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Get a Cash Box #51

Closed dbrgn closed 8 years ago

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

For the registration desk.

href commented 8 years ago

We also need a good amount of change.

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

I'll probably get this one:

jakeret commented 8 years ago

Do we need two boxes for parallel processing? We have to handle 120 persons in 30 min

href commented 8 years ago

:+1: That gives us 30 seconds per attendee. On average we want this number to be closer around 20s. It really sucks if our single day of conference starts out with a delay. We're Swiss after all ;)

If we want to do this efficiently we probably need two people per cash box. One person to check the name, one person to handle the cash. The person to check the name ideally has a laptop with a spreadsheet or text file open so we can find the person quick.

We also want to have at least one person extra to do any kind of inquiries. So if someone has a question they don't hold up the line. We should also get all helpers in earlier than that to check them and ourselves in before anyone else.

I'm basing this on no experience whatsoever, so correct me if I'm wrong.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

... and we should split the cashboxes by names... like from A to M, from N to Z...

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

... and we should split the cashboxes by names... like from A to M, from N to Z...

Very good idea! We can do the split based on the actual name distribution.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Also it would accelerate the processing if we could communicate somehow the attendees to have 10 chf ready...

chiesax commented 8 years ago

... I mean with a notice on the web page, or on twitter....

href commented 8 years ago

... and we should split the cashboxes by names... like from A to M, from N to Z...

I would advise against that. People tend not to follow this. They did the same at Europython and a lot of people were not in the right lane. We'll also need two lanes all the way back in this case. If you have two equal processors in front you can use a single lane up until the front where the line splits. No distribution problems, no confusion. Round robin ;)

chiesax commented 8 years ago

(It was already in the confirmation email, but it is better to remember them it is important)

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Yeah I think you are right Denis.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

... and the badges, are they on an extra desk as well?

href commented 8 years ago

I think the badges are the same for all right? If that's the case I would do it at the registration desk. The person that checks the name on the laptop could hand them out as a second step.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Ok I thought people would write their names on the badges.... in that case it would be better to have a separate desk where people can write their names on the badges

jakeret commented 8 years ago

I think we're going to have a bunch of apero-tables close to the registration desk. We could simply have some markers there for people to write their names on the badges

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Exactly. We hand out the empty badges, people go to the table with markers and write their name on them.

jakeret commented 8 years ago

ideally has a laptop with a spreadsheet or text file open

I talked to somebody who organizes large workshops (300+). He strongly suggested to go oldskool and use paper lists. Much faster and more reliable

dbrgn commented 8 years ago


href commented 8 years ago

Can't be someone using grep a lot, but alright ;)

dbrgn commented 8 years ago
cat attendeed.txt | sort > /dev/printer

List pre-sorted, problem solved ;)

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Ordered 2x