python-trio / flake8-async

Highly opinionated linter for Trio code
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Add anyio.TaskGroup support to TRIO113 #135

Closed jakkdl closed 1 year ago

jakkdl commented 1 year ago

Stemming from #121

rewriting nursery detection to use type tracking - affecting TRIO105&TRIO113

Much of the diff is due to renaming eval_files/ to eval_files/ with very minor changes, and having checks that aren't trio-specific in eval_files/

I've realized that typing the eval files is often quite handy, and also to check pyright/mypy support for whatever check I'm writing. So I modified the config to longer blanket exclude eval_files, and added type: ignore at the top of all files except the ones I directly worked on in this one. Might gradually remove some of the other ones too. Likewise got a couple # mypy: disable-error-code since I (still) am running that in my editor. It raises a lot more warnings than pyright, but most of the code in the repo passes it (without strict)

jakkdl commented 1 year ago

Haha, the perfect review comment :grin: