python-visualization / folium

Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps.
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Blue Lines when using TimestampedGeoJson in Folium #1945

Open EliStowi opened 4 weeks ago

EliStowi commented 4 weeks ago

Describtion During the animation with the TimestampedGeoJson plugin in Folium, blue lines briefly appear along the route of the objects, causing undesired strain on the hardware.

To Reproduce You can use the txt file and safe it as HTML and open it in your browser. At the timespamps 08:50:54 and 08:28:50 you can see the blue lines.

Expected behavior The blue lines should not appear during the animation and the hardware should not be strained.


Additional context To hide the lines, I replaced the following code in the HTML file (line 118):

style: function (feature) {

with the code:

style: function (feature) {
    return {
        opacity: 0.0

However, this does not reduce the hardware strain.

You can find an example Folium map animated_train_bug.txt (you can safe it as html and open it with chrome) and a video illustrating the issue attached (timestamp bug: 08:50:54 and 08:28:50).

Can you help making a fix for this issue please?


Uploading animation_rando_blue_lines.mp4…

Conengmo commented 3 weeks ago

Can confirm the blue line showing up in Edge in that file you provided.

Not sure what the issue is, and don't really have time to look into this.

Maybe as a work around you can add an explicit opacity 0 style to the geojson?

EliStowi commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your reply @Conengmo . We have already adjusted the opacity. It would be ideal if the lines were to disappear completely in order to reduce the load on the hardware.