python-visualization / branca

This library is a spinoff from folium, that would host the non-map-specific features.
MIT License
110 stars 63 forks source link

Version in `` incorrect #165

Closed ThomasBur closed 1 month ago

ThomasBur commented 3 months ago

G'day, looks like there's an issue with the version being generated by setuptools when installing from the git repository.

It's creating versions starting with 0.1 instead of 0.7.

This makes it a lot harder to test its interaction with other libraries, as folium requires version 0.3.0 or higher.

When I was mistakenly using an outdated version of setuptools, I also got the message recommending: migrating from the deprecated setup_requires mechanism to pep517/518 and using a pyproject.toml to declare build dependencies which are reliably pre-installed before running the build tools

Conengmo commented 3 months ago

~Probably related to as well. But needs to be fixed in the package itself, when building the docs is too late.~

Probably not related :)

Conengmo commented 3 months ago

I can't reproduce this issue.

First I upgrade the packages from requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt. Then I install Branca from git:

pip install git+

I get Successfully installed branca-0.7.2.dev6+g90579e9.

>>> import branca
>>> branca.__version__
>>> branca._version.__version__
Conengmo commented 3 months ago

I was investigating something similar in, there the issue was that the full commit history was not being fetched. In what environment are you having this issue?

Conengmo commented 2 months ago

@ThomasBur any news on this one, or is it okay to close?

Conengmo commented 1 month ago

I'll close this issue since I hope the issue was with the full commit history, not with something with Branca.