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str.title() misbehaves with apostrophes #51257

Closed 065d9320-91f2-41e7-aa8b-baa1995190ad closed 14 years ago

065d9320-91f2-41e7-aa8b-baa1995190ad commented 14 years ago
BPO 7008
Nosy @malemburg, @rhettinger, @pitrou, @ezio-melotti, @bitdancer

Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = created_at = labels = ['type-bug'] title = 'str.title() misbehaves with apostrophes' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'gvanrossum' assignee = 'none' closed = True closed_date = closer = 'rhettinger' components = [] creation = creator = 'nickd' dependencies = [] files = [] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 7008 keywords = [] message_count = 28.0 messages = ['93180', '93212', '93220', '93223', '93226', '93227', '93229', '93232', '93235', '93236', '93237', '93238', '93239', '93240', '93241', '93242', '93243', '93244', '93250', '93258', '93260', '93261', '93262', '93264', '93271', '93272', '93274', '93277'] nosy_count = 10.0 nosy_names = ['lemburg', 'nnorwitz', 'rhettinger', 'pitrou', 'christoph', 'ezio.melotti', 'r.david.murray', 'markon', 'twb', 'nickd'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = 'wont fix' stage = 'test needed' status = 'closed' superseder = None type = 'behavior' url = '' versions = ['Python 2.7', 'Python 3.2'] ```

065d9320-91f2-41e7-aa8b-baa1995190ad commented 14 years ago

str.title() capitalizes the first letter after an apostrophe:

>>> "This isn't right".title()
"This Isn'T Right"

The library function string.capwords, which appears to have exactly the same responsibility, doesn't exhibit this behavior:

>>> string.capwords("This isn't right")
"This Isn't Right"

Tested on 2.6.2 on Mac OS X

b70c9162-a4f6-48dc-8226-a1a52c01e8cc commented 14 years ago

This was already asked some years ago.

5f092c4c-4168-4282-9079-c3318aaab629 commented 14 years ago

The string module, however, fails to properly capitalize anything in quotes:

>>> string.capwords("i pity the 'foo'.")
"I Pity The 'foo'."

The string module could be easily made to work like the object. The object could be made to work more like the module, only capitalizing things after a space and the start of the string, but I'm not really sure that it's any better. (The s.istitle() should also be updated if s.title() is changed.) The inconsistency is pretty nasty, though, and the documentation should probably be more specific about what's going on.

rhettinger commented 14 years ago

I agree with the OP that str.title should be made smarter. As it stands, it is a likely bug factory that would pass unittests, then generate unpleasant results with real user inputs.

Extending on Thomas's comment, I think string.capwords() needs to be deprecated and eliminated. It is an egregious hack that has unfortunate effects such as dropping runs for repeated spaces and incorrectly handling strings in quotes.

As it stands, we have two methods that both don't quite do what we would really want in a title casing method (correct handling of apostrophe's and quotation marks, keeping the string length unchanged, and only changing desired letters from lower to uppercase with no other side-effects).

bitdancer commented 14 years ago

I believe capwords was supposed to be removed in 3.0, but this did not happen.

rhettinger commented 14 years ago

If you can find a link to the discussion for removing capwords, we can go ahead and deprecate it now.

bitdancer commented 14 years ago

I haven't been able to find any discussion of deprecating capwords other than a mention in this thread:

Later in the thread Barry says he is neutral on removing capwords, and it is not mentioned further.

I think Ezio found some other information somewhere.

5f092c4c-4168-4282-9079-c3318aaab629 commented 14 years ago

If "correct handling of apostrophe's and quotation marks, keeping the string length unchanged, and only changing desired letters from lower to uppercase with no other side-effects" is the criterion we want, then what I suggested (toupper() the first character, and any character that follows a space or punctuation character) should work. (Unless I'm missing something.) Do we want to tolower() all other characters, like the interpreter does now?

I can make a test and patch for this if this is what we decide.

rhettinger commented 14 years ago

I'm still researching what other languages do. MS-Excel matches what Python currently does. Django uses the python version and then fixes-up apostrophe errors:
title=lambda value: re.sub("([a-z])'([A-Z])", lambda m:, value.title()).

It would also be nice to handle hyphenates like "xray" --> "X-ray".

Am thinking that it would be nice if the user could pass-in an optional argument to list all desired characters to prevent transitions (such as apostrophes and hyphens).

A broader solution would be to replace string.capwords() with a more sophisticated set of rules that generally match what people are really trying to accomplish with title casing:

"Headline Style" in the Chicago Manual of Style or Associate Pressd Stylebook:

Any such attempt at a broad solution needs to provide ways for users to modify the list of exception words and options for quoted text.

rhettinger commented 14 years ago

Thomas, if you write-up an initial patch, aim for the most conservative version that leaves all of the behavior unchanged except for embedded single apostrophes (to handle contractions and possessives). That will assure that we don't muck-up any existing uses for title case:

i'm I'm you're You're he's He's david's David's 'bad' 'Bad' f''t f''t 'x 'x

Given letters-apostrophe-letter, capitalize only the first letter and lowercase the rest.

pitrou commented 14 years ago

We shouldn't change the current default behaviour, people are probably relying on it.

Besides, doing the right thing is both (natural) language-dependent and context-dependent. It would be (very) hard to come with an implementation catering to all needs. Perhaps a dedicated typography module, but str.title() is certainly not the answer.

However, adding an optional argument to str.title() so as to change the list of recognized separators could be an useful addition for those people who aren't too perfectionist about the result.

rhettinger commented 14 years ago

Guido, do you have an opinion on whether to have str.title() handle embedded apostrophes, "you're" --> "You're" instead of "You'Re"?

IMO, the problem comes-up often enough that people are looking for workarounds (i.e. string.capwords() was a failed hack created to handle the problem and django.titlecase() is a successful attempt at a workaround).

I'm not worried about Antoines's comment that we can't change anything ever. I am concerned about his point (mentioned on IRC) that there are no context free solutions (the absolute right answer is hard). While the change would seem to always be helpful in an English context, in French the proper title casing of "l'argent" is "L'Argent". Then again, there are cases in French that don't work under either method (i.e. title casing Amaury Forgeot d'Arc ends-up capitalizing the D no matter what we do).


  1. Leave everything the same (rejecting requests for apostrophe handling and forever live with the likes of You'Re).

  2. Handle embedded single apostrophes, fixing most cases in English, and wreaking havoc on the French (who are going to be ill-served under any scenario).

  3. Add an optional argument to str.title() with a list of characters that will not trigger a transition. This lets people add apostrophes and hyphens and other characters of interest. Hyphens are hard because cases like mother-in-law should properly be converted to Mother-in_Law and hyphens get used in many odd ways.

  4. Add a new string method for handling title case with embedded apostrophes but leaving the old version unchanged.

My order of preferences is 2,4,3,1.

ezio-melotti commented 14 years ago

I think Ezio found some other information somewhere.

While I was fixing bpo-7000 I found that the tests for capwords had been removed in r54854 but since the function was already there I added them back in r75072. The commit message of r54854 says "Also remove all calls to functions in the string module (except maketrans)". I'm adding Neal to the nosy list, maybe he remembers if maketrans really was the only function that was supposed to survive.

In bpo-6412 other problems of .title() are discussed, and there are also a couple of links to Technical Reports of the Unicode Consortium about casing algorithms and similar issues (I didn't have time to read them yet though).

pitrou commented 14 years ago

While the change would seem to always be helpful in an English context, in French the proper title casing of "l'argent" is "L'Argent".

Well I think even in English it doesn't work right. For example someone named O'Brien would end up as "O'brien".

My point is that capitalization is both language-sensitive and context-sensitive, and it's a hard problem for a computer to solve. Since str.title() can only be a very crude approximation of the right thing, there's no good reason to break backwards compatibility, IMO.

  1. Leave everything the same (rejecting requests for apostrophe handling and forever live with the likes of You'Re).

  2. Handle embedded single apostrophes, fixing most cases in English, and wreaking havoc on the French (who are going to be ill-served under any scenario).

  3. Add an optional argument to str.title() with a list of characters that will not trigger a transition. This lets people add apostrophes and hyphens and other characters of interest. Hyphens are hard because cases like mother-in-law should properly be converted to Mother-in_Law and hyphens get used in many odd ways.

  4. Add a new string method for handling title case with embedded apostrophes but leaving the old version unchanged.

My order of preferences is 2,4,3,1.

I really think the only reasonable options are 3 and 1. 2 breaks compatibility with no real benefit. 4 is too specific a variation (especially in the unicode case, where you might want to take into account the different variants of apostrophes and other characters), and adding a new method for such a subtle difference is not warranted.

pitrou commented 14 years ago

By the way, we might want to mention in the documentation that the title() method only gives imperfect results when trying to titlecase natural language. So that people don't get fooled thinking things are simple :-) What do you think?

gvanrossum commented 14 years ago

Raymond, please refrain from emotional terms like "bug factory".

I have nothing to say about whether string.capwords() should be removed, but I want to note that it does a split on whitespace and then rejoins using a single space, so that string.capwords('A B\tC\r\nD') returns 'A B C D'.

The title() method exists primarily because the Unicode standard has a definition of "title case". I wouldn't want to change its default behavior because there is no reasonable behavior that isn't locale- dependent, and Unicode methods shouldn't depend on locale; and even then it won't be perfect, as the O'Brien example shows.

Also note that .title() matches .istitle() in the sense that x.title().istitle() is supposed to be true (except in end cases like a string containing no letters).

I worry that providing an API that adds a way to specify a set of characters to be treated as letters (for the purpose of deciding where words start) will just make the bugs in apps harder to find because the examples are rarer (like "l'Aperitif" or "O'Brien" -- or "RSVP" for that matter). With the current behavior at least app authors will easily notice the problem, decide whether it matters to them, and implement their own algorithm if they do. And they are free to be as elaborate or simplistic as they care.

What's a realistic use case for .title() anyway?

(Proposal: close as won't fix.)

gvanrossum commented 14 years ago

A doc fix sounds like a great idea.

rhettinger commented 14 years ago

I will add a comment to the docs.

d21744ff-f396-4c71-955e-7dbd2e886779 commented 14 years ago

I don't recall anything specifically wrt removing capwords. Most likely it was something that struck me as not widely used or really necessary--a good candidate to be removed. Applications could then write the fucntion however they chose which would avoid the problem of Python needing to figure out if it should be Isn'T or Isn't and all the other variations mentioned here.

malemburg commented 14 years ago

Guido van Rossum wrote:

What's a realistic use case for .title() anyway?

The primary use is when converting a string to be used as title or sub-title of text - mostly inspired by the way English treats titles.

The implementation follows the rules laid out in UTR#21:

The Python version only implements the basic set of rules, i.e. "If the preceeding letter is cased, chose the lowercase mapping; otherwise chose the titlecase mapping (in most cases, this will be the same as the uppercase, but not always)."

It doesn't implement the special casing rules, since these would require locale and language dependent context information which we don't implement/use in Python.

It also doesn't implement mappings that would result in a change of length (ligatures) or require look-ahead strategies (e.g. if the casing depends on the code point following the converted code point).

Patches to enhance the code to support those additional rules are welcome.

Regarding the apostrophe: the Unicode standard doesn't appear to include any rule regarding that character and its use in titles or upper-case versions of text. The apostrophe itself is a non-cased code point.

It's likely that the special use of the apostrophe in English is actually a language-specific use case. For those, it's (currently) better to implement your own versions of the conversion functions, based on the existing methods.

Regarding the idea to add an option to define which characters to regard as cased/non-cased: This would cause the algorithm to no longer adhere to the Unicode standard and most probably cause more problems than it solves.

malemburg commented 14 years ago

Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:

Regarding the apostrophe: the Unicode standard doesn't appear to include any rule regarding that character and its use in titles or upper-case versions of text. The apostrophe itself is a non-cased code point.

It's likely that the special use of the apostrophe in English is actually a language-specific use case. For those, it's (currently) better to implement your own versions of the conversion functions, based on the existing methods.

Looking at the many different uses in various languages, this appears to be the better option:

To make things even more complicated, the usual typewriter apostrophe that you find in ASCII is not the only one in Unicode:

ezio-melotti commented 14 years ago

Patches to enhance the code to support those additional rules are welcome.

bpo-6412 has a patch.

pitrou commented 14 years ago

To make things even more complicated, the usual typewriter apostrophe that you find in ASCII is not the only one in Unicode:

Yup, and the right one typographically isn't necessarily the ASCII one :-) That's why Microsoft Word automatically inserts a non-ASCII apostrophe when you type « ' », at least in certain languages (apparently OpenOffice doesn't).

malemburg commented 14 years ago

Ezio Melotti wrote:

Ezio Melotti \\ added the comment:

> Patches to enhance the code to support those additional rules are welcome.

bpo-6412 has a patch.

That patch looks promising.

576fdecd-6e0f-4bb1-b761-7653a4759cf1 commented 14 years ago

I admit I don't fully understand the semantics of capwords(). But from what I believe what it should do, this function could be happily replaced by the word-breaking algorithm as defined in

This algorithm should be implemented anyway, to properly solve bpo-6412.

pitrou commented 14 years ago

This algorithm should be implemented anyway, to properly solve bpo-6412.

Sure, but it should be another function, which might have its place in the wordwrap module.

capwords() itself could be deprecated, since it's an obvious one-liner. Replacing in with another method, however, will just confuse and annoy existing users.

malemburg commented 14 years ago

Christoph Burgmer wrote:

Christoph Burgmer \\ added the comment:

I admit I don't fully understand the semantics of capwords().

string.capwords() is an old function from the days before Unicode. The function is basically defined by its implementation.

But from what I believe what it should do, this function could be happily replaced by the word-breaking algorithm as defined in

This algorithm should be implemented anyway, to properly solve bpo-6412.

Simple word breaking would be nice to have in Python as new Unicode method, e.g. .splitwords().

Note however, that word boundaries are just as complicated as casing: there are lots of special cases in different languages or locales (see the notes after the word boundary rules in the TR29).

576fdecd-6e0f-4bb1-b761-7653a4759cf1 commented 14 years ago

Antoine Pitrou wrote:

capwords() itself could be deprecated, since it's an obvious one- Replacing in with another method, however, will just confuse and annoy existing users.

Yes, sorry, I meant the semantics, where as you are right for the specific function.

Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:

Note however, that word boundaries are just as complicated as casing: there are lots of special cases in different languages or locales (see the notes after the word boundary rules in the TR29).

ICU already has the full implementation, so Python could get away with just supporting the default implementation (as seen with other case mappings).

>>> from PyICU import UnicodeString, Locale, BreakIterator            
>>> en_US_locale = Locale('en_US')                                    
>>> breakIter = BreakIterator.createWordInstance(en_US_locale)        
>>> s = UnicodeString("There's a hole in the bucket.")                
>>> print s.toTitle(breakIter, en_US_locale)
There's A Hole In The Bucket.
>>> breakIter.setText("There's a hole in the bucket.")
>>> last = 0
>>> for i in breakIter:
...     print s[last:i]
...     last = i





Bucket .