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Backport capsule object #52240

Closed larryhastings closed 14 years ago

larryhastings commented 14 years ago
BPO 7992
Nosy @malemburg, @jcea, @pitrou, @vstinner, @larryhastings, @benjaminp, @briancurtin, @florentx

Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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GitHub fields: ```python assignee = '' closed_at = created_at = labels = ['interpreter-core', 'type-feature'] title = 'Backport capsule object' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'jcea' assignee = 'larry' closed = True closed_date = closer = 'larry' components = ['Interpreter Core'] creation = creator = 'larry' dependencies = [] files = [] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 7992 keywords = ['patch', 'buildbot'] message_count = 15.0 messages = ['99802', '101691', '101695', '101696', '101698', '101723', '101726', '101727', '102164', '102192', '102194', '102196', '102203', '103661', '104140'] nosy_count = 8.0 nosy_names = ['lemburg', 'jcea', 'pitrou', 'vstinner', 'larry', 'benjamin.peterson', 'brian.curtin', 'flox'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = 'accepted' stage = 'needs patch' status = 'closed' superseder = None type = 'enhancement' url = '' versions = ['Python 2.7'] ```

larryhastings commented 14 years ago

Backporting the PyCapsule object from 3.1 to 2.7. I'll have a patch today.

eda57068-96ad-4b33-8431-9c528f59a6a6 commented 14 years ago

All windows buildbots fail to compile:

pitrou commented 14 years ago

As Marc-André pointed out, you shouldn't have converted old uses of PyCObject. It breaks compatibility, and I don't think there's any point since 2.7 will probably be the last in the 2.x line.

pitrou commented 14 years ago

(if you want to be perfectionist, you can have those modules provide both a PyCObject and a PyCapsule interface...)

vstinner commented 14 years ago

PyCapsule comes from issues bpo-5630 and bpo-5872.

larryhastings commented 14 years ago

This is also (naturally) being discussed on python-dev. I've posted a long message there about it; you can find that message here:

I don't know whether it's best to conduct such a discussion here, in Python-Dev, or both. I assumed Python-Dev is superior because more people will see it. If it makes sense to move the discussion here we can move it.

larryhastings commented 14 years ago

Florent: that's because the Windows build projects don't build capsule.c. I don't have an appropriate Windows development environment; I'll try to fix them by hand tonight, but if that doesn't work we'll have to call for help from some Windows core developer.

briancurtin commented 14 years ago

(adding myself to the nosy list as a Windows dev)

eda57068-96ad-4b33-8431-9c528f59a6a6 commented 14 years ago

The PendingDeprecationWarning is still spit by the bsddb module.

$ ./python -Wd -m test.regrtest test_bsddb
./Lib/importlib/ PendingDeprecationWarning: The CObject type is marked Pending Deprecation in Python 2.7.  Please use capsule objects instead.
1 test OK.
larryhastings commented 14 years ago

Yes. I was told it was inappropriate for me to change the bsddb module, as it's independently maintained by Jesus Cea. I sent Mr. Cea a patch last night; I hope he chooses to merge it soon.

Since CObjects are marked Pending Deprecation, and bsddb is using a CObject, this is correct behavior.

Were you mentioning it simply to bring it my attention, or am I missing something important?

larryhastings commented 14 years ago

Oh, and, last night I checked in r79590. This is the checkin that ameliorates the backwards compatibility issues. Specifically, I changed four things:

(Someone had already added them to the current PC build process, a day or two after I committed the previous checkin.)

Sorry for forgetting to update the issue last night, but I was in a bit of a hurry to get this done before Benjamin cut 2.7b1.

eda57068-96ad-4b33-8431-9c528f59a6a6 commented 14 years ago

Ok, I put Jésus in the nosy list.

It makes the test_all fail on trunk because it checks the warnings raised during import.

AFAIU, the patch is something like:

-#if (PY_VERSION_HEX \< 0x03020000) +#if (PY_VERSION_HEX \< 0x02070000)

larryhastings commented 14 years ago

The patch is a bit more involved than that. Capsules didn't exist in 3.0, and the bsddb module published a CObject in 3.1. So bsddb must continue to use CObject for those two releases.

Therefore the patch to the line you were addressing looks like this:

-#if (PY_VERSION_HEX \< 0x03020000) +#if (PY_VERSION_HEX \< ((PY_MAJOR_VERSION \< 3) ? 0x02070000 : 0x03020000))

However, Jesus's use of capsules has a bug. The capsule API requires that the string passed in to PyCapsule_New() must "outlive" the capsule; he's passing in a stack buffer. So my patch also fixes that.

Finally my bsddb patch adds the appropriate text to the header file where it describes how to import the _bsddb C API object (CObject vs capsule).

FWIW, I want to close this issue soon. How about I close it after 2.7b1 has been out for a week or so--assuming there aren't any new concerns regarding the capsule backport.

larryhastings commented 14 years ago

Marking closed, as promised; 2.7b1 has been out for nine days and there hasn't been a peep. If new problems crop up from the capsule backport, please create a new issue and assign it to me.

For posterity: 2.7b1 shipped with a bsddb that still publishes a CObject. This is the only CObject left in 2.7b1, and Python doesn't itself use that CObject for anything. Therefore there are no CObject exploits left in pure Python 2.7b1. I don't know if bsddb will switch to a capsule in a later Python 2.7 beta; that's up to Jesus and Benjamin and co. But I suspect it won't.

jcea commented 14 years ago

For future reference:

The final consensus was not to integrate bsddb Capsule for Python 2.7, since CObject is not actually deprecated in python 2.7.