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Some unpackers are misnamed #8021

Open Yay295 opened 1 month ago

Yay295 commented 1 month ago

RGB15 actually reads data as XBGR (XBBBBBGGGGGRRRRR).

RGBA15 actually reads data as ABGR (ABBBBBGGGGGRRRRR).

RGBA4B actually reads data as ABGR (AAAABBBBGGGGRRRR).


Basically, all of the unpackers that read less than 8 bits per band appear to be backwards.

Yay295 commented 1 month ago

This is related to #8019, because I wrote those packers in the correct order, which is actually the opposite of the unpackers.

Yay295 commented 1 month ago

Here's the names they should be based on what they actually do and the format specified in Unpack.c.

RGB;15 → XBGR;1555 RGB;16 → BGR;565 BGR;5 → XRGB;1555 BGR;15 → XRGB;1555 BGR;16 → RGB;565 RGB;4B → XBGR;4 RGBA;4B → ABGR;4 RGBA;15 → ARGB;1555 BGRA;15 → ABGR;1555

Unfortunately the specified format doesn't quite work because the bands in these modes aren't all the same size, so I just listed all of the sizes for those modes.

The good thing about listing out the band sizes though is that those names aren't already being used, so I could add all of them as "new" rawmodes and the old ones could be deprecated without interfering with one another.

radarhere commented 1 month ago

There's a slightly awkward overlap in code that would change with this and with #7965.

Yay295 commented 1 month ago

Yes. This change would supersede both #7965 and #8019.

Yay295 commented 3 weeks ago

I have a branch for these changes, but it's based on #8026 because it affects the same test file.