the most important parts in recent years.... as far as how fast pi is calculated... Some folk have this goal to keep beating each other in the calulation of it all. ... personally I think tau is the answer.....

def CalculatePi_Chudnovsky(maxK=70, precision=1008, disp=1007):  # Parameter defaults chosen to gain 1000+ digits within a few seconds
    getcontext().prec = precision
    K, M, L, X, S = 6, 1, 13591409, 1, 13591409
    for k in range(1, maxK + 1):
        M = (K**3 - 16*K) * M // k**3
        L += 545140134
        X *= -262537412640768000
        S += Decimal(M * L) / X
        K += 12
    pi = 426880 * Decimal(10005).sqrt() / S
    pi = Decimal(str(pi)[:disp])  # Drop few digits of precision for accuracy
    # print("PI(maxK={} iterations, getcontext().prec={}, disp={} digits) =\n{}".format(maxK, precision, disp, pi))
    return pi

def CalculatePi_BBP(precision):
    getcontext().prec = precision
    return sum(1/Decimal(16)**k *
        (Decimal(4)/(8*k+1) -
         Decimal(2)/(8*k+4) -
         Decimal(1)/(8*k+5) -
         Decimal(1)/(8*k+6)) for k in range(precision))

These are the 2 competing pi algorithms in today's times.

justinsid commented 4 years ago

So taking a look at hex stickers with a simple Google image search I found this resource, I realized that the standard for these stickers listed on that site is to have the hexagon oriented with the vertex positioned at the top.


Looking at my last design and rotating the hexagon (see A) and comparing it side by side in reference to the original python hexagon sticker you posted above I was bothered by the logo not being centered in the hexagon. If I rotate just the hexagon (see B) and then recenter the text + logo back on the vertical axis I still think the whitespace surrounding isn't as pleasing visually as it was before.

Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 1 06 47 PM

So it got me thinking is there a way I could adjust the layout to get the logo + text balanced in a way that's feels more symmetrical? I mean if we're talking about tessellations it only felt right to try a version where the elements were balanced enough so the sticker could be rotated any way and still fit with other hexagonal stickers in a shared space. Sooo exploring a bit more I had one more idea that I thought I'd offer up…

Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 7 13 05 PM

I like the balance this option has to offer and appreciate that rotated on any axis this sticker could work when placed alongside others. As well I think it looks good next to the python sticker and pays homage to it with out feeling like it was "ripped" from the original artist. Also the gradient colors seemed pretty popular from the first round. I also included a grayscale version as another option, because why not? ;) I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts!

Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 7 20 28 PM
Metallicow commented 4 years ago

I like the () one in the comparison to the official. Maybe we can customize it a bit and sneak in a easter egg commit if the sticker machine runs python...

>>> from __future__ import pillow_sticker_4_life as sticker
>>> sticker(arg='!=')
>>> sticker()
>>> dict(sticker)
>>> list(sticker)
>>> print(sticker(walrus))
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    pillow := sticker.image
ValueError: invalid image class
>>> apply(sticker, laptop)
aclark4life commented 4 years ago

@justinsid ooo, OK I got it. Move "pillow" one side to the right and move "python" 3 sides to the left and we're done (I think?) Great job. (i.e. text at bottom but each word aligned to the 2 bottom edges not the x-axis.)

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

Also thanks @Metallicow for joining the sticker team and providing valuable feedback!! 😄

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

Resource for teachers/students/researchers/etc... This is an excellently written interactive tutorial to teach people how to make their own hex library.

Most times I see this stuff applied to tabletop games, but in your case, if the stickers come as singles the logic would be a tab bit different because a small offset is added for peeling instead of being a bleed.

justinsid commented 4 years ago

@aclark4life I adjusted the text around the hexagon and adjusted gradients around. Does this feel just that much closer to what you were thinking?

Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 10 27 27 AM
aclark4life commented 4 years ago

@justinsid Looks great! Not sure how others feel, but the only thing that doesn't look 100% right to me now is maybe the text should be the same font, and gray gradient color as the other logo e.g. #3A3A35 to #7A7670. (Either that or, since you rounded the text anyway, we could drop the "python" and center the text at the bottom; I like the idea of the two designs having similar design elements.)

justinsid commented 4 years ago

@aclark4life It should be the same font but I do have to admit I had to find a free bootleg version of the Flux the font used for the Python logo to make it work. I'm not sure if you or anyone has the official font to send over so I can typeset it in the sticker. But I'd be happy to change it back to the gray gradient color used in the first text mark.

al45tair commented 4 years ago

Hi all. It's been a while (for those who don't know, I drew the Pillow logo, which uses a couple of photos I took myself), but I do own a copy of the Flux font (which isn't that expensive… you really shouldn't use bootleg copies of fonts, and they'd be a lot cheaper if people weren't quite so keen on pinching them.)

I think the version used in the logo was bold, rather than the regular weight, which is probably why it doesn't look quite right.

I've had a go at replicating it, with the bold version of the font and with the text in grey (that's gray, for all you Americans ;-)). I've also used a slightly thicker arc to match the thicker stems on the font.

I don't know what the preferred format is for this. The previous image was a PNG, so that's what I've generated here. I can send a vector version to @justinsid if he'd like.

Pillow Hex

al45tair commented 4 years ago

I'll just add that I think @justinsid has done a really nice job here. I like the design; in particular, the arc using the colours from the images is a nice touch.

brennaheaps commented 4 years ago

👋 How is everyone feeling about this latest iteration? If this looks good I can send it to Sticker Mule for printing.

wiredfool commented 4 years ago

Looks good to me.

aclark4life commented 4 years ago

@brennaheaps It's a thing of beauty and I'm weeping silent tears … thank you and @al45tair and @justinsid and ship-away!