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Pluggable optimizer API #104584

Open markshannon opened 1 year ago

markshannon commented 1 year ago

We need an API for optimizers to be plugged in to CPython.

The proposed model is that of client server, where the VM is the client and the optimizer is the server. The optimizer registers with the VM, then VM calls the optimizer when hotspots are detected.

The API:

type struct {
    _PyInterpreterFrame *(*execute)(PyExecutorObject *self, _PyInterpreterFrame *frame, PyObject **stack_pointer);
    /* Data needed by the executor goes here, but is opaque to the VM */
} PyExecutorObject;

/* This would be nicer as an enum, but C doesn't define the size of enums */
typedef uint32_t PyOptimizerCapabilities;

type struct {
    PyExecutorObject *(*compile)(PyOptimizerObject* self, PyCodeObject *code, int offset);
    PyOptimizerCapabilities capabilities;
    float optimization_cost;
    float run_cost;
    /* Data needed by the compiler goes here, but is opaque to the VM */
} PyOptimizerObject;

void _Py_Executor_Replace(PyCodeObject *code, int offset, PyExecutorObject *executor);

int _Py_Optimizer_Register(PyOptimizerObject* optimizer);

The semantics of a PyExecutorObject is that upon return from its execute function, the VM state will have advanced N instructions. Where N is a non-negative integer.

Full discussion here:

This is not a replacement for PEP 523. That will need a PEP. We should get this working first, before we consider replacing PEP 523.

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markshannon commented 1 year ago

Note that the above API is just the initial version to support our work on speeding up Python 3.13. It will probably need to be extended to support PyTorch Dynamo and other users of PEP 523 that cannot use PEP 669, but that is for another issue.

encukou commented 3 weeks ago

Is documenting these planned for 3.13?

markshannon commented 3 weeks ago

Since we are removing them in 3.14, probably not.

vstinner commented 3 weeks ago

Since we are removing them in 3.14, probably not.

If possible, I would like to backport to Python 3.13, to solve a C99 compatibility issue.