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Consider whether or not to migrate source code to this repo #2

Open ncoghlan opened 6 years ago

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

(Migrating this proposal from )

When CPython migrated to GitHub, the code stayed on in order to remain consistent with upstream Roundup.

It would be nice if the maintenance could be split somehow such that most CPython specific changes could be managed using the same process as other core-workflow tools, even if there were some lower level issues that still required making changes to a modified version of Roundup managed in Mercurial.

ewdurbin commented 6 years ago

We have a handful of repositories to consider:

This is our fork of roundup. It should remain as up to date as possible with upstream at which is also a mercurial repository. I think it's fine that it remain on until such a time that the upstream repo is compatible with migrating it to GitHub or similar.

The templates, extensions, detectors, and modules that customize I'm 100% on board with bringing that over to GitHub!

Other hosted trackers

We still also host:

Jython's tracker We could similarly migrate the customizations into this repository along side the CPython tracker.

Meta tracker which it sounds like goes away per #1

Setuptools tracker which seems defunct in favor of the issue tracker at Perhaps we should archive/statcify the existing tracker?

Roundup's Tracker

Not currently source controlled. I'd like to see this migrated into this repository as well.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

Making this repo a replacement for sounds excellent to me, since most of the events that core-workflow folks are going to be interested in should already exist at that level.

I filed to cover doing something about the legacy setuptools issue tracker.

Running and out of this repo would also be fine by me, although I'd also ask if it might make more sense to give them their own repos (as that way the webhook triggers for CI and automated redeployments would more naturally align between the repositories and the live sites).

ezio-melotti commented 6 years ago

I would prefer to leave python-dev on hg.p.o at least for now. If python-dev is moved here, the other instances should be moved as well, since I often have to apply the exact same patch on all 4 of them. Using the same vcs for both the instances and roundup would also be nice.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

While maintaining consistent workflows is definitely preferable, we already have a major inconsistency between, CPython itself, and the rest of the CPython workflow automation that means we can't just send a PR for the way we can for our other workflow tools, and that creates a significant barrier to contribution for the instance. It also makes it significantly more difficult to set up CI for, since we can't just use Travis CI the way we do for CPython and other workflow repos.

While there are some rumblings along the lines of "Well maybe we should just stop using entirely, then", I personally consider that to be a more drastic solution than we actually need. Instead, the lowest impact option we currently have available to mitigate the impact of the workflow inconsistency is to shift where it occurs to be between the instance repo (which would move to GitHub), and the Roundup fork (which would remain on unless/until Roundup itself migrated to using git, whether on GitHub, GitLab, or somewhere else).

This does have flow-on effects for the other Roundup instances that the PSF hosts, and definitely shifts the burden of the inconvenience down the stack to the folks maintaining the rolling fork, but has the major advantage that most contributions will be able to flow through a simplified version of the contribution process documented in the CPython developer guide.

It will only be when folks decide they want/need to modify Roundup itself that they'll need to start looking at Mercurial and non-PR based contribution processes (and even there, we could potentially mitigate the difference by making BitBucket the master copy of the Roundup fork and accepting PRs there, and switching over to being a PSF-hosted mirror).

brettcannon commented 6 years ago

@ezio-melotti What are the 4 instances? setuptools, jython, b.p.o and what?

And are these other instances providing people-power to help support their instances? If the answer is "no" then I think it might be time to ask them to consider migrating to any of the other various free open source hosting platforms that come with an issue tracker rather than have knock-on effects of trying to support them.

ezio-melotti commented 6 years ago

b.p.o, meta-tracker, jython, setuptools.

AFAIK no one is working on them, but b.p.o and meta are ours and setuptool is not longer used. Jython is the only one that should be actively used. I've updated those instances every time I did an update on Roundup and/or there was some security issue, but other than that they don't require any particular maintenance.

ewdurbin commented 6 years ago itself is also hosted on

ezio-melotti commented 6 years ago

While it is hosted on the same machine, it's not part of the 4 instances we maintain, and it's currently maintained by the Roundup devs.

brettcannon commented 6 years ago

OK, so maybe we should reach out to the Jython devs and let them know we are no longer going to push changes to their fork for them and they will need to have someone do it on their behalf? That will bring the number of instances down to one (assuming this replaces the meta tracker).

ezio-melotti commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure that would be the best course of action. The other instances require so little maintenance that they are not a burden (at least to me). For instance, the Jython instance got a dozen of commits in the last 6 years, and those changesets are applied to all the instances without changes. I think it's best if we keep all the active instances together, and we keep maintaining them together -- in fact, I also think it would be better to add the roundup-tracker instance to the others. Moreover, I believe none of the Jython developers have access to b.p.o or even care much about what happens to their instance as long as it keeps working fine.

brettcannon commented 6 years ago

@ezio-melotti but will it be a burden if we start to get more people involved? It just sounded like it was a burden in your earlier comment is all. I mean if you want to take it on to backport all changes that land in b.p.o's code then I have no objection.

ezio-melotti commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean, so I'll try to summarize the situation and my position. It's a long post and I also included several things that are OT for this issue, but I'm having a hard time following all the issues/threads/discussion that came up lately and thought it would be good to have a summary somewhere (new issues/threads can then be started elsewhere if necessary).

TL;DR imho the vcs is not what's stopping people, we need to improve the docker image so that it's easier to set up a tracker and test things and we need more people that understand Roundup and are able to review patches. Moving to github will also make my life slightly harder for the time being.

Regarding our Roundup fork:

Regarding the instances:

Regarding the tasks and where contributors would be useful:

For the future, I think we should follow these steps:

  1. wait for the upcoming release of Roundup 1.6 and update our fork;
  2. update our instances and possibly apply outstanding patches (e.g. the github login);
  3. review and apply the rest api patch;
  4. test/fix the rest api patch and backport upstream once stable (possibly before Roundup 2.0);
  5. upgrade to Roundup 2.0, switch to Python 3, possibly ditch our fork and start following main upstream releases;
  6. continue to improve our instance as we see fit;

In parallel to this we can also:

brettcannon commented 6 years ago

So I'm hearing:

  1. Better Dockerfile
  2. Fix stuff
  3. Get off of our fork with Roundup 2.0
  4. Keep fixing stuff forever

So who wants to help make step 1 happen? And are people okay with helping make that happen on and the current development process there? If anyone answers "yes" to the first question but "no" to the second then please speak up.

ezio-melotti commented 6 years ago

Note that the dockerfile is already on GitHub at (thanks to @soltysh) and that should be the most recent version (there used to be a couple of clones on BitBucket too, including and the original version by @introom). The repo has a few open issues, so that should be a good starting point for anyone that wants to help.

Getting out of our fork is something I've been working on since we switched to Mercurial, and we are not far now, but the rest api patch will push us further apart until is backported upstream.

Mariatta commented 6 years ago

I personally think that as long as this project is in mercurial, without any CI, and without good way to even review patches, then it is not ready to start accepting lots of patches and fixes from new contributors.

I've read , and I still couldn't figure out how to upload a patch, let alone how to help review patches.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

None of the issues Ezio raised are the ones I am trying to solve with this proposal: the one I care about is that folks that are already actively contributing to CPython, the main PSF website, and to other core development workflow tools are not able to meaningfully contribute to maintenance without:

  1. Learning a new, now mostly undocumented, source code management workflow (the CPython dev guide no longer covers this)
  2. Talking about proposed patches in the abstract, without any tooling to help with line-by-line commenting
  3. Figuring out how to run Docker locally, rather than pushing a patch and letting pre-merge CI figure out whether or not it broke anything

That's a problem, since is essentially our core workflow engine, and without a straightforward way to fix small niggling problems, folks are unlikely to be motivated to progress towards tackling the bigger structural problems with the current maintenance process - they're more likely to invest their time in working out how to eliminate from the workflow entirely.

ezio-melotti commented 6 years ago

@ncoghlan: What kind of tooling/workflow would you suggest then (other than just GitHub)? In the past (before the switch to GitHub) I wanted to fix things on the website and couldn't figure out how to do it. ISTM that having CI figure out whether or not things broke is not as straightforward, since many of the changes require user interaction and are not tested from the code. If things are not tested manually on a local instance, having a new online instance for a live test tracker might be a solution, but maybe you have something else in mind.


I personally think that as long as this project is in mercurial, without any CI, and without good way to even review patches, then it is not ready to start accepting lots of patches and fixes from new contributors.

In order to create these patches they would still need to figure out how to set up and run the tracker locally, understanding how Roundup works, what to change, where, and how, how to debug it, and how to test their changes. This is IMHO a much higher wall than learning how to use mercurial (learning hg clone and hg diff > patch.diff is enough to create the patch) or having a CI and inline reviews. This is also why I put "improving the docker image" as one of the most important steps above.

I've read , and I still couldn't figure out how to upload a patch, let alone how to help review patches.

The workflow is the same that we used on CPython for years: get a local clone, change the code, create a diff, upload it to the (meta)tracker, have someone review/try the patch, and, if it works, commit and push it. Now that CPython uses a different workflow, it's not as obvious and this workflow should probably be documented somewhere.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

@ezio-melotti Given @soltysh's work on OpenShift/Kubernetes compatibility, then folks should be able to deploy demo instances from their public forks to the OpenShift Online starter tier, and potentially also to the Google/Azure/Amazon Kubernetes offerings (GKE/AKS/EKS). That's a lot more powerful than only being able to test locally, since it means folks can also share UI changes for review and comment before they deploy them. However, even without that, moving to a PR based workflow means that anyone can pull the PR down and run it up locally in Docker, rather than having to download the patch and apply it manually. (Essentially, you'd gain access to this aspect of the CPython workflow: )

It would even be possible for the CI to do a full local deployment using Docker, and then start setting up some basic automated behavioural tests using something like behave or pytest-bdd. The key stepping stone towards doing that would be to write out the kinds of things that a human should be checking for in a manual test, and then asking whether or not a test script could be checking for those things instead.

Getting back to the learning curve question, though, "How to run your own modified copy of the issue tracker" and "How to check if the issue tracker is still working correctly after making changes" are important points, but they're also intrinsically part of the task "I want to make changes to the issue tracker".

"How to use our legacy patch-based development workflow" isn't the same kind of learning activity: it's a "We know there are better workflows available, because we migrated CPython to them, but we simply haven't got around to modernising this one yet" task. As such, it's a lot more demotivating as a barrier to contribution than being asked to learn how to run or test the service that you're aiming to work on.

As such, rather than attempting to smooth out that part of the learning curve, it makes more sense to take that step out entirely, leaving only the intrinsic barriers to entry (i.e. actually being able to run a test instance).

willingc commented 6 years ago

@soltysh's Dockerfile is excellent. It's very straightforward to get up and running. Docker has improved a great deal on its support of MacOS and Windows in the past year, and installing docker is no longer the same hurdle it once was.

One thing that would improve the experience using the Dockerfile would be to include some dummy data that would aid in testing that UI changes are working as expected.

IMHO, the good work by @ezio-melotti and others on would be even more valuable if the source and Dockerfile were all in one place and consistent with the workflows of CPython.

ncoghlan commented 6 years ago

That actually reminds me of something I've set up at work: a pipenv managed "dev environment" type arrangement, where git clone + pipenv shell gets you a working environment with everything else you need (up to and including ansible).

If we updated to include Mercurial inside the Docker image, then the initial repository cloning and later updating could be handled as additional helper scripts inside the image.

The change review process would still be fairly awkward, though :(

ammaraskar commented 6 years ago

For my 2 cents as someone who has recently tried to contribute code to add logging in with Github, here's some brief thoughts:

bitdancer commented 6 years ago

On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 11:17:18 -0700, Ammar Askar wrote:

  • As someone who has done a fair bit of web dev and now had a cursory look at the bpo source code, it would be fairly involved to add automated CI testing, even the type proposed above. The project is fairly outdated and not built with this in mind. With the level of contributions it currently receives, this is a fairly unreachable goal. You would really need someone to volunteer a fair bit of time to make it happen.

Yes, roundup was developed long ago, and has actually held up surprisingly well, considering that.

roundup is a separate project from, and there are a few (not many!) developers working on it in addition to Ezio's occasional contributions. They talked on the -dev mailing list about a possible git migration at one point. No idea where they are at now, since the mailing lists started requiring a "confirm you are still interested" response and I didn't bother. I still hang out on their irc channel, though (#roundup on oftc).

All of which is to say that a move of roundup itself to git would benefit more than just cpython, and possibly also pull in some additional knowledgeable folks if someone wanted to spearhead it.

That, however, is separate from the instance definitions and the testing of the same. I don't see why testing the b.p.o instance would be any different a problem than testing any other web site, but I've never written automated tests for a web site so I really don't know.


ammaraskar commented 6 years ago

That, however, is separate from the instance definitions and the testing of the same. I don't see why testing the b.p.o instance would be any different a problem than testing any other web site, but I've never written automated tests for a web site so I really don't know.

Right, when talking about bpo up there, I really mean roundup + the bpo instance as a whole.

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

I have just discovered the repo today. Is this now the official codebase for bpo, and it's no longer on mercurial? It would be great if all relevant documentation can be updated. For example, the page seems outdated. We may also need to consolidate the issues in this repo (python/ and transfer them to psf/bpo-roundup

berkerpeksag commented 4 years ago

bpo-roundup is our fork of Roundup. Repository for bugs.p.o's Roundup instance is located at

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

Ok then should we retire this repo (python/ and transfer all open issues to psf/bpo-tracker-cpython and start pointing people there? It's confusing that we have the two repos right now. Note that only those with write access to both python/ and psf/bpo-tracker-cpython can transfer issues, and I don't have such privilege.

berkerpeksag commented 4 years ago

Sounds good to me. I can move issues over to the new repo. Archiving/redirecting it to the new location may require someone from the infra team.

bitdancer commented 4 years ago

No, I don't think so. I haven't been involved in tracker development for a while, so I may be out of date, but this is my understanding:

Our roundup setup comes in two pieces: there is our modifications to the base roundup code (our fork, as Berker mentioned), and there is the code that constitutes our instance, which is a set of template and code files that implement on top of the base roundup code. Those are the two code repositories Berker metioned, IIUC.

It is often hard to tell where a bug or feature needs to be addressed (the roundup codebase or the codebase). Therefore we have always had a "meta tracker" to track bugs related to The repo you are asking about is the replacement for the old meta-tracker, which was itself a roundup instance.

So no, unless things have changed more than I think, this repo is doing exactly what it should be doing: holding the issues related to, and nothing else (no code). A "repo" named '' is a much more obvious place for people to post bugs/feature requests than the other two repos, assuming one could even figure out which one to post to :)

You will note that the two code repos (both under 'psf', not 'python') do not have any issues, which is as it should be.


PS: I haven't read back through it, but after a quick scan I think that if psf/bpo-roundup is a fork of the github repo for roundup being maintained by the roundup team, then this issue can probably be closed once the README of this repo is updated accordingly.

berkerpeksag commented 4 years ago

Ezio can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we are close to ditching our Roundup fork so perhaps we can now combine meta tracker and source code of bugs.p.o instance in the same repo.

Mariatta commented 4 years ago

Even if you're still keeping Roundup fork, I just think the concept of meta-tracker is less relevant on GitHub. You can always transfer issues to the other repo easily if necessary. Additionally you're able to cross reference other GitHub repo in your PR.

Having this repo as the "meta-tracker" right now feels odd to me since us core devs aren't really the maintainers of roundup or b.p.o. If anything perhaps core devs should be added to the repo so we can help maintain it.

ezio-melotti commented 4 years ago contains the Roundup code + our changes in the branch ("our fork"). is the instance used for is the instance for is the instance for

These 3 instances are run on top of the code of the bpo-roundup repo. (this repo) was meant to replace the old meta-tracker. The old meta-tracker tracked issues related to all the other 4 repos (back then there were actually 5 instances, our Roundup fork, and a couple of ancillary repos, but most issues were either about our fork, the b.p.o instance, or affected all the instances).

Once we switch to GitHub issues, we won't need the bpo-tracker-cpython repo anymore, but bpo-roundup will have to stay around unless and also switch. Merging the issues from this repo into the bpo-roundup repo might be ok then, with the understanding that it will cover both our fork and the two remaining instances.