Closed 7ac61f6c-5151-46eb-8e08-339a1081e4bd closed 22 years ago
The bdist_sdux (SD-UX is HP's packager) command is based on bdist_packager and provides the same functionality as the bdist_pkgtool command, except the resulting packages cannot auto-relocate. Instead, a checkinstall script is included by default that determines of the target machines python installation matches that of the creating machine. If not, it bails out and provides the installer with the correct version of the swinstall command to place it in the proper directory.
Logged In: YES user_id=6380
Please select the proper category when submitting patches!
This is clearly a distutils thing.
Assigned to Andrew.
Logged In: YES user_id=38388
Hijacking this patch to take load off of Andrew. This patch should be reviewed after the Python 2.2 feature freeze.
Logged In: YES user_id=38388
The code looks OK, but I can't test it... I'm sure the user base will, though, once it's in CVS.
Please also write up some documentation which we can add to the distutils TeX docs and add them to the patch. I will then add it to CVS.
Logged In: YES user_id=38388
Replaced by 531901.
Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.
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GitHub fields: ```python assignee = '' closed_at =
created_at =
labels = ['library']
title = 'HP-UX packaging command'
updated_at =
user = ''
``` fields:
activity =
actor = 'lemburg'
assignee = 'lemburg'
closed = True
closed_date = None
closer = None
components = ['Distutils']
creation =
creator = 'mwa'
dependencies = []
files = ['3259']
hgrepos = []
issue_num = 415228
keywords = ['patch']
message_count = 5.0
messages = ['36336', '36337', '36338', '36339', '36340']
nosy_count = 3.0
nosy_names = ['lemburg', 'gvanrossum', 'mwa']
pr_nums = []
priority = 'normal'
resolution = 'duplicate'
stage = None
status = 'closed'
superseder = None
type = None
url = ''
versions = []