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E-Mail the Speakers #66

Closed href closed 8 years ago

href commented 8 years ago

We should send an e-mail to the speakers with information about the talks. This e-mail should include

Anyone of the "E-Mail Team" up to the task? ;)

sfkeller commented 8 years ago

Following tasks I would mention too:

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

sign agreement to publish video and slides

Do you already have such an agreement?

I'm not sure if this is necessary, since this was already part of the CfP, they are only accepted if they agree to the publication of the video / slides.

deliver PDF of talk slides (when, where to whom?)

Yes please! They should send us a copy of their slides by Tuesday night if possible to

chiesax commented 8 years ago

... maybe it is better at least to remember them in the email that their talk will be recorded and published...

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Sorry but are they registering at a separate desk or at the 'standard' desk?

chiesax commented 8 years ago

I also think it will be enough to state this cleraly in the email that their talk will be published and that they do not need to sign a paper...

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Sorry for closing and opening the issue and then changing my mind... in fact it is maybe better to have some sort of validation that they really agree their talk to be published by us. Maybe we should also mention were we want to publish it (youtube?). Signing is probably the best indeed, but at least they should reply to our mail and write explicitly that they agree...

chiesax commented 8 years ago

What about this as a template? Photograph & Video Release Form.pdf

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Maybe useful:

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Hi {Name}

we are looking forward to listen to your talk {talk name} very soon at the Swiss Python Summit 2016!

Here are some reminders and important informations:

For informations about the available hardware at the venue, please refer to

Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any other questions about your talk or the conference.

In case of problems you may also reach us directly at {phone number}.

The SPS16 Team

chiesax commented 8 years ago

This was used at EuroPython 2015...

chiesax commented 8 years ago

... but how should we substitute "the society" there? We are not yet a Verein...

@sfkeller: can we use HSR as "the society"?

chiesax commented 8 years ago

... or instead of "the society" we may just write the name of the individual(s) publishing the videos...

sfkeller commented 8 years ago

@chiesax : You can use HSR as "the society" - but AFAIK you can also use "SPS16 Team" since this is already an "einfache Gesellschaft" according to Swiss law.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

+1 for SPS16 Team then...

What about the email? Is there a reference team person they should adress at the conference? Can we provide a telephone number (which one)?

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Here the agreement: comments are welcome...


jakeret commented 8 years ago

I made a few changes to the email text:

Hi {Name} we are looking forward to hear your talk {talk name} at the Swiss Python Summit 2016! Here are some reminders and important information:

  • register at the welcome desk located at Cafeteria Gebäude 1, as already stated, we are not able to get the speakers free entry due to our small budget,
  • your reference SPS organizer at the conference will be {team member name},
  • please send us a copy of your presentation in PDF format, ideally by Tuesday night as backup.
  • your talk is scheduled for {talk time}, ({talk length} minutes),
  • if you require audio output from your laptop inform us sufficently early,
  • as stated in the call for proposals, we are video recording and publishing your presentation. You will be asked to sign a Video Release Form at the conference.

For information about the available hardware at the venue, please refer to Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions. In case of problems you may also reach us directly at {phone number}. The SPS16 Team

The agreement looks good to me. Well done @chiesax !

chiesax commented 8 years ago

... we will then just attach the agreement to the email so that they may have the time to read it, and mention the source of the agreement.

@SwissPy/orga : are you all right with this? What should we substitute on {team member name} and {phone number}?

href commented 8 years ago

I'm all right with this. For the phone number I would nominate @dbrgn ;) (I think it should be someone that knows Rapperswil and HSR, if a speaker arriving by car can't find the way).

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Both this:

register at the welcome desk located at Cafeteria Gebäude 1, remember that you do not have to pay the registration fee,

and this:

we are not able to get the speakers free entry due to our small budget

is not consistent with the original e-mail we sent to the speakers:

The entry fee of 10 CHF is voluntary for speakers, although we're very happy for contributions to make sure we can cover all costs.

So I'd probably leave it away and instruct the people at the registration that the payment is voluntary.

Photograph & Video Release Form.pdf

I find this a bit detailed. What about creating a form where the speakers agree that their audio recordings, video recordings and slides may be published under the CC-BY 4.0 International license? That would cover all our uses. And most people know CC.

In the EuroPython version I find the "NC" part of the license very problematic. As the license is worded, they probably violate that clause themselves by publishing the talks, as "commercial" and "non commercial" are very hard to define (and they collected money from attendees).

I'd suggest something like this:

Speaker Release Agreement

The speaker agrees that the talk he/she is giving at the Swiss Python Summit 2016 on February 5th, 2016 may be recorded (audio, video and presentation slides) and published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( by the Swiss Python Summit 2016 Team.

The Swiss Python Summit 2016 Team acknowledges that this is a non-exclusive license; any copyrights in the presentation remain with the speaker or other copyright holders and subsequent uses of the submitted material by the person(s) are not restricted by this license.

Recordings will be made available on YouTube and uploaded to for archival purposes.

[ ] Read, understood and agreed.

The speaker: ___

By doing this, we don't need an additional license to share and distribute the contents, as this is already covered by the CC license.

This is probably not totally sound in a legal way, but should be enough for our purposes.

Putting my phone number there should be fine.

your reference SPS organizer at the conference will be {team member name},

How do we "distribute" the speakers across the team members?

href commented 8 years ago

How do we "distribute" the speakers across the team members?

Maybe we should just have one person? Or all of us (just go by shirt color)? I don't think we have to map everyone statically.

dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Maybe someone could be the "speaker buddy". Could be @jakeret? I already have enough to do with the helpers :)

chiesax commented 8 years ago

The new version of the agreement looks good to me...

jakeret commented 8 years ago

Maybe someone could be the "speaker buddy". Could be @jakeret? I already have enough to do with the helpers :)

I'm fine with that.

dbrgn commented 8 years ago


Can someone prepare and print that agreement (12x to be on the safe side) and bring it to the registration desk in the morning?

chiesax commented 8 years ago

I'll do this, and bring it to the pre-conference meeting... As for the email, I could do this as well, I am just missing your phone number...

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Here the new version of the agreement:


The-Compiler commented 8 years ago

please send us a copy of your presentation in PDF format

This might be an (unnecessary?) restriction for people who use software which doesn't store presentations as PDF natively - it might be easier for you to accept those as well than it is for people to export things into a (maybe bad) PDF?

I'm using landslide for my presentation, and while it has a PDF export, I'm not sure how good that is, or if it works at all.

href commented 8 years ago

I think we can actually accept any format. Between us there's bound to be someone with a laptop that can handle a particular format.

sfkeller commented 8 years ago

IMHO as an editor (without the need to merge documents into a common one) it's more convenient to require PDFs. And as a end user anyway. MS Office and LibreOffice support Export to PDF. For HTML there are PDF drivers. In my experience, there are often layout problems (the editor has to resolve) which we don't have if the PDF has fonts included.

jakeret commented 8 years ago

I am just missing your phone number

you should receive an email to your hotmail address

chiesax commented 8 years ago

got it. So in principle I will send out the email this evening with the agreement attached...

Regarding the copy of the presentation, this is just a backup in case something goes very wrong during the conference (which in principle should not happen since we have 120 teachies close by). Even if it does not render very good, it is always better to have it than having nothing at all...

chiesax commented 8 years ago


href commented 8 years ago

@chiesax We're not sure if everyone wrote back with the backup presentations. Did you keep track of the responses? If there are any missing, can you ping them again to make sure they haven't forgotten about friday?

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Ok that's a good point. I'll ping them tonight...

href commented 8 years ago

We're still discussing some things about this, so hold on for now. We want to possibly give some extra information.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

OK I am right now checking who has answered...

href commented 8 years ago

Cool! Let us know.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Chihway: backup OK Armin: backup OK Michael: backup OK Jacinda: will send backup by tomorrow Mathieu: he is handling the backup himself, Tom: answered, but did not sent backup yet Florian: will send backup by tomorrow

Missing any answer: Dave, Martin

The-Compiler commented 8 years ago

Answering here, probably faster :wink: still polishing the talk, will send it today or tomorrow.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

Thx ;-)

href commented 8 years ago

@jakeret Will prepare a last email to be sent tomorrow.

href commented 8 years ago

So it doesn't forgotten, this should be included in the mail:

jakeret commented 8 years ago

Here is the draft. Any comments?

Good morning

There are only a couple of hours left till the start of the Swiss Python Summit 2016!

Here are the last information:

You can use the breaks before your talk to test the infrastructure. Here are the time slots we have reserved for you the get ready: 08:30 - 09:00 Tom and Dave 10:40 - 11:00 Armin and Martin 12:20 - 13:20 Matthieu 13:20 - 13:40 Chihway 15:20 - 15:40 Michael, Jacinda and Florian

Furthermore, send us your slides as PDF if you haven’t done so yet. Please also provide us a phone number where we can reach you in case of emergency.

Looking forward

Best SPS16 Team

href commented 8 years ago


dbrgn commented 8 years ago


chiesax commented 8 years ago


jakeret commented 8 years ago

Guess we're ready. @chiesax could you send out the emails to the speakers?

chiesax commented 8 years ago


dbrgn commented 8 years ago

Wait! We got the speaker room number :) It's 3.002. That should also go into the Email.

chiesax commented 8 years ago

I will send the emails at around 13:00...