Rename Method refactoring allows you to rename a nested method with the parameter name of the outer method.
It would be nice if Rope sent an alert to avoid missing annotations
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Code before refactoring:
def _calculate_tk(source):
def c_int(x, nbits=32):
return (x & ((1 << (nbits - 1)) - 1)) - (x & (1 << (nbits - 1)))
def c_uint(x, nbits=32):
return x & ((1 << nbits) - 1)
tkk = [406398, 561666268 + 1526272306]
b = tkk[0]
d = source.encode('utf-8')
def RL(a, b):
for c in range(0, len(b) - 2, 3):
d = b[c + 2]
d = ord(d) - 87 if d >= 'a' else int(d)
xa = c_uint(a)
d = xa >> d if b[c + 1] == '+' else xa << d
a = a + d & 4294967295 if b[c] == '+' else a ^ d
return c_int(a)
a = b
for di in d:
a = RL(a + di, "+-a^+6")
a = RL(a, "+-3^+b+-f")
a ^= tkk[1]
a = a if a >= 0 else ((a & 2147483647) + 2147483648)
a %= pow(10, 6)
tk = '{0:d}.{1:d}'.format(a, a ^ b)
return tk
2. Apply the Rename Method refactoring with the new name 'source' to the method 'c_int'
Rename Method refactoring allows you to rename a nested method with the parameter name of the outer method. It would be nice if Rope sent an alert to avoid missing annotations
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Code before refactoring: