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Organize social event #59

Closed jakeret closed 8 years ago

jakeret commented 8 years ago

On our website we have "17:20 – 20:00 Social Event / Apéro". Do we need to organize something or at least make a reservation somewhere?

cdesales commented 8 years ago

We're in talks with It seems they can sponsor the social event.

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

We'll just have to do catering. I'm already "collecting" helpers.

jakeret commented 8 years ago

Very nice!

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Could someone take the lead here, @SwissPy/orga?

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Beekeeper will cover an Apéro with sandwiches and softdrinks. We'll cover the beer (about 200 CHF) with our budget, might get tight but should work out.

Food will be handled by SV Mensa, catering will be done by ourselves.

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Is it OK for you if I order 160 bottles of Feldschlösschen Hopfenperle 0.33L à 1.28 CHF?

href commented 8 years ago

Are we going to have non-alcoholic drinks?

ccdesales commented 8 years ago

I'd say yes to beer, but would be great to have one of those deals in which you pay only for what you consume and the rest is taken back by the supplier.

Also, I may be out of the loop, but wasn't it the case that you have to pay Zapfgeld for alcoholic beverages?

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Are we going to have non-alcoholic drinks?

Yes, there will be 8L of mineral water and 8L of orange juice.

I'd say yes to beer, but would be great to have one of those deals in which you pay only for what you consume and the rest is taken back by the supplier.

That should be the case.

Also, I may be out of the loop, but wasn't it the case that you have to pay Zapfgeld for alcoholic beverages?

Not for beer in this case. That was part of the offer by the SV mensa.

sfkeller commented 8 years ago

The caterer prepares Apéro prepared on plates for 100 people with no additional backup. If these plates are eaten empty there's nothing left to eat - therefore no risk for our budget. There is no Zapfgeld for the beer.

The-Compiler commented 8 years ago

I'm wondering if 8L of water will be enough - that's just 24 0.33L-glasses. Even if most people probably will drink beer, are you confident there's 53L of beer but only 8L of water needed? :wink:

jakeret commented 8 years ago

I wrote to a couple of local breweries close to Rapperswil explaining them our beer-budget-tension. One of them would provide us 60L and the tapping-machinery for a reduced price of 180CHF.

Volume and pricing is comparable to what we get from SV Mensa. So, I don’t think it's worth going trough the hassle of getting/returning the barrels.

sfkeller commented 8 years ago

@The-Compiler wrote

I'm wondering if 8L of water will be enough

One calculates 1.5dl per person. And the caterer prepares more than 8L of water and orange juice. They only charge thos bottles which have been opened. It's us/you to limit upper amount for consumption.

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

I wrote to a couple of local breweries close to Rapperswil explaining them our beer-budget-tension. One of them would provide us 60L and the tapping-machinery for a reduced price of 180CHF.

Sorry, I already ordered 168 bottles of beer (7 crates) for around 210 CHF. It will be delivered for free the day before (to my house, I'll bring it to the HSR later). Forgot to mention it in here.

The main issue with the tapping machinery is that it's a lot more work and potentially creates a mess. But local beer would have been nice of course. What brewery sent you that offer?

jakeret commented 8 years ago

The main issue with the tapping machinery is that it's a lot more work and potentially creates a mess.

Yeah totally aware of that. I just thought it might be worth a shot. Hoping some of them might have a cool offer and bottles/cans.

What brewery sent you that offer?

Not quite sure. I sent out a mass mail and got a reply from a private email address and they didn't mention the name of the brewery.. :confused:

Anyway, I tell her that we have an other offer

sfkeller commented 8 years ago


It will be delivered for free the day before (to my house, I'll bring it to the HSR later).

Mike Marti ( will have the key to stow it in the frigerator. Mensa will probably by closed after 15 o'clock. Pls. contact Mike directly (else he usually leaves around 17:00).

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Ok :)

jakeret commented 8 years ago

Now I'm getting replies from all the breweries. I've should have done this earlier! Too bad, some have nice offers... This is something we should keep in mind for the next event

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Yep, definitely!

sfkeller commented 8 years ago

Nice: Can you list their names here for our records?

jakeret commented 8 years ago

For the record, I received replies from:

And the one I can't assign. Either Octopus-Bräu GmbH or Aubrigbier

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

These three all make good beer :)

href commented 8 years ago

@sfkeller We're not entirely sure where the social event is going to be, is it in the Mensa or the Welcome Area?

sfkeller commented 8 years ago

It's here, just to the right of the mensa: swiss_python_summit_apero

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Ah, perfect!

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Was a success :) And the cheese was great!