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add a stronger PRNG #40035

Closed 91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 closed 20 years ago

91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago
BPO 917055
Nosy @rhettinger
  • Subclassed version using sha-1
  • Comparative implementations mt/sha1 vs sha1/sha1
  • sharandom.diff: Patch for SHA!Random() with docs and unittest
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = created_at = labels = ['type-feature', 'library'] title = 'add a stronger PRNG' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'rhettinger' assignee = 'none' closed = True closed_date = None closer = None components = ['Library (Lib)'] creation = creator = 'phr' dependencies = [] files = ['1223', '1224', '1225'] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 917055 keywords = [] message_count = 31.0 messages = ['20211', '20212', '20213', '20214', '20215', '20216', '20217', '20218', '20219', '20220', '20221', '20222', '20223', '20224', '20225', '20226', '20227', '20228', '20229', '20230', '20231', '20232', '20233', '20234', '20235', '20236', '20237', '20238', '20239', '20240', '20241'] nosy_count = 5.0 nosy_names = ['jhylton', 'rhettinger', 'phr', 'bram_cohen', 'trevp'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = None stage = None status = 'closed' superseder = None type = 'enhancement' url = '' versions = [] ```

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    The default Mersenne Twister algorithm in the Random module is very fast but makes no serious attempt to generate output that stands up to adversarial analysis. Besides cryptography applications, this can be a serious problem in areas like computer games. Sites like routinely run online tournaments with prize funds of 100K USD or more. There's big financial incentives to find ways of guessing your opponent's cards with better than random chance probability. See bug bpo-901285 for some discussion of possible correlations in Mersenne Twister's output.

    Teukolsky et al discuss PRNG issues at some length in their book "Numerical Recipes". The original edition of Numerical Recipes had a full blown version of the FIPS Data Encryption Standard implemented horrendously in Fortran, as a way of making a PRNG with no easily discoverable output correlations. Later editions replaced the DES routine with a more efficient one based on similar principles.

    Python already has an SHA module that makes a dandy PRNG. I coded a sample implementation:

    I'd like to ask that the Python lib include something like this as an alternative to MT. It would be similar to the existing whrandom module in that it's an alternative subclass to the regular Random class. The existing Random module wouldn't have to be changed.

    I don't propose directly including the module above, since I think the Random API should also be extended to allow directly requesting pseudo-random integers from the generator subclass, rather than making them from floating-point output. That would allow making the above subclass work more cleanly. I'll make a separate post about this, but first will have to examine the Random module source code.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    It would have been ideal if the Random API had been designed with an integer generator at the core and floating point as a computed value, but that it the way it has been for a long time and efforts to switch it over would likely result in either incompatibility with existing subclasses or introducing new complexity (making it even harder to subclass). I think the API should be left alone until Py3.0.

    The attached module would make a good recipe on ASPN where improvements and critiques can be posted. Do you have links to research showing that running SHA-1 in a cipher block feedback mode results in a cryptographically strong random number generator -- the result seems likely, but a research link would be great. Is there a link to research showing the RNG properties of the resulting generator (period, equidistribution, passing tests for randomness, etc)? Also, is there research showing the relative merits of this approach vs MD5, AES, or DES?

    If something like this gets added to the library, I prefer it to be added to using the existing API. Adding yet another random module would likely do more harm than good.

    One other question (I don't know the answer to this): would including a cryptographically strong RNG trigger US export restrictions on the python distribution?

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    One other thought: if cryptographic strength is a goal, then seeding absolutely should require a long seed (key) as an input and the time should *never* be used.

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    There are no research results that I know of that can distinguish the output of sha1-ofb from random output in any practical way. To find such a distinguisher would be a significant result. It's a safe bet that cryptographers have searched for distinguishers, though I don't promise to have heard of every result that's been published. I'll ask on sci.crypt if anyone else has heard of such a thing, if you want. SHA1-HMAC is generally considered to be indistinguishable from a PRF (pseudorandom function, i.e. a function selected at random from the space of all functions from arbitrary strings to 160-bit outputs; this term is from concrete security theory). MD5 is deprecated these days and there's no point to using it instead of sha1 for this.

    I'm not sure what happens if randint is added to the API. If you subclass Random and don't provide a randint method, you inherit from the base class, which can call self.random() to get floats to make the ints from.

    US export restrictions basically don't exist any more. In principle, if you want to export something, you're supposed to send an email to an address at the commerce department, saying the name of the program and the url where it can be obtained and a few similar things. In practice, email to that address is ignored, they never check anything. I heard the address even stopped working for a while, though they may have fixed it since then. See for info. I've emailed notices to the address a few times and never heard back anything. Anyway, I don't think this should count as cryptography; it's simply using a cryptographic hash function as an PRNG to avoid the correlations in other PRNG's; scientific rationale for doing that is given in the Numerical Recipes book mentioned above.

    The code that I linked uses the standard API but I wonder if the floating point output is optimally uniform, i.e. the N/2**56 calculation may not be exactly the right thing for an ieee float64.

    Using the time of day is what the Random docs say to do by default. You're correct that any security application needs to supply a higher entropy seed.

    I would like it very much if the std lib included a module that read some random bytes from the OS for OS's that support it. That means reading /dev/urandom on recent Un*x-ish systems or Cygwin, or calling CryptGenRandom on Windows. Reading /dev/urandom is trivial, and there's a guy on the pycrypt list who wrote a Windows function to call CryptGenRandom and return the output through the Python API. I forwarded the function to Guido with the author's permission but nothing seemed to happen with it. However, this gets away from this sharandom subclass. I'd like to make a few more improvements to the module but after that I think it can be dropped into the lib. Let me know what you think.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    It has some potential for being added. That being said, try to avoid a religious fervor.

    I would like to see considerably more discussion and evolution first.

    The auto-seeding with time *must* be dropped -- it is not harmonious with the goal of creating a secure random sequence. It is okay for the a subclass to deviate in this way.

    Also, I was soliciting references stronger than (I don't know of any results ... It is generally considered ... ). If we put this in, people are going to rely on it. The docs *must* include references indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. It should also concisely say why it works (a summary proof that makes it clear how a one-way digest function can be tranformed into a sequence generator that is cryptographicly strong to both the left and right with the latter being the one that is not obvious).

    Not having a demonstrable minimum period is also bad. Nothing in the discussion so far precludes the existence of a bad seed that has a period of only 1 or 2. See my suggestion on comp.lang.python for a means of mitigating this issue.

    With respect to the randint question, be sure to look at the current Py2.4 source for The API is expanded to include and an option method, getrandbits(). That in turn feeds the other integer methods without the int to float to int dance.

    Upon further consideration, I think the export control question is moot since we're using an existing library function and not really expressing new art.

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    I don't mind dropping the time() auto-seed but I think that means eliminating any auto-seed, and requiring a user-supplied seed.

    There is no demonstrable minimum period for the SHA-OFB and it would be bad if there was, since it would then no longer act like a PRF. Note that the generator in the sample code actually comes from two different SHA instances and thus its expected period is about 2**160. Anyway, adding a simple counter (incrementing by 1 on every SHA call) to the SHA input removes any lingering chance of a repeating sequence. I'll update the code to do that. It's much less ugly than stirring in Mersenne Twister output.

    I don't have Python 2.4 yet but will look at it when I get a chance.

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    Updated version of is at same url. It folds a counter into the hash and also includes a getrandbits method.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Attaching my alternative. If it fulfills your use case, let me know and I'll apply it.

    ca2b30c6-e498-4477-84c0-0ad3ce6ac314 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=52561

    The lack of a 'real' entropy source is the gap which can't be fixed with an application-level bit of code. I think there are simple hooks for this on all systems, such as /dev/random on linux, but they aren't cross platform. A unified API which always calls the native entropy hook would be a very good thing.

    An example of a reasonable API would be to have a module named entropy, with a single function entropy(x) which returns a random string of length x. This is a problem which almost anyone writing a security-related application runs into, and lots of time is wasted writing dubious hacks to harvest entropy when a single simple library could magically solve it the right way.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Bram, if you have a patch, I would be happy to look at it. Please make it as platform independent as possible (its okay to have it conditionally compile differently so long as the API stays the same).
    Submit it as a separate patch and assign to me -- it doesn't have to be orginal, you can google around to determine prior art.

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    I'm very much in favor of an entropy and Bram's suggested interface of entropy(x) supplying x bytes of randomness is fine. Perhaps it should really live in a cryptography API rather than in the Random API, but either way is ok. Mark Moraes wrote a Windows module that gets random numbers from the Windows CAPI; I put up a copy at

    For Linux, Cygwin, and *BSD (including MacOS 10, I think), just read /dev/urandom for random bytes. However, various other systems (I think including Solaris) don't include anything like this. OpenSSL has an entropy gathering daemon that might be of some use in that situation. There's also the Yarrow generator ( and Eric Mongeau(?) wrote a pure-Python generator a while back that tried to gather entropy from thread racing, similar to Java's default SecureRandom class (I consider that method to be a bit bogus in both Python and Java).

    I think, though, simply supporting /dev/*random and the Windows CAPI is a pretty good start, even if other OS's aren't supported. Providing that function in the Python lib will make quite a few people happy. A single module integrating both methods would be great. I don't have any Windows dev tools so can't test any wrappers for Mark Moraes's function but maybe one of you guys can do it.

    I'm not too keen on the patch for reasons discussed in the thread. It depends too deeply on the precise characteristics of both md5 and Mersenne Twister. I think for a cryptography-based generator, it's better to stick to one cryptography-based primitive, and to use sha instead of md5. That also helps portability since it means other environments (maybe including Jython) can reproduce the PRNG stream without having to re-implement MT, as long as they have SHA (which is a US federal standard).

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    Two small corrections to below: 1) "in favor of an entropy" is an editing error--the intended meaning should be obvious. 2) I meant Bryan Mongeau, not Eric Mongeau. Bryan's lib is at \\. Sorry for any confusion.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    I attached a new version of the mt/sha1 combination.

    Here are the relative merits as compared sha1/sha1 approach:

    Favoring sha1/sha1:

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    I'm not sure why the larger state space of mt/sha1 is supposed to be an advantage, but the other points are reasonable. I like the new sha1/sha1 implementation except for a few minor points (below). I made the old version hopefully threadsafe by adding a threading.Lock() object to the instance and locking it on update. I generally like your version better so maybe the lock can be added. Of course that slows it down even further, but in the context of an interpreted Python program I feel that the generator is still fast enough compared to the other stuff the program is likely to be doing.

    Re the new attachment, some minor issues:

    1) The number 2.0-160 is \< 10-50. This is a valid IEEE double but on some non-IEEE machines it may be a floating underflow or even equal to zero. I don't know if this matters.

    2) Paranoia led me to hash the seed twice in the seed operation in my version, to defeat unlikely message-extension attacks against the hash function. I figured reseeding is infrequent enough that an extra hash operation doesn't matter.

    3) Storing s1 as a string of 40 hex digits in SHARandom2 means that s1+s2 is 60 characters, which means hashing it will need two sha1 compression operations, slowing it down some.

    4) the intiialization of ciphertxt to ["0x0"] instead of [] doesn't seem to do anything useful. int('123abc', 16) is valid without the 0x prefix.

    5) random() uses hex(cnt) while getrandbits uses str(cnt) (converting to decimal instead of hex). I think it's better to use hex and remove the 0x prefix from the output, which is cleanest, and simpler to implement on some targets (embedded microcontroller). The same goes for the %s conversion in jumpahead (my version also uses %s there).

    6) It may be worthwhile to include cnt in both the s0 and s1 hash updates. That guarantees the s1 hash never gets the same input twice.

    7) The variable "s1" in getrandbits (instead of self.s1) is set but never used.

    Note in my version of, I didn't put a thread lock around the tuple assignment in setstate(). I'm not sure if that's safe or not. But it looks to me like in the CVS does the same thing, so maybe both are unsafe.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    1. We don't care about non IEEE.

    2. One-way is one-way, so double hashing is unnecessary. Also, I've fielded bug reports from existing user apps that re-seed very frequently (multiple times per second).

    3. The implementations reflect the results of timing experiments which showed that the fastest intermediate representation was hex.

    4. ['0x0'] is necessary to hanlde the case where n==0. int('', 16) raises a ValueError while int('0x0', 16) does not.

    5. random() and getrandbits() do not have to go through the same intermediate steps (it's okay for one to use hex and the other to use str) -- speed and space issues dominate. 0x comes up enough in Python, there is little use in tossing it away for an obscure, hypothetical micro-controller implementation.

    6. Leaving cnt out of the s1 computation guarantees that it will never track the updates of s0 -- any syncronization would be a disaster. Adding a count or some variant smacks of desperation rather than reliance on proven hash properties.

    7. The function is already 100 times slower than MT. Adding locks will make the situation worse. It is better to simply document it as being non-threadsafe.

    Look at back at the mt/sha version. Its code is much cleaner, faster, and threadsafe. It goes a long way towards meeting your request and serving as an alternate generator to validate simulation results.

    If we use the sha/sha version, I'm certain that we will be fielding bug reports on this through 2010. It is also sufficiently complex that it will spawn lengthy, wasteful discussions and it will create a mine-field for future maintainers.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Took another look at #5 and will change str() to hex().

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    1. OK, though the docs should mention this.

    2. One-way just means collision resistant, and we're trying to make something without a distinguisher, which is a stronger criterion. I'm not saying there's any problem with a single hash; I just don't see an obvious proof that there's not a problem. Also it makes me cringe slightly to keep the seed around as plaintext even temporarily. The PC that I'm using (midrange Athlon) can do about a million sha1 hashes per second, so an extra hash per reseed "multiple" times per second shouldn't be noticible, for reasonable values of "multiple".

    3. Since most of the real computation of this function is in the sha1 compression, the timing indicates that evaluation is dominated by interpreter overhead rather than by hashing. I presume you're using CPython. The results may be different in Jython or with Psyco and different again under PyPy once that becomes real. I think we should take the view that we're designing a mathematical function that exists independently of any specific implementation, then figure out what characteristics it should have and implement those, rather than tailoring it to the peculiarities of CPython.

    If people are really going to be using this function in 2010, CPython will hopefully be dead and gone (replaced by PyPy) by then, so that's all the more reason to not worry about small CPython-specific effects since the function will outlast CPython. Maybe also sometime between now and then, these libraries can be compiled with psyco.

    1. OK

    2. OK. Would be good to also change %s for cnt in setstate to %x.

    3. Synchronization can be avoided by hashing different fixed strings into s0 and s1 at each rehash (I did that in my version). I think it's worth doing that just to kick the hash function away from standard sha. I actually don't see much need for the counter in either hash, but you were concerned about hitting possible short cycles in sha.

    4. OK. WHrandom is already non-threadsafe, so there's precedent. I do have to wonder if the 160 bit arithmetic is slowing things down. If we don't care about non-IEEE doubles, we're ok with 53 bits. Hmm, I also wonder whether the 160 bit int to float conversion is precisely specified even for IEEE and isn't an artifact of Python's long int implementation. But I guess it doesn't matter, since we're never hashing those floats.

    Re bugs til 2010: oh let's have more confidence than that :). I think if we're careful and get the details correct before deployment, we shouldn't have any problems. This is just one screenful of code or so, not complex by most reasonable standards. However, we might want post the algorithm on sci.crypt for comments, since there's some knowledgeable people there.

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    FYI, this was just announced on the python-crypto list. It's a Python wrapper for EGADS, a cross platform entropy-gathering RNG. I haven't looked at the code for it and have no opinion about it.

    bbfdc1bb-cfb1-4936-9d28-559fa9fd3b52 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=973611

    Comments on -

    SHA1Random2 seems more complex than it needs to be.
    Comparing with figure 19 of [1], I believe that s1 does not need to be kept as state, so you could replace this: self.s1 = s1 = + self.s1).hexdigest() with this: s1 =

    If there's concern about the low hamming-distance between counter values, you could simply hash the counter before feeding it in (or use M-T instead of the counter).

    Instead of updating s0 every block, you could update it every 10th block or so. This would slightly increase the number of old values an attacker could recover, upon compromising the generator state, but it could be a substantial speedup.

    SHA1Random1 depends on M-T for some of its security properties. In particular, if I discover the generator state, can I run it backwards and determine previous values? I don't know, it depends on M-T. Unless we know more about the properties of M-T, I think it would be preferable to use M- T only in place of the counter in the SHA1Random2 construction (if at all), *NOT* as the sole repository of PRNG state.


    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Attaching a revised patch. If there are no objections, I will add it to the library (after factoring the unittests and adding docs).

    bbfdc1bb-cfb1-4936-9d28-559fa9fd3b52 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=973611

    Hi Raymond, here's some lengthy though not critically important comments (i.e, I'm okay with the latest diff).

    1) With regards to this documentation: "No references were found which document the properties of SHA-1 as a random number generator".

    I can't find anything that documents exactly what we're doing. This type of generator is similar to Bruce Schneier's Yarrow and its offspring (Fortuna and Tiny). However, those use block-ciphers in counter mode, instead of SHA-1.
    According to the recent Tiny paper:

    "Cryptographic hash functions can also be a good foundation for a PRNG. Many constructs have used MD5 or SHA1 in this capacity, but the constructions are often ad-hoc. When using a hash function, we would recommend HMAC in CTR mode (i.e., one MACs counter for each successive output block). Ultimately, we prefer the use of block ciphers, as they are generally better-studied constructs."

    Using HMAC seems like overkill to me, and would slow things down. However, if there's any chance Python will add block ciphers in the future, it might be worth waiting for, so we could implement one of the well-documented block cipher PRNGs.

    2) Most cryptographic PRNGs allow for mixing new entropy into the generator state. The idea is you harvest entropy in the background, and once you've got a good chunk (say 128+ bits) you add it in. This makes cryptanalysis of the output harder, and allows you to recover even if the generator state is compromised.

    We could change the seed() method so it updates the state instead of overwriting it:

    def __init__(self):
        self.cnt = 0
        self.s0 = '\0' * 20
        self.gauss_next = None
    def seed(self, a=None):
        if a is None:
            # Initialize from current time
            import time
            a = time.time()
        b =       
        self.s0 = + b).digest()

    'b' may not be necessary, I'm not sure, though it's similar to how some other PRNGs handle seed inputs. If we were using a block cipher PRNG, it would be more obvious how to do this.

    jumpahead() could also be used instead of seed().

    3) The current generators (not just SHA1Random) won't always return the same sequence of bits from the same state. For example, if I call SHA1Random.getrandbits() asking for 160 bits they'll come from the same block, but if I ask for 96 and 64 bits, they'll come from different blocks.

    I suggest buffering the output, so getting 160 bits or 96+64 gets the same bits. Changing getrandbits() to getrandbytes () would avoid the need for bit-level buffering.

    4) I still think a better interface would only require new generators to return a byte string. That would be easier for SHA1Random, and easier for other generators based on cross- platform entropy sources. I.e., in place of random() and getrandbits(), SHA1Random would only have to implement:

    def getrandbytes(self, n):
        while len(buffer) < n:
            self.cnt += 1
            self.s0 = + hex
            self.buffer +=
        retVal = self.buffer[:n]
        self.buffer = self.buffer[n:]
        return retVal
    The superclass would call this to get the required number of 
    bytes, and convert them as needed (for converting them to 
    numbers it could use the 'long(s, 256)' patch I submitted.

    Besides making it easier to add new generators, this would provide a useful function to users of these generators.
    getrandbits() is less useful, and it's harder to go from a long- integer to a byte-string than vice versa, because you may have to zero-pad if the long-integer is small.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Thanks for the detailed comments.

    1) Will add the references we have but need to make it clear that this exact implementation is not studied and does not guarantee cryptographic security.

    2) The API is clear, seed() overwrites and jumpahead() updates. Besides, the goal is to provide a good alternative random number generator. If someone needs real crypto, they should use that. Tossing in ad hoc pieces to "make it harder" is a sure sign of venturing too far from theoretical underpinnings.

    3) Good observation. I don't think a change is necessary. The docs do not promise that asking for 160 gives the same as 96 and 64 back to back. The Mersenne Twister has similar behavior.

    4) Let's not gum up the API because we have encryption and text API's on the brain. The module is about random numbers not byte strings.

    03bde425-37ce-4291-88bd-d6cecc46a30e commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=31392

    Much earlier in the discussion Raymond wrote: "The docs *must* include references indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. It should also concisely say why it works (a summary proof that makes it clear how a one-way digest function can be tranformed into a sequence generator that is cryptographicly strong to both the left and right with the latter being the one that is not obvious)."

    I don't see any documentation of this sort in the current patch. I also think it would be helpful if the documentation made some mention of why this generator would be useful. In particular, I suspect some users may by confused by the mention of SHA and be lead to believe that this is CSPRNG, when it is not; perhaps a mention of Yarrow and other approaches for cryptographic applications would be enough to clarify.

    bbfdc1bb-cfb1-4936-9d28-559fa9fd3b52 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=973611

    We should probably clarify the requirements. If we just want to use SHA1 to produce an RNG suitable for Monte Carlo etc., then we could do something simpler and faster than what we're doing. In particular, there's no need for state update, we could just generate outputs by SHA1(seed + counter).
    This is mentioned in "Applied Cryptography", 17.14.

    If we want it to "stand up to adversarial analysis" and be usable for cryptography, then I think we need to put a little more into it - in particular, the ability to mix new randomness into the generator state becomes important, and it becomes preferable to use a block cipher construction, not because the SHA1 construction is insecure, but so we can point to something like Yarrow.

    03bde425-37ce-4291-88bd-d6cecc46a30e commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=31392

    The current patch doesn't address any of my concerns about documentation or rationale.

    bbfdc1bb-cfb1-4936-9d28-559fa9fd3b52 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=973611

    I submitted a patch for an entropy module, as was discussed below. See patch bpo-934711.

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    trevp, the jumpahead operation lets you stir in new entropy.

    Jeremy, I'll see if I can write some docs for it, and will attempt a concrete security proof. I don't think we should need to say no references were found for using sha1 as a prng. The randomness assumption is based on the Krawczyk-Bellare-Rogaway result that's cited somewhere down the page or in the clpy thread. I'll include a cite in the doc/rationale.

    I hope that the entropy module is accepted, assuming it works. The entropy module is quite a bit more important than the deterministic PRNG module, since the application can easily supply the DPRNG but can't always easily supply the entropy module.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Can we close this one (while leaving open the patch for an entropy module)?

    Essentially, it provides nothing that couldn't be contributed as a short recipe for those interested in such things.

    While an alternate RNG would be nice, turning this into a crypto project is probably not a great idea.

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Closing due to lack of interest/progress, etc.

    91e69f45-91d9-4b12-87db-a02908296c81 commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=72053

    Sorry about not responding earlier. I thought the current patch was ok and I needed to get around to writing a doc for it, which if it covers all the proofs involved, starts getting to be a bit scary--I've never written anything like that but have been wanting to.

    I do think the patch should be preserved and made available, if not in the python lib then maybe in Vaults of Parnassus, or ASPN Cookbook or someplace like that. It's not a "crypto project", it's just an attempt at writing a PRNG that meets modern criteria. However, it's considerably less important for the Python lib than the entropy module is, since applications can generally paste it from somewhere.

    I didn't realize it was possible to close a bug and leave its patches open. Should we open a separate bug for the entropy module?

    rhettinger commented 20 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=80475

    Having a separate patch is sufficient.

    Adding another bug report is wasteful. And, adding a entropy module is a feature request and not a bug.