python-trio / flake8-async

Highly opinionated linter for Trio code
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Rules documentation improvements #248

Closed jakkdl closed 1 month ago

jakkdl commented 1 month ago

Various rules doc improvements:

WIP tasks

additional tasks I have not started on:

I might split out some stuff (e.g. intersphinx) into separate PRs.

jakkdl commented 1 month ago

For generating rules pages, I've looked at and and considered making visitors classes with the extra documentation in their docstrings. But I think that's going to cause issues - primarily in having large limitations on the formatting of the resulting rules subpages. The page would essentially be the documentation of a single class, with code examples etc etc in the docstring.

The easiest would be manually writing the subpages, and that's probably what I'll start with for the sake of exploring layout etc etc, but this will be error-prone/cumbersome/hard to maintain. I think in the end I'll have to write a custom generating script, that reads the data from the visitor classes (means it has to be able to handle multiple codes per visitor) or an entirely separate system.

I'm thinking something like:


jakkdl commented 1 month ago

Let's start by just writing all the subpages by hand; I think that the complexity of generating stuff probably isn't worth it at the moment (given some classes implement multiple rules, etc).

The main downside is having to write, and keep in sync,

  1. error message in visitor
  2. blurb in docs/rules.rst
  3. explanation in docs/rules/xxx.rst
  4. and of course the actual implementation & tests.

But yeah the smart thing is probably to start doing it manually, although I kind of dread doing so 30 times over. But I guess we don't have to smash out detailed rules pages for all rules pages at the same time, can start with a couple and leave the rest with long blurbs.

Separate glossary page sounds great to me, as does matching Ruff's structure for the docs of each rule. That might be a bit much to put into one PR though; I'd be keen to merge this in small pieces if we can - e.g. rearrange docs in this one, then follow-ups to add the _info and _examples sections, and then consider tests or automation.

Sounds good. Will see if I clean up this one and write follow-up PRs, and/or split out smaller PRs from it.

One thing we should do ASAP is prominently link from the github readme and the pypi page directly to the rules page in our docs.

We additionally made a release with #244 but none with #245 or later, so PyPI still runs with the old README page.

jakkdl commented 1 month ago

Ended up going the clean-up-this-one-and-then-do-followup-PRs:

jakkdl commented 1 month ago

@augustelalande @charliermarsh in this PR I've started adding human-friendly rule names (see #236), in large part inspired by you guys. So I thought I'd compare with the names you'd assigned in

(We're also planning on mostly copying your setup of having subpages for each rule with a longer description, examples, etc; when that's done you can probably straight-up copy-paste those sections from us to your docs.)

General observations:

  1. Several of ruff's rules are still named trio-xxx, which almost surely should change since there's very few rules that actually are trio-specific. I think in all cases these are leftovers from when flake8-async/flake8-trio were separate.
  2. InAsyncFunction is mostly redundant within the scope of flake8-async. But maybe there's enough upsides of matching the human-friendly names between ruff&us that it outweighs having to have a longer name.

(due to where I've copy-pasted from their rule names are formatted in camel case, but treat them as they're words-separated-by-dashes)

100     TrioTimeoutWithoutAwait - cancel-scope-no-checkpoint

our name is much better here, they should probably conform.

105     TrioSyncCall - missing-await

I think missing-await is clearly better since there's plenty sync trio functions.

109     TrioAsyncFunctionWithTimeout - async-function-with-timeout
110     TrioUnneededSleep - busy-wait

"unneeded-sleep" sounds like the sleep isn't necessary and can be removed, but that's far from the case.

115     TrioZeroSleepCall - sleep-zero


210     BlockingHttpCallInAsyncFunction - blocking-http-call
220     CreateSubprocessInAsyncFunction - blocking-process-call-1
221     RunProcessInAsyncFunction - blocking-process-call-2
222     WaitForProcessInAsyncFunction - blocking-process-call-3

I very much ran out of energy trying to come up with better names, so might go with the ruff ones unless we can come up with a more descriptive difference between the rules.

230     BlockingOpenCallInAsyncFunction - blocking-io-call

Idk about io vs Open.

251     BlockingSleepInAsyncFunction - blocking-sleep

great minds think alike

augustelalande commented 1 month ago

Personally I'm fine with your proposed names, so I'll update my PR with whatever you finalize on here.

*except blocking-process-call-1,2,3 😉

jakkdl commented 1 month ago

The checkpoint glossary entry is... absolutely awful. And there's no direct documentation on it for anyio, and I'm not finding much on how works in asyncio. @Zac-HD plx intervene (or I can mark it as WIP/TODO and ship it for now). I also asked about it briefly on gitter.

I added async to some names that were somewhat ambiguous (e.g. "zero-sleep" might imply that it would trigger on time.sleep(0)). This doesn't matter when it comes to # noqa, but makes seeing the names in configs better and might be appreciated by ruff. Also fixed the 2xx names

Other than the checkpoint glossary entry I think I'm happy with this PR now.

jakkdl commented 1 month ago

rewrote the checkpoint glossary entry after discussions in gitter, so this is ready for final review & merge