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Error saving and loading TIFF with exif with version>10.1 #8038

Closed MatthieuCMira closed 1 month ago

MatthieuCMira commented 1 month ago


I manage a library for geoscientific data. We use PIL to generate and load TIFF images, storing the coordinates of our TIFF images in the EXIF data. However, since version 10.2, the methods we were using no longer function properly and cause bugs. We are temporarily fixing the PIL version to 10.1 to avoid these issues.

Here are the details of the issue we are encountering:

Pillow 10.3
Windows 10
Python 3.10

Steps to reproduce the error:

    tag = {
        256: (128,),
        257: (128,),
        258: (8, 8, 8),
        259: (1,),
        33922: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 522796.33210329525, 7244067.563364625, 0.0),
        42113: ("255",),
        262: (2,),
        33550: (0.9990415797117552, 0.999041579711816, 0.0),
        339: (1, 1, 1),
        277: (3,),
        278: (5,),
        284: (1,),
        34737: ("WGS 84 / UTM zone 34N|WGS 84|",),

    # create and save a tiff
    image = Image.fromarray(
        np.random.randint(0, 255, (128, 128, 3)).astype("uint8"), "RGB"

    for id_ in tag.items():
        image.getexif()[id_[0]] = id_[1]

    #"testtif.tif", exif=image.getexif())  # was working with 10.1"testtif.tif", exif=image.getexif(), compression='tiff_deflate')  # for 10.3

    image ="testtif.tif")  # was working with 10.1

Is this behaviour a bug or an intended change in the API? Are there some specific options or settings that could serve as a workaround?

Thank you!

Yay295 commented 1 month ago

Not related to your issue, but fyi there's an ExifTags module you can use.

so instead of

tag = {
    256: (128,),

you can do

from PIL import ExifTags
tag = {
    ExifTags.Base.ImageWidth: (128,),
radarhere commented 1 month ago

The error you're experiencing is NotImplementedError: multistrip support not yet implemented, yes?

This has started happening for you because of It allowed the user to set the ROWSPERSTRIP tag, number 278. You're providing (5,) for that tag. The error is being triggered because 5 is smaller than 128, the height of your image, and as the error says, we have not yet implemented multistrip support.

The simplest solution would be to just remove 278 from your tag dictionary.

MatthieuCMira commented 1 month ago

The error you're experiencing is NotImplementedError: multistrip support not yet implemented, yes?

This has started happening for you because of #7654. It allowed the user to set the ROWSPERSTRIP tag, number 278. You're providing (5,) for that tag. The error is being triggered because 5 is smaller than 128, the height of your image, and as the error says, we have not yet implemented multistrip support.

The simplest solution would be to just remove 278 from your tag dictionary.

Yes, you're right it worked.

It solves my problem if I don't use compression="tiff_deflate.  

Thank you very much!