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A new Python REPL #111201

Open pablogsal opened 8 months ago

pablogsal commented 8 months ago

This issue will track all the different steps to bootstrap a new Python REPL with many new features. The target of this issue is that we can reach a point where new contributions can be made easily to the REPL once is written in pure Python. This issue only coveres the initial ground work to reach this status.

Tasks to be done:

Linked PRs

pablogsal commented 8 months ago

If you want to help with this endeavour, please mention it here so we can coordinate everyone!

pablogsal commented 8 months ago

I have a initial version that we can start building upon, I will create a PR shortly.

tomasr8 commented 8 months ago

I learned about this from the "" podcast and it sounds like a great idea! I'd be happy help with this effort :)

vstinner commented 8 months ago

Fallback to the previous tokenizer-based REPL if the terminal is not a tty (and for backwards compat reasons)

Do you mean not using _pyrepl? Can _pyrepl be used without readline nor tty?

pablogsal commented 8 months ago

Can _pyrepl be used without readline nor tty?

It needs at least a tty yes. Readline can be lifted but I am not sure yet

novaTopFlex commented 2 months ago

I would like to see a new REPL (read, evaluate, print, loop) for the Python interpreter if the interpreter goes by a different name. Two other major Python interpreters also exist, and they already use other names ("bpython" and "ipython"). I would recommend forking the current REPL and renaming the interpreter with the new REPL to "zpython" instead. Also, I would like to see a built-in "clear()" function in the REPL as I already encounter with the "exit()" function and other REPL-specific functions.

theLastOfCats commented 1 month ago

Big feature without PEP?

encukou commented 1 month ago

Most buildbots are broken with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".../Lib/unittest/", line 1420, in patched
    return func(*newargs, **newkeywargs)
  File ".../Lib/test/", line 643, in test_push_without_key_in_keymap
    eq = EventQueue(sys.stdout.fileno(), "utf-8")
io.UnsupportedOperation: fileno


pablogsal commented 1 month ago

Checking, will make a PR this morning

lysnikolaou commented 1 month ago

I already have something, will push in a bit.

kulikjak commented 1 month ago

Hi, I am seeing the following error:

FAIL: test_completion_with_many_options (test.test_pyrepl.TestPyReplCompleter.test_completion_with_many_options)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/..../cpython-main/Lib/test/", line 586, in test_completion_with_many_options
    self.assertEqual(output, "os.O_ASYNC")
AssertionError: 'os.O_AS' != 'os.O_ASYNC'
- os.O_AS
+ os.O_ASYNC
?        +++

The reason is most likely that os.O_ASYNC is not necessarily available on all platforms (I am seeing this on Solaris where it's missing). I tried replacing it with O_AP and O_APPEND and then it works as expected.

hauntsaninja commented 1 month ago

(hmm there is only one constant starting with os.O_AS, so not sure where the "with_manyoptions" comes in. should it just be testing `os.O? if anythingtest_simple_completion` tests multiple options because of getenv and getenvb)

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

(hmm there is only one constant starting with os.O_AS, so not sure where the "with_manyoptions" comes in. should it just be testing `os.O? if anythingtest_simple_completion` tests multiple options because of getenv and getenvb)

Yes, but the "multiple options" comes from the fact that the test first checks what happens if you type os. and you press tab twice (which displays all options) and then you complete from one. Notice the sequence of characters is:

hauntsaninja commented 1 month ago
treyhunner commented 1 month ago
  • When you use the help statement (but not when calling help()), there is an extra >>> when you exit

Exiting history mode (hitting F2 and then q) also shows an extra >>>.

  • Paste mode is awesome. Would be even more awesome if we can have it mostly work all the time, like IPython

IPython relies on prompt toolkit which relies on bracketed paste mode. Issue #84001 is about that.

Bracketed paste mode and Windows support (which is a much bigger ask than bracket paste mode I assume) would likely fully replace my tendency to explain pip and venv early for the sake of nudging brand new Python programmers toward IPython.

I am so excited to use this new REPL while teaching after 3.13's release. 👏

cfbolz commented 1 month ago

One behaviour I was pretty confused by right now is the "recursive" help mode. If you press F1 a bunch of times, it will start nested helps and each of them needs an exit/ctrl-d to leave. Is that intentional?

ambv commented 1 month ago

Keep the feedback coming, we'll be fixing those things for beta 2!

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

Bracketed paste coming right up:

barneygale commented 1 month ago

Pressing Ctrl-R and then an arrow key trips an assertion for me. Logged as #118682, mentioning here for visibility.

treyhunner commented 1 month ago

Another issue, unfortunately caused by bracketed paste mode: pasting text is now about 1,000 times slower (by my estimate). Pasting the 441,033 character text of Frankenstein takes a couple seconds in the old REPL, but pasting just the first 7,628 characters took 39 seconds in the new REPL.

Hitting Ctrl+C while pasting also doesn't stop the pasting, so accidentally pasting a very large block is an unfortunate mistake to make currently.

hugovk commented 1 month ago

With the old REPL on macOS, sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\") prints out a string. But the new one doesn't:

❯ PYTHON_BASIC_REPL=1 ./python.exe
Python 3.13.0a6+ (heads/main:fcf52d7cee, May  8 2024, 09:40:54) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.prefix
>>> sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\")
main on  main [$?⇡] via C v15.0.0-clang via 🐍 v3.12.3 via 💎 v3.1.3 took 36s
❯ ./python.exe
Python 3.13.0a6+ (heads/main:fcf52d7cee, May  8 2024, 09:40:54) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.prefix
>>> sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\")
pablogsal commented 1 month ago

With the old REPL on macOS, sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\") prints out a string. But the new one doesn't:

❯ PYTHON_BASIC_REPL=1 ./python.exe
Python 3.13.0a6+ (heads/main:fcf52d7cee, May  8 2024, 09:40:54) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.prefix
>>> sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\")
main on  main [$?⇡] via C v15.0.0-clang via 🐍 v3.12.3 via 💎 v3.1.3 took 36s
❯ ./python.exe
Python 3.13.0a6+ (heads/main:fcf52d7cee, May  8 2024, 09:40:54) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.prefix
>>> sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\")

Hummm, are you using the latest main? It works for me:

main on  main [$?⇕] took 49s
❯ ./python.exe
Python 3.13.0a6+ (heads/main:c4f9823be27, May  8 2024, 10:02:25) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.prefix
>>> sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\")
pablogsal commented 1 month ago

Oh, by any chance have you pasted the code into the REPL? Paste mode uses exec in some occasions so it may have a bug when it does not print the result

hugovk commented 1 month ago

Yes, I was on latest main and I did paste it in.

Yep, confirmed it reproduces when pasting, and works fine when typing or selecting from history.

chgnrdv commented 1 month ago

Since _pyrepl.__main__ is top-level now, its imports/definitions are exposed to user. Should we hide them?

Python 3.13.0a6+ (heads/main:c4f9823be2, May  8 2024, 21:42:56) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> dir()
['CAN_USE_PYREPL', '__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
'__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'interactive_console', 'os', 'sys']
treyhunner commented 1 month ago

When editing the last line in a function in the new REPL, hitting Enter doesn't end the block if the last line has indentation on it.


Demo of the bug, demo of what IPython does

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

When editing the last line in a function in the new REPL, hitting Enter doesn't end the block if the last line has indentation on it.


Demo of the bug, demo of what IPython does

We will look into it but that's by design I think. The block won't end unless you are in the last line at the start and you press enter. Otherwise it will think you are editing the block adding new lines

sobolevn commented 1 month ago

Now python and python -m asyncio works differently.

Снимок экрана 2024-05-09 в 11 55 50

I want to give it a shot and fix it :)

sobolevn commented 1 month ago

Hm, right now I don't see any simple way of merging these two together:


I think that this would require some API change. Not sure which one, though :( I would like pass it to someone else.

AlexWaygood commented 1 month ago

We've discovered that if you manually type out a condition that evaluates to False in the new REPL, False is printed as the result, as expected...

>>> (3, 13, 0, "final") < (3, 13, 0, "beta")

...but that if you copy and paste this condition into the REPL, nothing is printed (implying that the condition evaluates to None:

>>> (3, 13, 0, "final") < (3, 13, 0, "beta")

Thanks @Eclips4 for realising that the difference in behaviour here was due to copying-and-pasting the condition rather than typing it out!

Eclips4 commented 1 month ago

Additionally to Alex's message: There's another problem that probably has the same root cause:

>>> async with a: pass
  File "<python-input-2>", line 1
    async with a: pass
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

This was typed manually and raised an incorrect "version" of SyntaxError.

If I paste this (i.e async with a: pass) instead of typing it manually, the correct SyntaxError will be raised:

>>> async with a: pass
  File "<python-input-3>", line 1
SyntaxError: 'async with' outside async function
pablogsal commented 1 month ago

We've discovered that if you manually type out a condition that evaluates to False in the new REPL, False is printed as the result, as expected...

>>> (3, 13, 0, "final") < (3, 13, 0, "beta")

...but that if you copy and paste this condition into the REPL, nothing is printed (implying that the condition evaluates to None:

>>> (3, 13, 0, "final") < (3, 13, 0, "beta")

Thanks @Eclips4 for realising that the difference in behaviour here was due to copying-and-pasting the condition rather than typing it out!

This was already noted in

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

Maybe it's time to start opening individual issues for these things. @ambv @lysnikolaou thoughts?

AlexWaygood commented 1 month ago

This was already noted in #111201 (comment)

Ah, sorry for the noise :(

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

This was already noted in #111201 (comment)

Ah, sorry for the noise :(

No problem, but as we are only using one issue I am afraid that problems will be lost in the discussion ;)

lysnikolaou commented 1 month ago

Maybe it's time to start opening individual issues for these things. @ambv @lysnikolaou thoughts?

I agree. Opening new issues sounds better, but it'd be great if we could create a topic-repl label for easier grouping.

cfbolz commented 1 month ago

I agree. Opening new issues sounds better, but it'd be great if we could create a topic-repl label for easier grouping.

yes please, I'd like that too.

hugovk commented 1 month ago

Label requested at

erlend-aasland commented 1 month ago

Maybe it's time to start opening individual issues for these things. @ambv @lysnikolaou thoughts?

I agree. Opening new issues sounds better, but it'd be great if we could create a topic-repl label for easier grouping.

Consider also to use a GitHub Project.

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

Maybe it's time to start opening individual issues for these things. @ambv @lysnikolaou thoughts?

I agree. Opening new issues sounds better, but it'd be great if we could create a topic-repl label for easier grouping.

Consider also to use a GitHub Project.

What would be the advantage over a label?

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

Label created:

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

@treyhunner @AlexWaygood @chgnrdv @hugovk Do you mind creating individual issues and label them with the new label?

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

I'm closing this one for now, please lets continue with individual ones

pablogsal commented 1 month ago

Actually I am reopening until we land the tests PRs that we have pending

erlend-aasland commented 1 month ago

What would be the advantage over a label?

But a label is also fine.

AlexWaygood commented 1 month ago
  • you don't have to create an issue over at the core-workflow repo, you can just create the project

Well, this is just our convention -- any core dev or triager can actually create a label by themselves at any time. We just choose to have a slightly more elaborate process around it :P

AlexWaygood commented 1 month ago

@treyhunner @AlexWaygood @chgnrdv @hugovk Do you mind creating individual issues and label them with the new label?

I created

treyhunner commented 1 month ago

@treyhunner @AlexWaygood @chgnrdv @hugovk Do you mind creating individual issues and label them with the new label?

I created #118911