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cross and native build of python for mingw* hosts #48121

Closed d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff closed 11 years ago

d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago
BPO 3871
Nosy @birkenfeld, @doko42, @amauryfa, @giampaolo, @tarekziade, @merwok, @mingwandroid
  • bpo-3754: cross-compilation support for python build
  • Files
  • py3k_mingwmsys_2_autogen.diff: Building Python with MinGW/MSys v2 (correct)
  • python-py3k-20110520-MINGW.patch
  • python-py3k-20110825-MINGW.patch
  • python-py3k-20120318-MINGW.patch
  • python-py3k-20120318-MINGW-330a2.patch: Patch updated to build against 3.3.0a2
  • python-py3k-20120318-MINGW-FIXES-USE-POSIX-GETPATH-330a2.patch: Fixes for MinGW cross and beginnings of Darwin cross.
  • python-py3k-20120607-MINGW.patch: version for 3.3.0a4
  • python-py3k-20120729-MINGW.patch
  • py3k-20121004-MINGW.patch: extract from repository dated 2012-10-04
  • py3k-20121227-MINGW.patch
  • py3k-20130110-MINGW.patch
  • 0003-MINGW-implement-exec-prefix-i.e.-use-content-of-pybu.patch: MINGW-implement exec prefix, i.e. use content of pybuilddir.txt
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

    Show more details

    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = '' closed_at = created_at = labels = ['type-feature', 'build'] title = 'cross and native build of python for mingw* hosts' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'rpetrov' assignee = 'tarek' closed = True closed_date = closer = 'doko' components = ['Cross-Build'] creation = creator = 'rpetrov' dependencies = ['3754'] files = ['18437', '22037', '23035', '24924', '25761', '25765', '25851', '26572', '27474', '28471', '28701', '28857'] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 3871 keywords = ['patch', 'needs review'] message_count = 108.0 messages = ['73239', '73241', '73699', '74090', '76699', '77243', '77246', '77259', '79959', '80019', '80028', '80037', '80347', '80349', '80970', '80997', '81170', '82114', '90819', '98224', '100073', '101008', '101011', '101059', '105860', '107899', '108229', '108745', '110686', '112608', '113214', '113218', '113236', '113263', '113265', '113274', '114777', '114780', '115856', '115863', '121078', '121086', '121087', '121091', '121094', '121095', '121097', '121099', '121133', '121134', '121144', '121242', '121244', '121245', '121246', '121247', '121251', '127144', '128271', '133253', '136339', '136382', '142931', '142973', '142989', '143150', '161973', '161976', '161977', '162422', '162423', '162424', '162465', '164399', '164413', '164415', '164419', '164421', '164448', '164449', '164451', '164453', '164473', '164477', '166741', '172301', '177467', '177533', '178433', '178471', '178631', '179732', '179734', '180595', '180662', '180694', '180695', '180703', '180704', '180705', '180707', '180708', '180742', '181182', '181185', '181518', '181519', '199695'] nosy_count = 20.0 nosy_names = ['georg.brandl', 'doko', 'lkcl', 'amaury.forgeotdarc', 'davidfraser', 'giampaolo.rodola', 'schmir', 'scott.tsai', 'tarek', 'eric.araujo', 'rpetrov', 'rschoon.old', 'WhiteTiger', 'BreamoreBoy', 'LRN', 'alesko', 'tshepang', 'kalev', 'Ray.Donnelly', 'jhuntley'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = 'rejected' stage = 'resolved' status = 'closed' superseder = None type = 'enhancement' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.4'] ```

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    This is a completely new patch against trunk that try to resolve mingw32 build. The first version to show problems with current python builds system, to propose solutions/work-arounds and to be stating point for discussion. Also I prefer some issues to be resolved later when we agree on the basic issues.

    The patch is tested in cross-compilation environment and native build has to be tested too. Also the patch show how to use cross-compilation environment and require patch posted in bpo-3754 ("minimal cross-compilation support for configure") to be applied first.

    The new patch share many commons with bpo-841454 "Cross building python for mingw32" posted by Andreas Ames, on 2003-11-13), but build process use distutils instead scons. Also some mingw related changes from bpo-1597850 ("Cross compiling patches for MINGW" - Han-Wen Nienhuys, from 2006-11-16) are shared too, but we differ in concept how to use cross-compilation environment. The correct way is to use $host variable (see bpo-3754).

    Also my patch use python installed on build system along with some hacks to overcome distutils limitations.

    The main issue "how to select correct compiler" in cross-compilation environment isn't resolved at all. The patch is tested with installed python version 2.4. Usually the cross-compiler is installed in same directories as native compiler but tools are prefixed by \<CPU>-\<VENDOR>- (see meanign of "host triplet"). In this environment we can't cross-compile even if we select mingw as compiler in arguments for "": The method get_versions() from call find_executable for to find gcc, ld, dllwrap but on build system they point to native compiler and that aren't prefixed. Also the expression "result ='(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+))',out_string)" return as example '' and later StrictVersion fail since value is not in format N.N{.N{A{N}}}. If we replace '\' with '?" in regular expression we will get correct result, but this isn't right solution. So the question is 'how to pass compiler to distutils' (as example for python 2.4) remain open.

    Work-around: install mingw cross-suite in own directory (MINGW_ROOT) and prepend PATH environment variable with both paths:

    Note that in both environment configure script find compiler tools prefixed as example by "i586-pc-mingw32-". My mingw is build for host "i386-mingw32msvc"(this isn't correct, but is acceptable for host. For next version I plan to use for build the correct one, i.e i386-pc-mingw32). So in the final Makefile I see: CC= i386-mingw32msvc-gcc AR= i386-mingw32msvc-ar RANLIB= i386-mingw32msvc-ranlib

    Also set compiler attribute linker_so - for details see comments in the patch.

    Another point is to link installed python in top-build directory so that on posix system distutils read variables from our makefile instead from installed in build system. In this case python_build (an internal to distutils flag) is set.

    A, but not common, build issue is that some python 2.4 versions will search for pyconfig-32.h instead pyconfig.h. Symptoms: \======================================= .... running build running build_ext error: ./pyconfig-32.h: No such file or directory .... \======================================= I see this on cent-os (5.0?), but I can't see on slackware 11.0. This patch don't address this. Just go in top-build directory and create a link, i.e. "ln -s ./pyconfig.h pyconfig-32.h".

    If you system support emulation after build you may run python. The build python search for modules. After patch modules are with suffix same as for native build - .pyd. You may thin them to the top-build directory or to follow binary distribution - create directory DLLs, enter into it and link pyd-files: $ for f in ../build/lib.*/*.pyd; do ln -sf $f; done

    Differences between mingw build python and binary distribution(native build): Mingw build follow posix rules and will create more modules than native build. In the native build they are part from main executable(buildin). This is the list: array, audioop, binascii, _bisect, _bytesio, cmath, _codecs_cn, _codecs_hk, _codecs_iso2022, _codecs_jp, _codecs_kr, _codecs_tw, _collections, cPickle, cStringIO, _csv, datetime, _fileio, _functools, future_builtins, _heapq, _hotshot, imageop, itertools, _json, _locale, _lsprof, math, mmap, msvcrt, _multibytecodec, operator, parser, _random, strop, _struct, _subprocess, time, _weakref, _winreg, zlib. I think that this inconsistency is problem of native build and for now I don't address it.

    Because in my environment I still don't have installed mingw port for some externals, build of following modules isn't tested: _bsddb.pyd _msi.pyd _sqlite3.pyd _tkinter.pyd

    Known issues: The float, math and other related tests fail(under emulation and on nt5.1). The reason is that C runtime function strtod() can't parse as example numbers with exponent lower than -308, can't parse inf, nan, etc.. The python source contain a file Python/strtod.c and my attempt to modify and use it didn't succeed. Also the configure lack test for "working" strtod and I guess that tests fail on posix systems without C99 support. The library mingwex from mingw runtime version 3.15 has working replacement for stdtod function. For now my patch will not address old strtod function.

    In mingw definition of some functions(as example getaddrinfo and getnameinfo) depend of value of WINVER. This issue is commented in the patch. If user define WINVER geater the 0x0500 to CPPFLAGS at configure time the build will use C-runtime function otherwise fake-function from getaddrinfo.c and getnameinfo.c. As is commented in the patch if program is linked with C-runtime functions I expect to fail to run on w2k. I prefer to left selection of C-runtime for future mingw patches.

    The other issue is that I see failure for some tests that use sockets. This problem isn't investigated yet.

    We may group some changes in configure but this require to reorder some commands as example '--with-pydebug'. Since this isn't mingw issue I prefer don't change current order. Another example is LIBM - it is set by configure but use own rule.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    P.S.: this patch cover changes in the python C-code proposed in issue 1412448 as include only necessary modifications.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    For the protocol: bpo-2445 impact proposed patch. Also I finish the tests and I will upload soon new patch - I the current patch ( rpetrov, 2008-09-15 02:08) "Modules/selectmodule.c" isn't ported and this prevent socked and related modules to work. Also I understand the one of the reasons python 2.6x to be linked with msvcr90 - many of bugs related to math functions are fixed in this version of runtime.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    note: updated patch contain unsynchronized with trunk code in ./Objects/fileobject.c (after /* EINVAL is returned when an invalid filename or ... )

    182980c4-e4f4-4e83-8e3e-662d412bbf71 commented 15 years ago

    I'm interested in this patch so I'm adding myself to the Nosy list.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    The new patch is attached. Now the patch allow native build for mingw* host OS. The build id tested in MSYS environment. The issue title is updated to reflect this. The main changes:

    The new patch don't include changes related to bpo-4288 (see also bpo-4279).

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    About the regression test results test. The result from 2008-11-29 is: 306 tests OK. 1 test failed: test_sundry 54 tests skipped: .... Those skips are all expected on win32.

    To get those results you mingwex library has to contain fixes for two issues(see mingw32 bug tracker).

    About "test_sundry" depend on _msi module. I don't plan to work on mingw build for _msi module. Note that mingw build is with OS system default msvcrt so there is no "Assembly Hell".

    The trunk from 2008-12-07 fail in addition on test_anydbm, test_bsddb and test_whichdb. No idea what is wrong. It seems to that break is related to updates. As example dbm module still fail to build on my linux.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    The changes related to bpo-4483 break build on dbm based on "Berkeley DB" so I update mingw patch to restore bulld to previous state.

    Now I expect test_anydbm, test_bsddb and test_whichdb to succeed as before one week.

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 15 years ago

    roumen, hi, i'm interested in collaborating with you to get python compiled under wine (running msys+mingw32 under wine, on linux). bpo-4954 incorporates much of your work, and takes a slightly different direction for the configure setup - the time taken to complete configure under wine is intolerable (3 hours). also i have found that by setting PATH=%PATH%;c:/mingw/bin in the environment vars, the python.exe that's produced can successfully be used to run build.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    Hi Luke, Initially I start build in cross environment. Later I setup a posix environment, based on msys and in the last patch is commented which module has to be build-in for native build.

    I'm not surprised that you succeed to build in emulated environment and I know that born shell work slow in this environment.

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 15 years ago

    roumen, hi, can you add:

       BASECFLAGS="-mthreads $BASECFLAGS"
       LDFLAGS="-mthreads $LDFLAGS"

    when compiling with threads, and... a second request: _block_ people from compiling without mthreads, because there's a bug in wine's msvcrt _filbuf routine where it doesn't perform CRLF (at all) and it should.

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 15 years ago

    roumen, hi, can you add:

       BASECFLAGS="-mthreads $BASECFLAGS"
       LDFLAGS="-mthreads $LDFLAGS"

    when compiling with threads, and... a second request: _block_ people from compiling without mthreads, because there's a bug in wine's msvcrt _filbuf routine where it doesn't perform CRLF (at all) and it should.

    terryjreedy commented 15 years ago

    Does this supercede bpo-3754? If so, please add this as superseder and close it.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    Does this supercede bpo-3754? - no. The issue bpo-3754 introduce macro AC_CANONICAL_HOST(add standardize "host triplets") + fixes for cross-compilation. Changes to configure script in this patch show how to use "host triplet" for mingw builds.

    508f7627-3797-4332-8a63-a38898672f33 commented 15 years ago

    maybe you can group all your patch into one single issue since they are related, and remove old patches,

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    The proposed patch for this issue include parts of other pending issues

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    attached patch for trunk-20090204:

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 15 years ago

    updated patch do not include Lib/distutils/... :

    and to apply cleanly to trunk 2009-02-14 (after minimal cross patch - see above).

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 14 years ago

    The last patch is updated to support build with GNU C Compiler v 4.4.0 for windows.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 14 years ago

    system python has to be at least revision 77704 (trunk)

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 14 years ago

    updated patch to trunk:

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 14 years ago

    distutils from trunk is restored to state before 9 months ago

    508f7627-3797-4332-8a63-a38898672f33 commented 14 years ago

    Roumen, I am moving all the new work in distutils into distutils2, and distutils is going to be frozen.

    Do you want to work on this feature in distutils2 ? (which is distutils code base before I started to revert things)

    Let me know so I mark this issue under "Distutils2"

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 14 years ago

    Tarek Ziadé wrote:

    Roumen, I am moving all the new work in distutils into distutils2, and distutils is going to be frozen.

    Last patch is uploaded as the previous patches didn't apply cleanly (as compiler_obj is restored to compiler and etc.)

    Do you want to work on this feature in distutils2 ? (which is distutils code base before I started to revert things)

    Yes. Also I don't know where is distutils2 repository.

    Let me know so I mark this issue under "Distutils2"

    No idea, because I expect Distutils2 to work with python 3+ and this patch is not tested(ported) to 3+.


    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 14 years ago

    Common to all platforms part of patches lets call it "build modules with system python" is moved to bpo-3754.

    0953ef5c-9468-4d47-b308-207d95cfcb6c commented 13 years ago

    Roumen thanks for this work, but will you upload a new version? Just because i can't get it to work, i can't even patch it^^

    Maybe it's the SVN Client i use (Tortoise SVN) or that i don't know how to apply this patch :D It would be nice when you help me

    Kind regards

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 13 years ago

    Patches to this issue require first patch from bpo-3754. The last patch here now is from 2010-05-16. This patch cannot be applied to trunk as it will fail after update for readline in You could use trunk version before this readline update.

    Now I'm working on readline and ncurses support for mingw . All patches before skip this as MSVC build don't support them. As I could not found reason to limit mingw users I will post soon version without limitation.

    P.S. Many thanks to евроком ( now blizzo) - a company that left me for a week without internet connection.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 13 years ago
    83d2e70e-e599-4a04-b820-3814bbdb9bef commented 13 years ago

    Could someone with knowledge of the Python build systems please comment on this, thanks.

    9255d2b8-ed7c-4cd1-bf9c-ba91bbc36b00 commented 13 years ago

    Here's an alternative patch that enables Python building with MinGW/MSys I've skimmed rpetrov's patch, and it seems that my patch is more about building Python than about distutils (i've patched distutils only as far as the compilation of Python itself (with the extensions already included in the trunk) requires.

    Brief patch description - what i did, and why: Python/import.c:


    Python/thread.c: Python/ceval_gil.h:


















    Modules/_sqlite/connection.c: Modules/_sqlite/cache.c: Modules/_sqlite/statement.c: Modules/_sqlite/row.c: Modules/_sqlite/sqlitecompat.h: Modules/_sqlite/cursor.c: Modules/_sqlite/prepare_protocol.c: Modules/_sqlite/module.c:





    9255d2b8-ed7c-4cd1-bf9c-ba91bbc36b00 commented 13 years ago

    New version of my patch. Addresses some issues i've found since the last one. Diff against a recent trunk is attached.

    Changes (relative to previous patch):

















    Modules/_multiprocessing/win32_functions.c: Modules/_multiprocessing/multiprocessing.h:



    I ran some tests and tried to make my Python build pass them, which partially fueled my bugfixing efforts.

    _ctypes test (namely - test_callconv_1) crashes the interpreter (SIGSEGV in libffi), so i had to comment it out.

    test_capi fails (but that should be now fixed in MSVC builds, can't test it in a MinGW build) test_cmath fails (i have no idea why) test_cmd_line fails (i think it is not adapted to MSys; and i'm not sure it needs to be - after all, this Python build is NOT intended to be ran in MSys most of the time) test_distutils fails (i've fixed that only partially) test_email fails (wrong crlfs) test_format fails (?) test_heapq fails (but when i re-run it, it passes; because of pre-compilation?) test_platform fails (doesn't work well with symlinked python, because realpath isn't implemented on NT yet) test_smtplib fails (no idea - why) test_sundry fails (?) test_sysconfig fails (didn't try to fix) test_tarfile fails (didn't try to fix) test_tcl fails (didn't try to fix) test_trace (didn't try to fix) test_urllib2 (didn't try to fix)

    test_multiprocessing is skipped because there's no test for multiprocessing in Lib/test/

    282 tests OK.

    merwok commented 13 years ago

    FYI, distutils is frozen because even minor bug fixes have broken third-party tools in the past, that’s why new features and bug fixes land in distutils2. Only some bug fixes that are sure not to break things make their way into distutils. distutils2 will be reintegrated into the stdlib in 3.2 or 3.3, but standalone releases will be made for Python 2.4 up to 2.7 and 3.x.

    9255d2b8-ed7c-4cd1-bf9c-ba91bbc36b00 commented 13 years ago

    Where's the distutils2 code?

    merwok commented 13 years ago


    0953ef5c-9468-4d47-b308-207d95cfcb6c commented 13 years ago

    @LRN what program did u used to create the patch? And what to apply it?

    Just because i can't get Tortoise to apply the patch (An unknown line type was found in line 678 !) and MSYS's patch also does not work.

    9255d2b8-ed7c-4cd1-bf9c-ba91bbc36b00 commented 13 years ago

    Uh, sorry about that. I've replaced the second diff with the correct one.

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 13 years ago

    update patch still for 2.7 with

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 13 years ago

    On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 12:27 AM, Éric Araujo \\ wrote:

    Éric Araujo \\ added the comment:

    FYI, distutils is frozen because even minor bug fixes have broken third-party tools in the past, that’s why new features and bug fixes land in distutils2. Only some bug fixes that are sure not to break things make their way into distutils. distutils2 will be reintegrated into the stdlib in 3.2 or 3.3, but standalone releases will be made for Python 2.4 up to 2.7 and 3.x.


    it's been a year since i did the mingw32 port so i'll try to recall what it was that i did, but i have recollections of also having to add to distutils, specifically adding an extra compiler class and an extra linker class, derived from cygwin i believe (and then adding, obviously, platform detection logic and options to make use of them).

    using logic analysis on the conditions, it can be shown that there is nothing that can satisfy the conditions (one of which is "distutils is frozen", another is "distutils will not go into python2.N or 3.x" etc). thus, something has to give.

    detailed analysis and recommendations follow:

    if distutils2 is to be "standalone" it literally makes it impossible to build python 2.4 up to 2.7 and 3.x using mingw32, because the build infrastructure will be entirely missing. how can you build python 2.7 using mingw32 if one of the critical dependencies - actually saying "use mingw32" - is missing?!!

    the decision to keep distutils frozen therefore forces the mingw32 developers to create a "special" version of distutils, one which has to be added as a patch to python - let's call it distutils_mingw32 - which has the exact same functionality as distutils except that it is extended to have a mingw32 compiler and linker class. adding such a patch (which adds a copy of distutils called distutils_mingw32) would be extremely disruptive, as it would defeat the entire purpose of distutils, and i would be extremely surprised if it was accepted.

    so, unpalatable-as-defined-by-previous-negative-experience as it may be, the only sensible option is to do an extremely careful and thorough review of LRN's distutils compiler and linker class additions, and ensure that they are _purely_ additional classes, even at the expense of duplicated code.

    please remember that mingw32 is an _additional platform, not a change to any _existing platforms.


    p.s. the only other option i can think of would be to add in build-time options where you can specify the fully-qualified path to where distutils2 can be found. this would be somewhat... contrived, but would "work".

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 13 years ago

    sorry to have to ask, but could we get some feedback please so that this issue may move forward? currently there is a conflict between what is required and what is stated as being "absolute law".

    let's imagine that it is reasonable to expect distutils2 to be used. python proceeds with the mingw32 patches using distutils2, python 2.N is compiled and released. an average user installs python 2.N mingw32 and they run "python install" on a package - what happens?

    they get a compile error, don't they?

    why do they get a compile error?

    because the tries to build some c code, and at the top of *their* is "import distutils".

    so you now force thousands of developers to patch allll their scripts - scripts which have worked for years - _just_ so that those packages can cope with the use of distutils2 for the mingw32 platform?

    so we have another "reducto ad absurdum" which demonstrates that it is impractical to expect distutils to be frozen.

    thus, we are forced to consider alternative options, such as "monkey-patching" of distutils, to satisfy the requirements.

    would the following be acceptable, to be inserted somewhere in the path so that it is guaranteed to work at all times?

    import mingw32_distutils_compiler
    import sys
    if "distutils.compiler" in sys.modules:
        sys.modules['distutils.compiler'] = mingw32_distutils_compiler

    where mingw32_distutils_compiler performs an import of distutils.compiler and performs a monkey-patch mish-mash to combine and replace various parts of the compiler module at run-time, to get round the "freeze" objections.

    would that be acceptable? please say no, because the long-term viability and maintainability of such practices is virtually nil.

    basically i'm pointing out to you, eric, that the freeze on distutils is unworkable and impractical and unnecessary.

    this isn't "bug-fixing" of distutils, it's absolutely necessary and critically required because this is an entirely new platform.

    therefore i'm very sorry to have to spell it out but a new compiler and linker type - a NEW compiler and linker type - an ADDITIONAL compiler and linker type - IS required in order to cater for this platform, and there's no getting away from that fact.

    please could we have some acknowledgement of this fact, and acceptance of this fact, and a plan for moving forward with careful review of this patch, so that LRN and others do not have their time spent pursuing a direction involving distutils2 which will be completely fruitless?

    many many thanks,


    9255d2b8-ed7c-4cd1-bf9c-ba91bbc36b00 commented 13 years ago

    A small correction to previous post: two new compiler-and-linker types, not one.

    First - MinGW toolset without MSys, working with normal Windows command interpreter, which can be invoked simply by calling "cmd" (or whatever we get from %ComSpec%). Obviously, it doesn't work. Well, it works, but only \~5% of all software packages will have a makefile that doesn't have to be generated by configure script (which we can't run, since this variant of MinGW doesn't have bash) and that doesn't call any shell builtins or *nix tools. On the other hand, SCons, CMake and other build systems not based on autotools should work fine without bash and/or should be able to generate makefiles that don't rely on bash or *nix tools.

    Second - MinGW toolset with MSys, working with bash, which can't be invoked by calling "sh.exe" (even if you have full absolute path to sh.exe), because you must cast a few black magic spells by calling sh.exe with "--login" to hook up /etc/profile, which sets up PATH and other environment variables; without it you won't be able to run anything that isn't in c:/msys/1.0/bin - including mingw32-gcc.exe, which lives in c:/mingw/bin, unless you'd want to duplicate /etc/profile in Python (which is possible, remind me to try that), and you have to be careful to not give it any \-separated paths (even in scaped form) at command line, because bash won't understand them, and path mangling doesn't kick in until you're *within* bash, and that includes the name of the script you want to run - it must be /-separated and not absolute (because bash will pass it as $0 without mangling).

    d8d5aad8-e55b-4500-a3a0-9ea982d771ff commented 13 years ago

    And the patch for py3k (future 3.2) . Note require python-py3k-20101112-CROSS.patch from bpo-3754 to be applied first.

    amauryfa commented 13 years ago

    I'm trying to read the patch. It contains many interesting things (and others I have no opinon about), but it is very large, and makes it difficult to comment or find why some change were made etc.

    I do believe that better supporting the mingw32 platform is a worthy goal, but a single large patch, even after review, is something difficult to trust.

    I suggest to present this work in another form. Maybe something like a Mercurial Patch Queue? This would give us a collection of smaller patches, each with its own interest. Each one can be discussed, modified, reviewed separately and by different people. Large easy tasks (like a massive rename) are distinct from small-but-hard changes. And when something is updated, the reviewers don't have to parse the whole file again; they just look at the recent patches.

    As an example: among the many changes, you had to handle the Modules/getpath.c vs. PC/getpathp.c inconsistency. You chose to have both filenames in the Makefile, but in my opinion it would be better to try to merge the files.

    merwok commented 13 years ago

    Let’s try again. The current situation is that building with mingw32 is not supported. Adding support for mingw32 is by definition a new feature. You seem to agree on that: “a NEW compiler and linker type - an ADDITIONAL compiler and linker type”.

    Second, distutils is frozen. That’s the policy decided by Tarek, who’s spent literal months working on PEPs to move the situation forward. It’s just not possible to fix things in distutils, so it’s frozen and new work happens in distutils2, at the suggestion of Python creator Guido van Rossum. Please accept the feature freeze.

    In conclusion, such pervasive changes will not happen in distutils.

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 13 years ago

    erik, i'm really sorry, but the freeze on distutils simply cannot be accepted: there really is no other way, as you can see from the previous walkthrough analysis, and is reinforced by the further analysis below.

    simply put: if the freeze on distutils is not lifted, then this entire set of work, which has been going on for years and _precedes_ the distutils freeze by at least 18 months, is completely, utterly and totally wasted.

    let's walk through the situation where distutils2 is forced to be used.

    what you're asking for is, basically, that every single third party package, of which there must be tens of thousands, must be patched for compilation on mingw32... _just_ so that it says "if sys.platform == 'mingw32': from distutils2.core import setup else: from distutils.core import setup", is that correct?

    does that strike you as being completely and utterly unreasonable an expectation, to ask third parties to modify scripts which have worked perfectly well for years, many of which are likely to no longer even have a maintainer?

    that leaves patching - which should be nothing more than _adding_ to - not "changing existing compilers" - ADDING an extra compiler - distutils as the only option.

    now, that can be done monkey-patch style (i.e. at runtime, by adding in code very early on in python startup, or perhaps by patching the import system to replace the word "distutils" with "distutilsmingw32") or it can be done... by lifting the distutils freeze.

    perhaps i should ask: what _exactly is the problem, and why do several teams complete and utter failure to do the correct thing by making changes to _existing compile platforms have anything to do with _this_ team's patches which add a new totally separate platform that has absolutely nothing to do with any of the other platforms?

    i could say more, but i believe the point is clear: none of the people involved in seeing mingw32 added as a platform had _anything_ to do with the past failures, so why "punish" and mis-trust the python-mingw32 for other peoples' failures?

    508f7627-3797-4332-8a63-a38898672f33 commented 13 years ago

    We don't punish anyone here. We try to avoid breaking distutils because it's really easy to get broken and get people upset. (you ask me)

    This bug has been opened for years and no one commited it because it's very very hard to review. it involves many parts, many people.

    I am not sure how we should do this, but here's my proposal for distutils2 at least:

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 13 years ago

    I'm trying to read the patch. It contains many interesting things (and others I have no opinon about), but it is very large, and makes it difficult to comment or find why some change were made etc.

    amaury: unfortunately, the development on adding mingw32 as a platform has been ongoing for well over three years, with absolute silence and rejection of its existence. it was only when a fourth person showed interest in it (LRN) that it became "accepted" - but that was... only two months ago!

    basically, this situation should never have been allowed to get this far: the very first patch that was created, three nearly four years ago, should have been accepted, and then an incremental process could have been taken, _and_ the silly situation in which distutils gets frozen during the time when people have been completely ignoring this ongoing work would never have occurred.

    but, that's the situation: the bed has been made, and now developers have to lie in it. sorry to be the one that's pointing this out, but...


    your idea to split this into a series has merit: personally i much prefer git, because of git-format-patch, but i have to say i've never done "patch regeneration" based on a "review / change-patch-in-middle-of-series / regenerate git-format-patch" cycle. should be fun! :)

    but the very very first thing that has to happen - before any of this work is begun - is for the distutils freeze to be lifted, or for someone to come up with a _sensible_ alternative solution.

    if that cannot be done, then roumen and LRN won't _stop_ working on python-mingw32: the end result will be that they just... continue to create a single patch file that will just get larger and larger.
    508f7627-3797-4332-8a63-a38898672f33 commented 13 years ago

    I understand your frustration, but I can't lift the freeze because any change to distutils potentially break third party projects out there. We suffered from that in the past and we decided to proceed on a new version and freeze this one.

    Having this compiler released on its own project is absolutely possible and acceptable and can be done in a way that works with distutils1 and distutils2, and I'd happily integrate it to distutils2 today once we manage to review it.

    amauryfa commented 13 years ago

    but the very very first thing that has to happen - before any of this work is begun - is for the distutils freeze to be lifted, or for someone to come up with a _sensible_ alternative solution.

    Tarek's approach looks right to me: mingw32 support in distutils should take the form of an external module that subclasses (when possible) or monkeypatches (on last resort) the standard distutils behavior.

    The current patch makes too many changes in core distutils functions; it cannot be accepted in this form. I'm sure that most of the needed changes can be made in a subclass of the present Mingw32CCompiler.

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 13 years ago

    I am not sure how we should do this, but here's my proposal for distutils2 at least:

    • make this new feature a standalone package that patches distutils
    • release it for 2.x
    • let's add your work in distutils2 as well, so it's back in the stdlib in 3.x

    that would work very well: people doing new files, converting from python2 etc., will, duh, need to do _some_ conversion: they'll expect breakage and to be using distutils2 anyway.

    thank you tarek.

    f3d5ffa9-22a0-49e2-b73f-9da73147fe13 commented 13 years ago

    The current patch makes too many changes in core distutils functions; it cannot be accepted in this form. I'm sure that most of the needed changes can be made in a subclass of the present Mingw32CCompiler.

    that's what i did when creating the _other (yet another) mingw32 patch - however _some minimal changes to core distutils _are_ unfortunately required. and to and - this is, after all, a new platform! it starts off with "sys.platform == 'mingw32'", requiring detection of gcc compiler type BUT and os type of win32, and goes from there.

    right now, detection logic is: