python-pillow / Pillow

Python Imaging Library (Fork)
11.8k stars 2.13k forks source link

'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo' depending on img extension and argument/object #8018

Closed chepo92 closed 1 month ago

chepo92 commented 1 month ago

What did you do?

Using tk inter and showing some png and jpeg, depending on how the jpg is imported the library shows some exceptions, eg: if you pass a file path ImageTk.PhotoImage(file = file_path) works ok, but passing a PIL image ImageTk.PhotoImage(, "images", "airport.jpg"))) throws an exception

What did you expect to happen?

no warnings, no exceptions, not depending on how to pass the image to function or the extension of the image

What actually happened?

Outputs some exceptions when using jpeg images:

Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
    name =
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
    name =
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
    name =
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
    name =
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
    name =
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
Traceback (most recent call last):
Exception ignored in: <function PhotoImage.__del__ at 0x000002A5854C4A60>
    name =
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
    name =
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
    name =
  File "D:\Git\kivy-example\.venv\lib\site-packages\PIL\", line 132, in __del__
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
    name =
AttributeError: 'PhotoImage' object has no attribute '_PhotoImage__photo'
    name =

What are your OS, Python and Pillow versions?

Pillow 9.4.0
Python 3.11.9 (tags/v3.11.9:de54cf5, Apr  2 2024, 10:12:12) [MSC v.1938 64 bit (AMD64)]
Python modules loaded from C:\Users\Axel\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\site-packages\PIL
Binary modules loaded from C:\Users\Axel\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.11_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python311\site-packages\PIL
--- PIL CORE support ok, compiled for 9.4.0
--- TKINTER support ok, loaded 8.6
--- FREETYPE2 support ok, loaded 2.12.1
--- LITTLECMS2 support ok, loaded 2.14
--- WEBP support ok, loaded 1.2.4
--- WEBP Transparency support ok
--- WEBPMUX support ok
--- WEBP Animation support ok
--- JPEG support ok, compiled for libjpeg-turbo 2.1.4
--- OPENJPEG (JPEG2000) support ok, loaded 2.5.0
--- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support ok, loaded 1.2.13
--- LIBTIFF support ok, loaded 4.5.0
*** RAQM (Bidirectional Text) support not installed
*** LIBIMAGEQUANT (Quantization method) support not installed
*** XCB (X protocol) support not installed
Extensions: .blp
Features: open, save, encode
BMP image/bmp
Extensions: .bmp
Features: open, save
Extensions: .bufr
Features: open, save
Extensions: .cur
Features: open
Extensions: .dcx
Features: open
Extensions: .dds
Features: open, save
DIB image/bmp
Extensions: .dib
Features: open, save
EPS application/postscript
Extensions: .eps, .ps
Features: open, save
Extensions: .fit, .fits
Features: open, save
Extensions: .flc, .fli
Features: open
Extensions: .ftc, .ftu
Features: open
Extensions: .gbr
Features: open
GIF image/gif
Extensions: .gif
Features: open, save, save_all
Extensions: .grib
Features: open, save
Extensions: .h5, .hdf
Features: open, save
ICNS image/icns
Extensions: .icns
Features: open, save
ICO image/x-icon
Extensions: .ico
Features: open, save
Extensions: .im
Features: open, save
Features: open
Extensions: .iim
Features: open
JPEG image/jpeg
Extensions: .jfif, .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg
Features: open, save
JPEG2000 image/jp2
Extensions: .j2c, .j2k, .jp2, .jpc, .jpf, .jpx
Features: open, save
Features: open
MPEG video/mpeg
Extensions: .mpeg, .mpg
Features: open
Extensions: .msp
Features: open, save, decode
Extensions: .pcd
Features: open
PCX image/x-pcx
Extensions: .pcx
Features: open, save
Extensions: .pxr
Features: open
PNG image/png
Extensions: .apng, .png
Features: open, save, save_all
PPM image/x-portable-anymap
Extensions: .pbm, .pgm, .pnm, .ppm
Features: open, save
PSD image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
Extensions: .psd
Features: open
SGI image/sgi
Extensions: .bw, .rgb, .rgba, .sgi
Features: open, save
Features: open, save
Extensions: .ras
Features: open
TGA image/x-tga
Extensions: .icb, .tga, .vda, .vst
Features: open, save
TIFF image/tiff
Extensions: .tif, .tiff
Features: open, save, save_all
WEBP image/webp
Features: open, save
XBM image/xbm
Extensions: .xbm
Features: open, save
XPM image/xpm
Extensions: .xpm
Features: open
Features: open
import os
import tkinter
import tkintermapview
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

# create tkinter window
root_tk = tkinter.Tk()

# create map widget
map_widget = tkintermapview.TkinterMapView(root_tk, width=1000, height=700, corner_radius=0)
map_widget.pack(fill="both", expand=True)

# load images
current_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
plane_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, "images", "plane.png")).resize((40, 40)))
plane_circle_1_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, "images", "plane_circle_1.png")).resize((35, 35)))
# plane_circle_1_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file = os.path.join(current_path, "images", "plane_circle_1.png"))
plane_circle_2_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, "images", "plane_circle_2.png")).resize((35, 35)))

# **** Toggle comment this three lines to reproduce *****
# file_path = os.path.join(current_path, "images", "airport.jpg")
# airport_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file = file_path)
airport_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, "images", "airport.jpg")).resize((100, 70)))

blue_marker = ImageTk.PhotoImage(, "images", "blue_marker.png")).resize((50, 50)))

def marker_callback(marker):

# create markers
marker_1 = map_widget.set_marker(52.476062, 13.394172, text="Plane 1", icon=blue_marker,  command=marker_callback)  # 
marker_2 = map_widget.set_marker(52.352659, 13.499669, text="Plane 2", 
                                  image=airport_image, icon=plane_circle_1_image, command=marker_callback) # 
root_tk.after(3000, lambda: marker_2.change_icon(plane_image))

# set initial position of map widget
map_widget.set_address("Airport Berlin BER")


# `pyinstaller --add-data="images/:images/" -y`
radarhere commented 1 month ago

I'm struggling to consistently reproduce your error. Could you try the following simplified version of your code and let us know if there is still a problem?

import os
import tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

root_tk = tkinter.Tk()

Could you also, just for completeness, provide us with a copy of airport.jpg?

chepo92 commented 1 month ago

Couldn't reproduce with provided code, but that opened my mind and i think I discovered the issue is related with the TkinterMapView library instead, as sometimes is throwing randomly a 403 error for the retrieved tiles, I guess it uses PIL internally to render, then this library complains as there is no image to render, closing this, thanks!