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python.desktop #42578

Open cf40402a-f203-4f98-8392-8fca41a67ee0 opened 18 years ago

cf40402a-f203-4f98-8392-8fca41a67ee0 commented 18 years ago
BPO 1353344
Nosy @loewis, @birkenfeld, @terryjreedy, @ncoghlan, @pitrou, @merwok, @davidmalcolm, @FFY00
  • python.desktop: A freedesktop .desktop file for Python
  • pycon.png: A desktop icon for python
  • python.desktop: With German translation
  • python.desktop: With French translation
  • pycon.png: A PNG icon created from PC/pycon.ico
  • python.desktop: With Italian translation
  • python.desktop: With spanish translation
  • python.desktop
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = None created_at = labels = ['easy', 'type-feature', 'expert-installation', '3.11'] title = 'python.desktop' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'FFY00' assignee = 'none' closed = False closed_date = None closer = None components = ['Installation'] creation = creator = 'sonderblade' dependencies = [] files = ['8262', '8263', '8264', '9206', '9208', '13689', '14833', '40768'] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 1353344 keywords = ['easy'] message_count = 20.0 messages = ['54679', '54680', '54681', '54682', '54683', '54684', '60119', '85984', '92266', '113207', '115229', '115230', '115238', '121422', '121429', '121431', '123670', '154115', '209685', '287444'] nosy_count = 11.0 nosy_names = ['loewis', 'georg.brandl', 'terry.reedy', 'ncoghlan', 'sonderblade', 'pitrou', 'mribecky', 'eric.araujo', 'agb', 'dmalcolm', 'FFY00'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'low' resolution = None stage = 'needs patch' status = 'open' superseder = None type = 'enhancement' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.11'] ```

    cf40402a-f203-4f98-8392-8fca41a67ee0 commented 18 years ago

    I would very much like a /usr/share/applications/python.desktop file so that Python can be started from the Program-menu in Linux, just like you can from the Start-menu in Windows. I think it would be very neat and good for beginners.

    61337411-43fc-4a9c-b8d5-4060aede66d0 commented 18 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=21627

    Would you be willing to provide one?

    cf40402a-f203-4f98-8392-8fca41a67ee0 commented 18 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=51702

    I have attached a .desktop file and an icon. python.desktop goes into /usr/share/applications and pycon.png into /usr/share/pixmaps. It's only translated to Swedish because I don't know other languages to well.

    birkenfeld commented 18 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=1188172

    I added German translation. Regarding the icon: I do not like that very much. Isn't there another Python icon available in the standard sizes?

    cf40402a-f203-4f98-8392-8fca41a67ee0 commented 18 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=51702

    In trunk there are PC/py.ico, PC/pyc.ico, PC/pycon.ico. I guess they would all work as icons, but I choose pycon.ico because that is the icon used on windows. I also wonder if the desktop file can be applied soon? It seems pretty trivial and uncontroversial to me.

    birkenfeld commented 18 years ago

    Logged In: YES user_id=1188172

    It seems that the new Python website will feature a new icon. Perhaps that could be added to the distribution as the default Python icon.

    pitrou commented 16 years ago

    I'm adding a French translation, and removing the "Application" category (which doesn't exist as per the freedesktop specification). Also, I think the Name is too long right now. "The Python programming language" or "Le langage de programmation Python" looks longish for a menu entry. So I suggest just setting the Name to "Python". The only people for which the menu entry may be useful know what Python is anyway.

    PS : the desktop entry specification the menu spec (listing possible categories)

    5e70e65a-1393-4d37-b3db-4cbd37ae4ae0 commented 15 years ago

    I have added the Italian translation.

    f61469a2-4914-401b-b161-451927efe319 commented 14 years ago

    Added the spanish translation.

    terryjreedy commented 13 years ago

    I see lots of interest and several translations. Was there an intention to add this to the distribution (or has it been)? Or is it out-of-date?

    83d2e70e-e599-4a04-b820-3814bbdb9bef commented 13 years ago

    3 weeks since msg113207 and no response. Seriously, what is a reasonable time before closing as out of date?

    birkenfeld commented 13 years ago

    That depends. Especially feature requests need not be closed prematurely.

    terryjreedy commented 13 years ago

    I asked because there was no such thing in the Unix I once used and I have never used Linux (yet). I take Georg's answer to mean that this is not obviously obsolete and should be left open.

    merwok commented 13 years ago

    Don’t we expect beginners to start IDLE from their menu, and middle to advanced users to type “python” in their terminal? +0.

    IDLE does have a .desktop file in my Debian, so +1 on integrating that in our source tree.

    terryjreedy commented 13 years ago

    I am past beginner stage and I still open with the Start menu ;-) If/when I install Ubuntu or other Linux, I would like to still be able to do whatever is the equivalent, as with other stuff, rather than have to open a command window and type a command.

    merwok commented 13 years ago

    Let me change my +0 to a +1 then :)

    For reference, the file used in Debuntu for Pythonx.y.desktop: idle.desktop:

    License unclear, author apparently doko, so I guess we’re good.

    merwok commented 13 years ago

    Apart from the desktop file itself, which should be a merged version of the last attachment to this report and the files in Debuntu/Fedora/whatever, there is the issue of installation. Someone has to track the desktop file spec or menu spec and edit one of the files involved in the Python build process.

    I don’t know if having missed beta1 means that this will be deferred to 3.3.

    merwok commented 12 years ago

    Here’s a patch by Georg for the unix install machinery:

    terryjreedy commented 10 years ago

    I just closed bpo-15869 as a duplicate of this. It has another patch and possibly useful discussion.

    To move forward, a concrete repository patch is needed. I only see here pieces of such a patch. I do not know how much of the Windows installation files are in the repository and how much in separate files. I know even less about Linux, what 'installation' means on that system, and how multiple languages would be handled.

    I should think that an addition could be made to all open branches. While anything outside of idlelib is not covered by PEP-434, I think the same principles apply.

    ncoghlan commented 7 years ago

    From a downstream redistributor point of view, the key pieces it would be handy to consolidate upstream are the desktop file itself (with all the translations) and the preferred icon. It wouldn't really help much to have it integrated into "make install" since most redistributors split out tkinter and IDLE packages from the base installation anyway.

    However, as Terry says, before the change can be accepted, those files need to be combined into an actual patch that:

    arhadthedev commented 1 year ago

    Should we leave this to Linux distributions and close the issue?

    merwok commented 1 year ago

    I still agree with Nick’s latest comment.