python-trio / trio

Trio – a friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
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Global deadlock detector #1085

Open njsmith opened 5 years ago

njsmith commented 5 years ago

We have an issue for fancier deadlock detection, and API support to make it more useful (#182). This is about a simpler issue: detecting when the entire program has deadlocked, i.e. no tasks are runnable or will ever be runnable again. This is not nearly as fancy, but it would catch lots of real-world deadlock cases (e.g. in tests), and is potentially wayyy simpler. In particular, I believe a Trio program has deadlocked if:

(Did I miss anything?)

However, there is one practical problem: the EntryQueue task is always blocked in the IOManager, waiting for someone to call run_sync_soon.

Practical example of why this is important: from the Trio scheduler's point of view, run_sync_in_worker_thread puts a task to sleep, and then later a call to reschedule(...) magically appears through run_sync_soon. So... it's entirely normal to be in a state where the whole program looks deadlocked except for the possibility of getting a run_sync_soon, and the program actually isn't deadlocked. But, of course, 99% of the time, there is absolutely and definitely no run_sync_soon call coming. There's just no way for Trio to know that.

So I guess to make this viable, we would need some way to recognize the 99% of cases where there is no chance of a run_sync_soon. I think that means, we need to refactor TrioToken so that it uses an acquire/release pattern: you acquire the token only if you plan to call run_sync_soon, and then when you're done with it you explicitly close it.

This will break the other usage of TrioToken, which is that you can compare them with is to check if two calls to are in fact the same. Maybe this is not even that useful? If it is though then we should split it off into a separate class, so that the only reason to acquire the run_sync_soon-object is because you're going to call run_sync_soon.

Given that, I think we could implement this by extending the code at the top of the event loop like:

 if runner.runq:
     timeout = 0
 elif runner.deadlines:
     deadline, _ = runner.deadlines.keys()[0]
     timeout = runner.clock.deadline_to_sleep_time(deadline)
-    timeout = _MAX_TIMEOUT
+    if not runner.io_manager.has_waits() and not runner.tokens_outstanding and not runner.waiting_for_idle:
+        # Deadlock detected! Dump a stack tree and crash, maybe...?
+    else:
+        timeout = _MAX_TIMEOUT

This is probably super-cheap too, because we only do the extra checks when there are no runnable tasks or deadlines. No runnable tasks means we're either about to go to sleep for a while, so taking some extra time here is "free", or else that we're about to detect I/O, but if there's outstanding I/O then you should probably have a deadline set...

njsmith commented 5 years ago

Minor tricky bit: our SIGINT handler needs to always hold a run_sync_soon handle. But I think we're ok: technically it is sort of true that no program is really deadlocked because the user could always hit control-C, but in practice if the only way to wake up your program is to hit control-C, then everyone considers that deadlocked. So we want to ignore this handle. And that's easy, because it's buried inside trio/_core anyway, so it can cheat and use a special handle that gets left out of the accounting.

njsmith commented 5 years ago

456 raises some important questions about how we define "blocked" for purposes of introspective stuff like wait_all_tasks_blocked, the autojump clock, and a global deadlock detector; see in particular

njsmith commented 5 years ago

I have a branch to experiment with splitting run_sync_soon off into a dedicated object that you open and close. The two big issues I've found so far:

njsmith commented 5 years ago

Some more interesting issues that occurred to me, around the interaction between deadlock detection and run_sync_soon:

A simple solution would be to have a flag you pass when creating a TrioEntryTicket or whatever we call it, that controls whether this particular ticket blocks the deadlock detector or not. That would solve the first two cases. The last case is a bit more subtle – maybe it means we need a way to toggle an entry ticket's deadlock-detector-blocking-ness property (DDBNP) on and off?

Alternatively, I think we could use a trick: when you call trio.from_thread, it could close the ticket after re-entering Trio, and then when it returns to the original thread, it could create a new one and pass it back.

This sounds a bit elaborate, but there's actually some theoretical benefit too: I don't think you can have a correct system that relies on toggling the DDBNP from False -> True from outside Trio. There's an inherent race condition: if you're relying on setting it to True to block the deadlock detector from firing, then how do you know that the deadlock detector won't fire just before you set it to True? But if people have to go into Trio to get a deadlock-detector-blocking-ticket, then that automatically gives you a synchronization point.

Of course, if someone has a ticket with DDBNP = False, they can still use that to enter Trio and get a ticket with DDBNP = True, and that has exactly the same issues as toggling a single ticket in-place.

We don't really need to solve this right now – first we need to get the new entry ticket API in place, and then add deadlock detection, and then we can worry about whether toggling this is important.

njsmith commented 5 years ago

OK better idea!

Let's add inhibit_deadlock_detector=True/False as an argument to wait_task_rescheduled (default False). When you set it to True, it means that this task might wake up from stuff that Trio can't see, so the deadlock detector shouldn't fire.

(Or maybe call it could_deadlock=False/True?)


So maybe we don't even need to replace TrioToken? We still probably want some way to manually inhibit the deadlock detector – a TrioToken can be used externally to spawn a whole new task, not just wake up an existing one. But this seems like a pretty rare event. So maybe we should leave TrioToken alone, and just document that if you're using it, you should think about whether to use with trio.hazmat.inhibit_deadlock_detector(): ... or similar.

smurfix commented 5 years ago


or maybe external_event?

Anyway, the concept seems sound enough. However, I'd like to have the opposite option, i.e. the ability to mark a task as non-deadlock-breaking even if it is (or will shortly be) runnable.

Use case: a protocol's keepalive task which runs periodically and sends off an "I am alive" packet. As I understand it, without this option the existence of this task would be sufficient to inhibit deadlock detection.

njsmith commented 4 years ago

That's an interesting idea. I haven't thought too much about cases like a keepalive task. For now I've mostly focused on figuring out how to make sure this never gives false positives, since a false positive is "we just blew up your working program" while a false negative is "your broken program could potentially have gotten better diagnostics of how it was broken, but didn't". And I think the biggest value will be for small programs, like simple scripts and for unit tests; I guess large programs will generally have something somewhere that keeps running, even if some subsystem is deadlocked.

But... a small-but-annoying design problem I've been thinking about is, how should we prevent the wakeup-pipe task from blocking the deadlock detector. It's definitely solvable, since this is a special internal task with privileged access to Trio's internals. But right now it just blocks in wait_readable, and wait_readable is exposed to users and should normally inhibit the deadlock detector. We could add a secret internal version of wait_readable that doesn't inhibit the deadlock detector, but it's a bit inelegant to do that multiple times for the different IO managers and then use some hard-coded hack to let the wakeup-pipe task access it. And your suggestion would in fact be a way to solve this.

Another example where this would be useful would be, where if you're using an HTTP library that silently uses background tasks to listen for pings on HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 connections, then having ever used HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 in your program could produce a situation where the deadlock detector never fires. (Depending on how patient the server is.) Not very nice!

I guess the implementation could be pretty trivial too... wait_task_rescheduled already has to mess around with the Task object. It would be trivial for it to do something like:

async def wait_task_rescheduled(..., inhibit_deadlock_detector=...):
    task = current_task()
    inhibit_deadlock_detector = (inhibit_deadlock_detector and task.can_inhibit_deadlock_detector)
njsmith commented 4 years ago

After #1588, I think actual deadlock detection could be as simple as:

# in run loop
idle_primed = False
if runner.waiting_for_idle:
elif runner.clock_autojump_threshold < timeout:
elif runner.external_wakeup_count == 0 and not runner.guest_mode:
    timeout = 0
    idle_primed = True
    idle_prime_type = IdlePrimedTypes.DEADLOCK


if idle_primed and idle:
    if idle_primed_type is IdlePrimedTypes.DEADLOCK:
        # ... crash with deadlock message ...

And runner.external_wakeup_count is maintained by a tool like trio.lowlevel.not_deadlocked:

def not_deadlocked():
    task = trio.current_task()
    if not task.ignored_by_deadlock_detector:
        GLOBAL_RUN_STATE.runner.external_wakeup_count += 1
            GLOBAL_RUN_STATE.runner.external_wakeup_count -= 1

IO primitives do with not_deadlocked(): await wait_task_rescheduled(...).

(Maybe it's also convenient allow a not_deadlocked=... kwarg to wait_task_rescheduled, as a shorthand? Or whatever name we end up using.)

We would also need to update the autojump clock so that if the autojump is triggered but there is no next deadline, then it runs a version of the deadlock-detected code. Though probably with a custom message.

A minor open question: what to do with open_signal_receiver. I feel like we want a kwarg to control whether it counts as a external wakeup source (which will need a name), and we also have to pick a default.

This is all looking pretty straightforward. I think the main remaining blockers are getting code to dump the task tree when a deadlock happens (#927), and some way to kill everything with a custom exception (maybe the KeyboardInterrupt refactors will give us this, e.g. #1537?).

njsmith commented 4 years ago

On further thought, going through the new idle_primed stuff is probably more convoluted than necessary. I think it would be enough to do something like this after all the timeout calculations:

if timeout == inf and not runner.external_wakeup_count and not runner.guest_mode:
    # deadlock detected

This also requires moving the timeout = min(max(0, timeout), _MAX_TIMEOUT) down below all this, and making the default timeout value inf instead of _MAX_TIMEOUT.

Ugh this will be so cool and it's so easy, I can taste it. But we need to sort out those blockers first.