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Add exception logging function to syslog module #52461

Open ericvsmith opened 14 years ago

ericvsmith commented 14 years ago
BPO 8214
Nosy @pitrou, @ericvsmith, @benjaminp, @merwok, @briancurtin
  • logexception.diff: Implementation of first function, to log exception information.
  • logexception2.patch: Full implementation for Python 2.
  • logexception3.patch: Patch with changes Jack suggested.
  • logexception4.patch: Test fix suggested by Brian.
  • logexception5.patch: Test fix suggested by Bejnamin.
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = None created_at = labels = ['extension-modules', 'type-feature'] title = 'Add exception logging function to syslog module' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'BreamoreBoy' assignee = 'jafo' closed = False closed_date = None closer = None components = ['Extension Modules'] creation = creator = 'eric.smith' dependencies = [] files = ['17089', '17159', '17174', '17177', '17179'] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 8214 keywords = ['patch', 'needs review'] message_count = 20.0 messages = ['101605', '101668', '101681', '101682', '101683', '101685', '101686', '101687', '104211', '104693', '104746', '104754', '104755', '104756', '104757', '104759', '104761', '104762', '105181', '221669'] nosy_count = 6.0 nosy_names = ['jafo', 'pitrou', 'eric.smith', 'benjamin.peterson', 'eric.araujo', 'brian.curtin'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = None stage = 'patch review' status = 'open' superseder = None type = 'enhancement' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.5'] ```

    ericvsmith commented 14 years ago

    Sean Reifschneider proposed [1] adding the ability to log an exception using the syslog module.

    My proposed implementation is along the lines of:

    def logexceptions(chain=True):
        import sys
        import traceback
        import syslog
        # Should we chain to the existing sys.excepthook?
        current_hook = sys.excepthook if chain else None
        def syslog_exception(etype, evalue, etb):
            if current_hook:
                current_hook(etype, evalue, etb)
            # The result of traceback.format_exception might contain
            # embedded newlines, so we have the nested loops.
            for line in traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb):
                for line in line.rstrip().split('\n'):
        sys.excepthook = syslog_exception

    Although it would need to be written in C to work in the existing syslog module, and of course it would call syslog.syslog directly.


    vstinner commented 14 years ago

    syslog_exception() should be declared outside logexceptions(), so it's possible to call it directly. Example:

    try: ... except Exception: syslog_exception(*sys.exc_info())

    ericvsmith commented 14 years ago

    Good point. So that makes the implementation more like:

    import traceback
    import syslog
    import sys
    def syslog_exception(etype, evalue, etb):
        # The result of traceback.format_exception might contain
        # embedded newlines, so we have the nested loops.
        for line in traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb):
            for line in line.rstrip().split('\n'):
    def logexceptions(chain=True):
        # Should we chain to the existing sys.excepthook?
        current_hook = sys.excepthook if chain else None
        def hook(etype, evalue, etb):
            if current_hook:
                current_hook(etype, evalue, etb)
            syslog_exception(etype, evalue, etb)
        sys.excepthook = hook

    We could then make syslog_exception take a tuple instead of the 3 values. I'm not sure which is more convenient, or more widely used in other APIs.

    Once it's moved into syslog, maybe syslog_exception named syslog.log_exception.

    vstinner commented 14 years ago

    Once it's moved into syslog, maybe syslog_exception named syslog.log_exception.

    In that case, how would be called the second function? Can write a patch with an unit test?

    ericvsmith commented 14 years ago

    > Once it's moved into syslog, maybe syslog_exception named syslog.log_exception.

    That's "should be named", of course. Although on second thought maybe syslog.syslog_exception really is the right name, to mirror syslog.syslog.

    In that case, how would be called the second function? Can write a patch with an unit test?

    I'm not sure which second function you mean.

    As far as the implementation, Sean's working on it, although I'm willing to help.

    vstinner commented 14 years ago

    I'm not sure which second function you mean.

    "logexceptions" which replaces sys.excepthook. "log_exception" and "log_exceptions" are very close.

    cgitb has a function "enable" which sets sys.excepthook.

    ericvsmith commented 14 years ago

    Ah, I see. Yes, logexceptions needs a better name. Maybe enable_exception_logging.

    ericvsmith commented 14 years ago

    Here's a version that would be more analogous to what the C implementation would look like. It uses a class instead of a closure to capture the "chain" value. The 2 exposed functions syslog_exception and enable_exception_logging are the new APIs in this proposal, which would be written in C as part of the syslog module. The class is a hidden implementation detail.

    import traceback
    import syslog
    import sys
    def syslog_exception(etype, evalue, etb):
        # The result of traceback.format_exception might contain
        # embedded newlines, so we have the nested loops.
        for line in traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb):
            for line in line.rstrip().split('\n'):
    class _Hook(object):
        def __init__(self, chain):
            # Should we chain to the existing sys.excepthook?
            self._current_hook = sys.excepthook if chain else None
        def _hook(self, etype, evalue, etb):
            if self._current_hook:
                self._current_hook(etype, evalue, etb)
            syslog_exception(etype, evalue, etb)
    def enable_exception_logging(chain=True):
        sys.excepthook = _Hook(chain)._hook
    eacf80b2-9081-4882-a7f5-27e9644c3853 commented 14 years ago

    I believe I have the first function implemented. See the attached patch for that code and feel free to review.

    eacf80b2-9081-4882-a7f5-27e9644c3853 commented 14 years ago

    I have completed the exception handling code as prototyped in msg101687. Please review.

    eacf80b2-9081-4882-a7f5-27e9644c3853 commented 14 years ago

    Jack Diederich commented:

    I don't have my tracker login on this computer so I'll post here. I'd +1 on making the module python with just the core functionality imported from C (it releases the GIL when doing IO). Then you could replace the few hundred lines of C with just the few lines of python from the prototype. That said... The parens in "return (NULL)" are extra and against PEP-7 (though there are already a bunch in syslogmodule.c). You need to NULL check the saved_hook in newhookobject() before INCREF'ing it. Should the saved hook be called after the syslog call? It might do anything. The patch needs unit tests.

    pitrou commented 14 years ago

    Rewriting another implementation of traceback formatting in C is bad. Just import the "traceback" module and call the desired function in that module.

    pitrou commented 14 years ago

    Oh, well, sorry. That's what you are already doing. Forget me :)

    eacf80b2-9081-4882-a7f5-27e9644c3853 commented 14 years ago

    Thanks for the review Jack.

    I was very tempted to split it into C and Python components, but I decided against it because it's so close to the 2.7 release. I think it would be best to defer that for the Python 3 release, because of potential packaging issues. I'm open to discussion on that though.

    I've changed all the return(NULL)s in the package.

    NULL check on saved_hook is done.

    I also had the same thought about the saved_hook/syslog ordering, so I've changed it.

    I've added soe unit tests. I tried getting fancy and testing the exception handling, but had to fork to do it and then unittests were still catching the exception, so I just left it the minimal set of tests I put in there.


    briancurtin commented 14 years ago

    The test file should use test_support.import_module("syslog") instead of the try/except, which would then make the skip decorators unnecessary.

    eacf80b2-9081-4882-a7f5-27e9644c3853 commented 14 years ago

    Changed to use import_module.

    benjaminp commented 14 years ago

    You shouln't use fail*. They're deprecated.

    eacf80b2-9081-4882-a7f5-27e9644c3853 commented 14 years ago

    Switched to using assertTrue/assertFalse.

    eacf80b2-9081-4882-a7f5-27e9644c3853 commented 14 years ago

    This won't go into 2.7.0. I will do a patch for 3.x, and wait for 2.7.0 to see if it can go into 2.7.1.

    83d2e70e-e599-4a04-b820-3814bbdb9bef commented 10 years ago

    @Sean is this something you can pick up again, it seems a shame to let your past efforts gather dust?