python-pillow / Pillow

Python Imaging Library (Fork)
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Help Pillow creator find job #7150

Closed aclark4life closed 9 months ago

aclark4life commented 1 year ago

Anyone mind if I advertise here for a new full time remote job?

As you may have noticed and has since been confirmed, my "science IT" job of 10 years at NIMH is tentatively set to wrap ~Sep 15. As such, I need to find a new FT remote job no later than then, else pay a terrible price!

If no one minds, I will use this space to promote my availability around the globe, as well as maybe update the website with a link to this thread. If all goes well, we can close this issue no later than Sep 15! 😄 If anyone has any concerns, please let me know. Otherwise, here's one role I'm looking for.

Full stack web developer

Here's my résumé

Thank you for considering letting me do this here, and for any help you can provide in spreading the word. This applies to anyone reading this thread, in addition to the core team!

Thank you,


hugovk commented 1 year ago

Fine by me and good luck!

aclark4life commented 1 year ago

@hugovk Thanks! Website updated. 🎉

Screen Shot 2023-05-10 at 12 47 18 PM
aclark4life commented 1 year ago

More attention to Pillow from me between now and mid-September, will keep an activity log here, starting with:

Screenshot 2023-05-19 at 7 14 26 AM

Please remove label from false positives and… my general understanding is that we don't do much with these other than point to Anaconda… please correct me if I'm wrong.

radarhere commented 1 year ago

Sometimes they're Anaconda users who are reporting actual Pillow problems, like or

For, I actually ended up helping to fix the problem in

But yes, sometimes, we do have to just redirect users as it isn't in our power to fix the problem -

goyalyashpal commented 1 year ago

And here's my résumé.

hey, will you mind if i share a criticism of the resume?

The table for "Skills" is split across pages of the pdf

This is likely as the pdf seems to be generated from webpage of some sort.

Possible fixes can be transposing the table, and grouping some skills - so that instead of one giant linear block, skills span multiple cells - which then can be arranged more freely. this will give you more freedom to utilise the space.



radarhere commented 1 year ago

Perhaps relevant, perhaps not.

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 10 31 58 pm

aclark4life commented 1 year ago

@radarhere Thank you!

aclark4life commented 1 year ago

And here's my résumé.

hey, will you mind if i share a criticism of the resume?

The table for "Skills" is split across pages of the pdf

This is likely as the pdf seems to be generated from webpage of some sort.

Possible fixes can be transposing the table, and grouping some skills - so that instead of one giant linear block, skills span multiple cells - which then can be arranged more freely. this will give you more freedom to utilise the space.



Thank you! Fixing …

aclark4life commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Fixing …

Fixed! Thanks again @goyalyashpal. I appreciate the feedback.

aclark4life commented 1 year ago

And… coincidentally the website has just been updated, thank you @tfuxu! Works on mobile, much better "news" presentation, beautiful.

Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 10 14 44 AM
aclark4life commented 11 months ago

@hugovk @radarhere @wiredfool Do we have any experience with issues like this one in Pillow? I don't recall ever paying attention to dependency licensing … Participating in and would love to pass on any "best practice" info we've acquired over the years, if anyone is able to summarize anything useful, without too much effort, I would appreciate it! Thanks

wiredfool commented 11 months ago

We've definitely done gymnastics to not ship GPL code, in the raqm/fribidi stack. It's ok to write the code to connect to it, we just can't actually ship the entire package without making our software GPL, which is more restrictive than our current license.

Given that they're in Apache license land, I'd say that they've got similar constraints. Apache, MIT, BSD would be fine, LGPL is maybe and GPL is not.

I don't know if there would be an issue shipping for us, but I know that I wouldn't be comfortable shipping a closed source application built with pillow and using the raqm/fribidi stack.

(note, I don't remember which one is the GPL there, but I do remember the monkeying about with stub code so that if someone were to install the wheel and the library separately, it would work)

aclark4life commented 11 months ago

Thanks @wiredfool !

For anyone following along with my job search, here's an update. I decided that the overlapping of image processing and content creation is as cool if not more cool than the overlap of image processing and medical imaging.

As such, I registered to participate in a sprint in which folks will be contributing to various projects used in the motion picture industry for visual and special effects.

Since I have an accidental history with image processing in Python, I gravitated towards OpenImageIO and have already started working on a PR to provide wheels for this C++ image processing utility! E.g.

No idea if any of this will lead to any gainful employment, but it sure is fun! Cool to see pyproject.toml creating a wheel with no setuptools in sight.

My term date is officially Oct 24 and rest assured, I'll be closing this issue as soon as I find something even remotely close to "day job with benefits".

Thanks all 🙏

aclark4life commented 10 months ago

Science IT job officially wrapped Oct 24, search continues!

aclark4life commented 10 months ago

Hah, new milestone: changed title of this issue 8 times within 80 seconds!

aclark4life commented 9 months ago

Thanks folks! Haven't found a job yet, but consulting work picked up so I'm going to focus on that for now. Thank you again to everyone who contributed to this thread and contacted me via email. 🙏