python-rope / ropevim

vim mode that uses rope library to provide features like python refactorings and code-assists
GNU General Public License v2.0
249 stars 34 forks source link

Extended information cannot be disabled #2

Open mcepl opened 11 years ago

mcepl commented 11 years ago

I'm on Gvim on Windows7 (32-bit). Rope version is 0.9.4.

I have following settings in my vimrc:

let ropevim_vim_completion = 1
let ropevim_extended_complete = 0
let ropevim_goto_def_newwin = 1
let g:ropevim_autoimport_modules = ["os.*","traceback","django.*"]
autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc=RopeCompleteFunc

The extended information is always shown regardless of whether I have ropevim_extended_complete or not, and regardless of its value. I would like to disable it completely since I don't find the info useful and furthermore it opens a buffer with docstrings which can sometimes take up a significant portion of the screen.

EDIT: Forgot to mention. Using the tip tag from BitBucket.