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Implement __aiter__ protocol on a Queue #445

Closed mattrasband closed 7 years ago

mattrasband commented 7 years ago

Many times when using asycio.Queue a task is created to process the queue continually, resulting in code such as this:

while True:
    val = await q.get()
    # do stuff with val

Which feels less than ideal for a few reasons:

Instead in many cases it would feel more pythonic to iterate the results of a queue in a task:

async for val in q:
    # do stuff with val

It doesn't substantially change the LOC, but it does, in my opinion, read a little more fluidly.

This does open up a few questions on how, and when, to raise StopAsyncIteration:

  1. There is no queue.close/quit/etc, so we cannot set an event on that
  2. Relying on __del__ didn't feel right, while it works with scope - using it manually feels wrong and it obviously kills the queue you may otherwise plan to continue using - among other questions in an async env.
  3. join could be used to synchronize processing before continuing to be used again - and thus cannot be reliably used to suggest the iterator should discontinue consuming.
  4. The intended usage of _finished appears to be, and I may be misunderstanding, primarily around whether or not there is data at that moment, not if the queue is fully closed (I picture a case in which a consumer consumes faster than a producer produces)

That leaves me with a few options that seem reasonable (with various implementations):

Outstanding questions:

This may not be the best implementation, however I wanted to start a conversation around it as it has, thus far, been nice in a side project and others were encouraging me to. Granted our case is limited and instead I could put this in an external lib.

If you like the method idea instead and have a good name idea - I am at a loss at the moment...

sethmlarson commented 7 years ago

I'm -1 on this idea in general, I don't really have a problem with the prior syntax. The idea of a Queue is just FIFO, not manage things such as whether it's "open" or whether one of the ends is done reading entries. Applications should create their own "pipe" type and handle it themselves if they need this sort of behavior IMO.

The idea is useful in some cases so I'm not discounting that. This would definitely be useful as an external library if it's not merged here.

mattrasband commented 7 years ago

That's certainly fair, it may indeed not belong in the stdlib and be a per-project consideration 👍 I am all in favor of whatever is best for the community.

sethmlarson commented 7 years ago

@mrasband I'm not a representative voice here, just giving my thoughts. Hopefully others will weigh in as well.

mattrasband commented 7 years ago

@SethMichaelLarson All feedback is good feedback, that's why I put it out here!

mattrasband commented 7 years ago

I'm actually going to close this and make it a lib, I think it serves only one clear usage of queues (more pipelining, 1:1 style) and could cause a bit of confusion for the numerous other use cases.