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Add and asyncio.run_forever() functions. #465

Open 1st1 opened 7 years ago

1st1 commented 7 years ago

This PR adds two new APIs: and asyncio.run_in_executor(). Ideally, if possible, I'd like to have them in 3.6. If I have a green light on the idea, I'll update the patch to add unittests.

One of the main complaints that users have about asyncio is the situation around the event loop. We currently do a poor job explaining how exactly it should be used and how to structure asyncio programs in general.

With the recent update of asyncio.get_event_loop() we can now explain people that passing event loop explicitly is unnecessary, and that library APIs should be designed around coroutines.

I think we need to add two more functions to make the loop disappear from most asyncio programs.

asyncio.run_in_executor() coroutine: maps directly to the equivalent loop.run_in_executor(). The idea is that people don't need an event loop to use the function:

async def coro():
    await asyncio.run_in_executor(None, calculate, 100) function: run a coroutine taking care of the asyncio event loop.



@gvanrossum, what do you think?

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

If my voice counts, I am definitely +1 on having run in 3.6

vxgmichel commented 7 years ago

+1, definitely!

About asyncio.forever(), wouldn't it be simpler to have a wrapper around loop.add_signal_handler(SIGINT, ...)? For instance:

async def wait_for_interrupt():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    future = loop.create_future()
    loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, future.set_result, None)
        await future
asvetlov commented 7 years ago

+1, LGTM Do we need tests? I pretty sure we do.

1st1 commented 7 years ago

About asyncio.forever(), wouldn't it be simpler to have a wrapper around loop.add_signal_handler(SIGINT, ...)? For instance:

This would work to support signals. I want asyncio.forever() to support try..finally blocks regardless of what stopped the loop.

    await asyncio.forever()
    # important cleanup code code

TBH I don't want to distract ourselves with asyncio.forever() design. That stuff will require a separate discussion.

Do we need tests? I pretty sure we do.

For sure. As I explained in the first message, if Guido is in favour of the idea I'll add tests/docs/etc.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

Sure, add this. I don't have time for a review though.

1st1 commented 7 years ago

Sure, add this. I don't have time for a review though.

I've experimented a little bit, and it turns out that it's not that hard to implement the asyncio.forever() coroutine. The idea is to add a Future object that loop.run_forever() creates and sets the result to before returning.

With the latest commit it's possible to write coroutines like this:

async def foo():
        await asyncio.forever()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

The change modifies Task._wakeup to handle BaseException (that is a safe and backwards compatible thing to do), and adds a new low-level API method to the loop: get_forever_future().

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

So forever is just sleep infinity? Why do we need that?

--Guido (mobile)

1st1 commented 7 years ago

So forever is just sleep infinity? Why do we need that?

It's similar but not the same. It's designed to replace uses of loop.run_forever(), moving the program cleanup logic into the main coroutine.

It allows to safely transform this:

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
server = loop.run_until_complete(
    asyncio.start_server(handle_echo, '', 8888, loop=loop))

except KeyboardInterrupt:

# Close the server

into this:

async def main():
    server = await asyncio.start_server(handle_echo, '', 8888)

        await asyncio.forever()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    await server.wait_closed()

The former example that uses run_forever and run_until_complete is incomplete, btw. It doesn't use try..finally to guarantee the loop.close() call, and it doesn't shutdown generators. The latter example that uses does all of that.

The key difference from 'sleep(inf)is that you can usetry..except..finallyaroundawait forever()to properly cleanup whenKeyboardInterrupt` occurs or loop is stopped.

Having all program bootstrap logic defined in one coroutine is easier than using loop.run_until_complete(), passing the loop around, calling loop.run_forever, and later cleaning up the loop. would be useful even without asyncio.forever(). If you only open connections or spawn subrocesses, you can use it. But if you have a server, or a number of other coroutines that run in "background", you'd need something to await on until the program is done.

If you don't see any pitfalls with asyncio.forever() then I think we have a huge win here. Essentially, event loop then becomes a low-level API that will be recommended for "expert" users. We won't even need to bring it up in asyncio tutorials/examples.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

-1. Something that's only meant to be used at the top level doesn't deserve to be a coroutine IMO.

And even if we have forever() I think you should be able to get the same behavior (relative to KeyboardInterrupt) with sleep(100000).

vxgmichel commented 7 years ago

A few comments about

Like you said earlier, asyncio.forever() shouldn't distract us from getting merged, so I'll happily move my comments if you happen to make another PR/issue specially for asyncio.forever(). Anyway, here are my two cents:

I'm not sure it makes sense to have an asynchronous equivalent to loop.run_forever.

But if the loop is stopped, how can the coroutine keep running? In the current implementation, it is restored by running the loop a second time. So asyncio.forever() actually means "wait until the loop is restarted", which is a bit confusing in my opinion. That also means loop.stop() might be used to notify asyncio.forever(), which is also quite weird.

I would argue that a wait_for_interrupt() coroutine is actually enough to cover most of the loop.run_forever() use case. When is used, it should be safe to assume that the loop doesn't stop until the main coroutine is completed.

1st1 commented 7 years ago


-1. Something that's only meant to be used at the top level doesn't deserve to be a coroutine IMO.

Normally yes, I agree. Although I don't think this argument fully applies to this particular use case.

The idea is to add APIs to make it possible to move the application bootstrap logic (the "main" function") into a coroutine. The design of asyncio.start_server() and loop.create_server() API requires you to use loop.run_forever() function to properly cleanup. solves a lot of cases, but without something like asyncio.forever() it cannot help you when your application starts a server. And servers might be the majority of asyncio programs out there. Please take a look at the code example a couple of paragraphs below.

And even if we have forever() I think you should be able to get the same behavior (relative to KeyboardInterrupt) with sleep(100000).

I see your point. Unfortunately it's not possible to implement this behaviour in asyncio.sleep, so we'd definitely need a better name for forever().

What if we rename forever() to interrupted():

async def main():
    server = await asyncio.start_server(handle_echo, '', 8888)
        await asyncio.interrupted()
        await server.wait_closed()


  • Isn't restricting to the main thread a bit extreme? I guess it might help avoiding some issues though, e.g subprocess handling on unix systems.

The function is supposed be used to launch your main program coroutine and we recommend to use asyncio in the main thread. And yes, subprocesses don't properly work when the loop isn't running in the main thread. I don't think that lifting this restriction would help anyone to be honest.

  • About the clean-up, would it make sense to run the loop once, to get rid of possible pending callbacks? I remember I had to do that a few times to avoid some warnings.

Well, we run loop.shutdown_asyncgens() before closing, isn't that enough? I don't want to add another props for that, as it's just masking bugs and lack of some APIs in asyncio.

  • Shouldn't the current loop be saved and restored in the finally clause? The current implementation can lead to surprising results:

Can't do that. asyncio.get_event_loop behaves in weird ways with the default policy:

I'm -1 on all three.

I'm not sure it makes sense to have an asynchronous equivalent to loop.run_forever.

  • loop.run_forever: run until the loop is stopped
  • await asyncio.forever: wait until the loop is stopped But if the loop is stopped, how can the coroutine keep running?

It's up to the documentation -- the idea is that forever() wakes up when the loop is interrupted by a BaseException or was stopped by loop.stop(). It then allows you to cleanup your resources. wait_for_interrupt() doesn't cover that -- it only covers KeyboardInterrupt.

Please study my example code in this comment and in

asvetlov commented 7 years ago

+1 for keeping .run() only for main thread. Also I would like to have .interrupt(). @1st1 has described the need very well I believe. Yep, forever was ambiguous name but interrupt() sounds very clean for me.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

That's also ambiguous (is it a verb or a noun?). And the issue of whether it would just be a shorthand for sleep(inf) is still unsettled.

1st1 commented 7 years ago

That's also ambiguous (is it a verb or a noun?). And the issue of whether

I think I came up with a solution, please see below.

it would just be a shorthand for sleep(inf) is still unsettled.

We can't fix sleep() to support this. We can have N coroutines awaiting on sleep(inf) and the user presses ^C: which coroutine should we dispatch the KeyboardInterrupt to? Or maybe we have a server, and ^C happens in one of its socket read callbacks -- we can't dispatch that to sleep coroutines either.

Anyways, I think we can modify to accept asynchronous generators (in addition to regular coroutines). The closest analogy is @contextlib.contextmanager decorator.

With that we can have this:

async def main():
    server = await asyncio.start_server(handle_echo, '', 8888)
        await server.wait_closed()

I think this is a great idea because:

  1. No need for forever() or some other obscure coroutine.
  2. We don't need to modify loop.run_forever() or to add any new APIs to the loop.
  3. Users are already familiar with the concept because of contextlib.

The yield in this context means literally "yield control to the loop" from this "main" coroutine. If an exception happens or loop is stopped, please execute my cleanup code.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

That's also ambiguous (is it a verb or a noun?)

I think it should rather be interrupted(), as in Yury's server example above.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

No need for forever() or some other obscure coroutine.

I like this, disregard my previous comment.

asvetlov commented 7 years ago

The latest patch is really great. Using regular coroutine for client code and something like contextlib.contextmanager for server ones fits pretty clean into my mind.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

IIRC people are currently using a bare yield as the equivalent of sleep(0) -- just bounce to the loop, run all callbacks, and then continue. How can it also mean wait until the loop exits?

I really am very concerned that we're going to break things at the very last moment in a panic response to the critique from Nathaniel Smith.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

Also frankly run_in_executor() is a pretty clumsy API due to the initial parameter that is usually None. Is it really important enough to have this? (Again, I worry that this is a panic response rather than something well thought out.)

1st1 commented 7 years ago

IIRC people are currently using a bare yield as the equivalent of sleep(0) -- just bounce to the loop, run all callbacks, and then continue. How can it also mean wait until the loop exits?

But they use it in old style generator-based coroutines:

def foo():
    yield  # this is a NOP yield
async def main():
      yield # <- this is a yield from an async gen, something new in 3.6

Asynchronous generators can do any kind of yields they want -- there is no backwards compatibility issue here.

In fact, I'm thinking about making function Python 3.6 only, and clearly documenting both use cases.

I really am very concerned that we're going to break things at the very last moment in a panic response to the critique from Nathaniel Smith.

I wouldn't say that it's Nathaniel's post that caused this PR. I've been unhappy about the loop for a long time. I think I first proposed to fix get_event_loop 2 years ago.

1st1 commented 7 years ago

Also frankly run_in_executor() is a pretty clumsy API due to the initial parameter that is usually None. Is it really important enough to have this? (Again, I worry that this is a panic response rather than something well thought out.)

Yes, I've been thinking about run_in_executor too. I'll just drop it from this PR.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

Oh, it's async generators. Too subtle.

We did fix get_event_loop(), and we're all happy with that. Can we just stop now please?

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

Again, if my voice cunts, the thing that I would like to have is a simple-minded run (I could imagine this could be the same for other non-experts in asyncio) an I will be glad if it will appear soon :-)

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

Only if it's obviously correct. The gyrations we're going through here suggest that it's not. (Or not yet.)

1st1 commented 7 years ago

Again, if my voice counts, the thing that I would like to have is a simple-minded run (I could imagine this could be the same for other non-experts in asyncio) an I will be glad if it will appear soon :-)

If we don't handle the run_forever()/cleanup, I think that the function will be useful only for 30% of use cases. I discovered how often we use run_forever in asyncio docs and tutorials only yesterday. Then I looked at my own code, and realized that I myself can't use run() anywhere unless we handle finalization.


Oh, it's async generators. Too subtle.

This is for the "main" function - will only be in the code once to bootstrap the program.

Almost no one knows about bare yield expressions in generator-based coroutines. And a lot of asyncio users are just using async/await these days.

We did fix get_event_loop(), and we're all happy with that. Can we just stop now please?

Let me try to elaborate one last time on why I think it's essential to add this to 3.6:

  1. asyncio is unnecessary complex. Most of that complexity stems from managing the event loop. Starting with Python 3.6 we'll mostly need it to bootstrap asyncio programs -- but that code isn't simple. You have to use try..finally, to call shutdown_asyncgens, etc.
  2. People complain about the documentation being too complex and impossible to read. I'm trying to volunteer and rewrite the docs, but one I started, I saw that all of our examples have 20-50% of their code dedicated creating/running/closing the loop. That's just noise.
  3. The current solution with async generators is clean in terms of implementation. Adding asyncio.forever() was much more invasive. I'm confident that we won't have any problems with the latest design of run() -- please look at the implementation.

Speaking about Nathaniel's and Armin's posts -- they did highlight some real problems, and they resonated in Python community. I was giving a talk on PyCon Canada this weekend, and 50% of the questions there were about how complex asyncio is and how to learn it.

I code with asyncio every day, and meet with asyncio users very often. I'm trying hard to solve a real problem here, not just for beginners, but for advanced users like myself.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

Then I looked at my own code, and realized that I myself can't use run() anywhere unless we handle finalization.

I am all in favour of careful set-up/clean-up.

I'm trying hard to solve a real problem here, not just for beginners, but for advanced users like myself.

It is quite interesting that advanced users and beginners ask about the same thing -- a simple way to "bootstrap" a program.

It looks like the only unsettled problem is what to do with run_forever. I have no strong opinion on this now. But I don't think that we should decide right now. I will try to come up with some ideas tomorrow.

gvanrossum commented 7 years ago

Then you are on your own. I have enough stress in my life without having to worry about this.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

Some thoughts... (Guido, please ignore this if you don't have time or energy, you are already doing a lot for us :-))

Since there are two scenarios for the "top-level bootstrap", maybe there should be two functions run and serve. The semantics of run is clear:

def run(coro):
    # Set-up loop
    result = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
    # Careful clean-up

A possible semantics for serve could be (approximately):

def serve(setup, teardown):
    # Set-up loop
    result = loop.run_until_complete(teardown)
    # Careful clean-up

There are however some problems with such semantics:

The idea with an async generator that is now used by run nicely solves both problems. So that a good possible option would be to have:

Concerning the second one, I am also thinking maybe it should accept an arbitrary async context manager instead, and the possible implementation would be (note that I don't use async with so that serve will be a normal function, maybe this could be refactored via an inner coroutine):

def serve(mgr):
    # Set-up loop
        result = loop.run_until_complete(mgr.__aexit__(*sys.exc_info()))
        result = loop.run_until_complete(mgr.__aexit__(None, None, None))
    # Careful clean-up

and then the logic that is now in run could be transformed into @contextlib.asyncontextmanager

1st1 commented 7 years ago

Some thoughts...

Thanks, Ivan! Some good research there. I'm going to write an email to async-sig and ask about this PR. There are few more people there that can provide feedback.

Concerning the second one, I am also thinking maybe it should accept an arbitrary async context manager instead

I'm not sure we need to push more features to So far I see two options:

  1. We add that accepts generators or coroutines.
  2. We add that accepts coroutines; we add asyncio.run_forever() that accepts async generators.

If we manage to squeeze (1) or (2) in 3.6, we can add support for async context managers in 3.7.

mitsuhiko commented 7 years ago

Since my feedback was asked for via email: not sure how much it counts for anything but +1 on it conceptionally. However that being said I'm pretty sure the fact that this makes a new event loop and you not being able to run it on other threads is not super great. I will look at it in detail more but generally the fact that cleanup is so hard currently and inconsistent between libraries is absolutely not great.

I ran into the same issue multiple times already and it makes code super awkward in many ways, particularly in documentation and unittests.

1st1 commented 7 years ago

[..] However that being said I'm pretty sure the fact that this makes a new event loop

Since the function closes the loop, I'm not sure it's a good idea to pass one inside. We have a mechanism to define a policy (you can do that in tests) with custom new_event_loop function, so that you can inject your own preconfigured one (that's how uvloop works).

and you not being able to run it on other threads is not super great.

We can lift this requirement, it's not fundamental.

mitsuhiko commented 7 years ago

Well, this is an entire separate can of worms. I have huge problems with actually closing the loop in things like this if you have multiple things that need cleaning up. For instance I have some async generators that guard an aiohttp server and I cannot use the method because it closes the loop and does not provide a sensible way to make the async generator work with that.

I do not see how this function here would solve that issue either. Composability of async generators in the light of shutdowns and isolated loops is really tricky.

mitsuhiko commented 7 years ago

For a project of mine I ended up copy/pasting code from aiohttp because I could not make shutdowns work with the run method which closes the loop.

1st1 commented 7 years ago

I do not see how this function here would solve that issue either. Composability of async generators in the light of shutdowns and isolated loops is really tricky.

Can you post an example where the proposed function won't help? The idea is that with you can do any kind of cleanup on your own in your main coroutine. The function then does some additional cleanup and closes the loop.

I don't think it's possible to implement a function that will help with all cases -- unittests is one area where you almost always need a lot of custom logic, and that's OK. In case of aiohttp it's their job to provide you with good base unittest base classes and functions.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago


I'm not sure we need to push more features to So far I see two options:

I would really prefer option 2: two separate functions -- run for coroutines and run_forever for asyncgen's. I believe this could avoid confusion with old style coroutines mentioned by Guido.

1st1 commented 7 years ago

I've modified this PR to add just two functions:

This PR also adds unittests. FWIW I used a custom asyncio policy to control the loop that the new functions use during tests, and it worked great.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

Thank you Yury, it looks great! I left few small comments concerning error messages.

Also I think maybe it is worth adding a note somewhere in docs for people who are already familiar with loop.run_until_complete and loop.run_forever that run is a wrapper around loop.run_until_complete that takes care of set-up and clean-up; and run_forever is a wrapper around loop.run_forever that adds the same set-up and clean-up logic around the logic provided by user in context-manager-like asyncgen?

(This is obvious if one looks at the code, but otherwise it might be not clear why such design was chosen.)

1st1 commented 7 years ago

Also I think maybe it is worth adding a note somewhere in docs [..]

Sure, we'll update the docs!

asvetlov commented 7 years ago

We have very long discussion here. As I see we have a preliminary agreement that .run() is good addition. After that @1st1 has remembered about server side code which usually uses run_forever. The first proposal for accepting a coroutine for client code and async context manager was working but not perfect solution. Splitting it into run and run_forever make the API clean and obvious. I'm +1 for the patch.

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

3.6b4 is scheduled for tomorrow, if there is a chance this goes into 3.6, then it probably makes sense to merge this before that time.

vxgmichel commented 7 years ago

Can this PR be moved to python/cpython?

ilevkivskyi commented 7 years ago

Can this PR be moved to python/cpython?

IIUC, Yury is working on a PEP now that will cover the features in this PR.

AraHaan commented 7 years ago

@ilevkivskyi on your example above on the exception I would actually name the special function differently.

instead of :

def serve(mgr):
    # Set-up loop
        result = loop.run_until_complete(mgr.__aexit__(*sys.exc_info()))
        result = loop.run_until_complete(mgr.__aexit__(None, None, None))
    # Careful clean-up

I would do:

def serve(mgr):
    # Set-up loop
        result = loop.run_until_complete(mgr.__on_error__(*sys.exc_info()))
        result = loop.run_until_complete(mgr.__aexit__(None, None, None))
    # Careful clean-up

So that way if they do not have or define an __aexit__ that can take in exception messages.

Or another way is to have some sort of decorator that would register an function with asyncio that would handle the exception message so that way asyncio would not error again if they do not have __on_error__ in the type or object.