python-summit / sps17

Issue Tracker for the Swiss Python Summit 2017
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Django Girls Workshop 19.2.2017 #29

Closed sfkeller closed 7 years ago

sfkeller commented 7 years ago

Hi there, it seems that the Django Girls Workshop can take place at Saturday, 19.2.2017... I'm mainly opening this issue in order to inform you. These are following possible collaboration (sub-)issues:

href commented 7 years ago

Let's get this going :)

This is what we need in any case:

I will add this to the website and mention it on Twitter over the weekend.

I'm not sure yet we need to reach out to our attendees. Are more coaches needed?

If so we have multiple options:

I'll ping the DjangoGirls organisers to participate in this issue. This also concerns @chiesax and @andrekeller which do the registration.

href commented 7 years ago

There's now a mention about the workshop on our website:

I've also mentioned it on Twitter. Comment on this ticket if there's more we can help you with.

sam-88 commented 7 years ago

Hi, thanks a lot and sorry for the late reply! :-)

I just put your logo and a link to your conference website on our website (

Also, I will mention your summit on our Twitter profile this week.

Will you send a newsletter/ email to your participants? If yes, it would be great if you could mention our workshop as well. Maybe some of your participants have female friends, spouses, family members etc. that they would like to introduce to Python :-)

We will also send an email to our participants and we could mention your event, if you like. What do you think?


chiesax commented 7 years ago

Hi, will this be taught in english?

dbrgn commented 7 years ago

To quote the website:

Wir planen die Einführung, Talks etc in Deutsch zu machen. Das Coaching wird in Deutsch oder Englisch stattfinden. Je nach Coaches können wir sogar auch andere Sprachen anbieten. Wenn du Deutsch also einigermassen verstehst und gut Englisch sprichst solltest du dich in jedem Fall bewerben.

(So both German and English, but knowing some German helps.)

chiesax commented 7 years ago


chiesax commented 7 years ago

@sam-88 we are sending an email to our attendees. Which informations should we provide? Are you looking for coaches?

chiesax commented 7 years ago

... and yes feel free to send an email to your participants, thanks a lot!

sykaeh commented 7 years ago

Sorry for not commenting earlier. I somehow missed this whole issue. We are currently still looking for a couple of coaches (about 3) and there are still a couple of open spots for participants as well. I do not know what the status is of your communication with the attendees, but if possible it would be great to word out (especially for coaches since the attendees are likely very good candidates for coaches).

href commented 7 years ago

We discussed this internally and we want to avoid sending an e-mail to all participants. Our attendees didn't signup for newsletters, except for one sponsor e-mail they'll be sent and we'd like to keep it at that.

We already have you on our website, though it's considerably below the fold. We also added a shout-out on twitter. As far as communication with our participants go I'm afraid this is about what we can offer.

ccdesales commented 7 years ago

We've basically done what we could regarding the promotion of the DjangoGirls event.

Closing this.