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Use static analysis to assist inlining values and compact object layout. #115775

Open markshannon opened 4 months ago

markshannon commented 4 months ago

Feature or enhancement

With we only create dictionaries when needed, which means we need to guess how big to create the values array attached to each object.

We use the following heuristic: Start with 30 items and reduce by one each time we create an object until the size of the array is no more than one greater than the number of keys in the shared keys. This works reasonably well, but it could be improved. Many classes have a fixed set of attributes, but they are not all used during early object creation. Static analysis could give us a better estimate of the size of values array to use, by pre-initializing the shared keys.

For each class body we should have the compiler inject a special attribute, say __expected_attributes__, which can be used at runtime to compute the expected attributes for the class.

For an example of code where static analysis could work, but our current dynamic approach does not, see

Linked PRs

iritkatriel commented 4 months ago

we should have the compiler inject a special attribute, say __expected_attributes__,

Do you mean that this should be added as a field to PyTypeObject?

markshannon commented 4 months ago

No need to mess with the C structs. I was thinking that it would be done mostly in the compiler. The compiler would convert:

class C:
    def meth(self):
        self.arg = ...


class C:
    def meth(self):
        self.arg = ...
    __expected_attributes__ = ("arg", ...)

We would also need some code in PyType_Ready() to consume the __expected_attributes__ and deduce the correct size limits for the shared keys.

iritkatriel commented 4 months ago

We use the following heuristic: Start with 30 items and reduce by one each time we create an object until the size of the array is no more than one greater than the number of keys in the shared keys.

As discussed offline, we need to redesign this heuristic. The number of shared keys after an object is created is no longer assumed to be sufficient - we want to leave enough room for the expected attributes.

We now have

encukou commented 2 months ago

Apparently, adding a new attribute to classes breaks several real-world packages that do some kind of introspection -- at least zope.interface and typing_extensions.

Could you add an entry about this change to What's New?

markshannon commented 2 months ago

For 3.13 we are going to use the __static_attributes__ as a template for the shared keys. It is not ideal as it doesn't account for superclasses, but it better than nothing (which is what we have now).

For 3.14 we can be a bit more sophisticated.