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decouple unittest assertions from the TestCase class #63844

Open e8d3c6aa-da80-4232-84d9-e9e017eccfc9 opened 10 years ago

e8d3c6aa-da80-4232-84d9-e9e017eccfc9 commented 10 years ago
BPO 19645
Nosy @ncoghlan, @rbtcollins, @merwok, @pakal, @bitdancer, @voidspace, @Julian, @vadmium, @serhiy-storchaka

Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = None created_at = labels = ['type-feature', 'tests', '3.9'] title = 'decouple unittest assertions from the TestCase class' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'rbcollins' assignee = 'none' closed = False closed_date = None closer = None components = ['Tests'] creation = creator = 'Gregory.Salvan' dependencies = [] files = [] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 19645 keywords = [] message_count = 18.0 messages = ['203295', '203303', '203351', '227588', '230813', '254427', '345477', '345483', '345484', '345487', '345496', '345497', '345498', '345499', '345500', '347584', '347586', '347587'] nosy_count = 10.0 nosy_names = ['ncoghlan', 'rbcollins', 'eric.araujo', 'pakal', 'r.david.murray', 'michael.foord', 'Julian', 'martin.panter', 'serhiy.storchaka', 'Gregory.Salvan'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = None stage = None status = 'open' superseder = None type = 'enhancement' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.9'] ```

e8d3c6aa-da80-4232-84d9-e9e017eccfc9 commented 10 years ago

Actually unittest assertions depends on testcase class forcing us to extend it to add assertions and to use it to make assertions outside tests.

Seeing interests in rethinking the way assertions are done in unittest, this issue first intent to collect feedback in order to suggest an implementation that fit the most.

Some notes from private discussions:

My opinion:

bitdancer commented 10 years ago

You should probably start by summarizing the assertThat proposal from bpo-18054, which suggested making a separate issue for assertThat.

e8d3c6aa-da80-4232-84d9-e9e017eccfc9 commented 10 years ago

bpo-18054 :

-> usefull but TestCase has already a wide api.

A solution like Testtools assertThat with matcher protocol ( would not expand too much TestCase api and permit to easily extend assertions.

serhiy-storchaka commented 9 years ago

Here are most popular idioms which deserve special assertion methods:

assertHasAttr(obj, name) == assertTrue(hasattr(obj, name)) assertIsSubclass(type, expected) == assertTrue(issubclass(type, expected)) assertTypeIs(obj, expected) == assertIs(type(obj), expected) assertTypedEqual(actual, expected) == assertIs(type(actual), type(expected)) and assertEqual(actual, expected) # or assertIsInstance(actual, type(expected))? assertStartsWith(actual, prefix) == assertTrue(s.startswith(prefix)) assertEndsWith(actual, suffix) == assertTrue(s.endswith(suffix)) assertUnorderedSequenceEqual(first, second) == assertTrue(all(x in second for x in first)) and assertTrue(all(x in first for x in second)) and assertEqual(len(first), len(second))

rbtcollins commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm glad you're interested in this. I very much want to see a matcher/hamcrest approach rather than a library of assertions per se - because match-or-except makes layering things harder.

vadmium commented 8 years ago

Looking at Gregory and Robert’s “matchers” link, which also covers “assertThat”, it seems to provide a library of matcher assertion objects. E.g. instead of this TestCase-coupled code:

self.assertEquals(something, "expected value")

you would write

from testtools.matchers import Equals
self.assertThat(something, Equals("expected value"))

Implementing a custom matcher (say HasAttr for Serhiy’s first use case) seems to involve creating the HasAttr class with a match() method, and maybe another HasAttrMismatch class (though maybe you could get away with just a shared generic mismatch class?).

It seems to me that if you ignore the vaguely-documented TestCase.failureException attribute, you can fairly easily decouple the existing methods from a TestCase instance:

def assert_equal(first, second, msg=None):
    # Implementation could be copied independently of any test state
    TestCase().assertEqual(first, second, msg)

The matcher scheme would be more flexible though, because you can compose matcher objects.

rbtcollins commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the slow reply here;

There are API breaks involved in any decoupling that involves the exception raising because of the failureException attribute. Something with signalling that can be adapted by other test suites etc might have merit, but I think we are lacking a clear use case for doing this to the existing exceptions. Setting up a way for new things to be more easily used by users of other test frameworks is quite attractive; perhaps just writing them as separate functions with an adapter to failureException would be sufficient.

5bfbe100-eec1-4dfd-8016-fbfb8d3c67c8 commented 5 years ago

(Redirected here from

I haven't dug the assertThat() idea, but why not make, as a first step, turn assertion methods in TestCase to staticmethods/classmethods, instead of instance methods?

Since they (to my knowledge) don't need to access an instance dict, they could be turned into such instance-less methods, and thus be usable from other testing frameworks (like pytest, for those who want to use pytest fixtures and yet benefit from advanced assertions like Django's TestCase's assertions).

"failureException" and others are meant to be (sub)class attributes, so no backwards incompatible change should occur (unless someone did really weird things with manually instantiated TestCases).

voidspace commented 5 years ago

Has anyone seen any real world use cases for failureException? It's a real hindrance to a whole bunch of changes sounds decoupling.

On the other hand something like assertThat could catch a custom exception from the matchers (subclass of AssertionError) and raise failureException

5bfbe100-eec1-4dfd-8016-fbfb8d3c67c8 commented 5 years ago

I don't get it, why would failureException block anything ? The unittest.TestCase API must remain the same anyway, but it could become just a wrapper towards external assertions.

For example :

class TestCase:

   assertEqual = wrap(assertions.assert_equal)

Where "wrap" for example is some kind of functools.partial() injecting into external assertions a parameter "failure_exception_class". Having all these external assertions take such a parameter (defaulting to AssertionError) would be a great plus for adaptability anyway.

voidspace commented 5 years ago

Suppose failureException is set to TypeError on that TestCase class, how would your assertEquals signal failure to the test runner?

voidspace commented 5 years ago

Hmm, it could be done by __init_subclass__ potentially.

voidspace commented 5 years ago

Or even making the assert methods into custom descriptors.

rbtcollins commented 5 years ago

Right now that attribute could be set by each test separately, or even varied within a test.

TBH I'm not sure that the attribute really should be supported; perhaps thinking about breaking the API is worth doing.

But - what are we solving for here. The OP here seems interested in using the assertion like things entirely outside of a test context.

What would a nice clean API for that be? (Yes I like matchers, but put that aside - if the APIs aren't close enough, lets make sure we do a good job for each audience rather than a compromise..)

5bfbe100-eec1-4dfd-8016-fbfb8d3c67c8 commented 5 years ago

"Suppose failureException is set to TypeError on that TestCase class, how would your assertEquals signal failure to the test runner?"

failureException is an artefact from unittest.TestCase. It's only supposed to be used in a TestCase context, with an unittest-compatible runner. If people corrupt it, I guess it's their problem?

The point of decoupling is imho that other test runner might use the separate set of assertions. These assertions should raise a sensible default (i.e AssertionError) when encountering troubles, and accepting an alternate class as parameter will allow each test framework to customize the way these assertions behave for it.

bitdancer commented 5 years ago

"But - what are we solving for here?" I'll tell you what my fairly common use case is. Suppose I have some test infrastructure code, and I want to make some assertions in it. What I invariably end up doing is passing 'self' into the infrastructure method/class just so I can call the assert methods from it. I'd much rather be just calling the assertions, without carrying the whole test object around. It *works* to do that, but it bothers me every time I do it or read it in code, and it makes the infrastructure code needlessly more complicated and slightly harder to understand/read.

rbtcollins commented 5 years ago

Ok so design wise - there is state on the TestCase that influences assertions; in potentially two ways.

The first way is formatting - the amount of detail shown in long list comparisons etc.

The second way I don't think we have at the moment, but potentially it could influence the fidelity of comparisons for NearlyEquals and the like - generally though we tend to pass those in as parameters.

So just ripping everything off into standalone functions loses the home for that state. It either becomes global (ugh), or a new object that isn't a test case but is basically the same magic object that has to be known is carried around, or we find some other way of delegating the formatting choice and controls.

hamcrest has some prior art in this space, and testtools experimented with that too. wordpress has managed to naff up the formatting on my old blog post about this and

Its been on my TODO for a very long time to put together a PEP for adding matchers to the stdlib; I find the full system we did in testtools very useful because it can represent everything from a trivial in-memory string error through to a disk image for a broken postgresql database, without running out of memory or generating mojibake.... but if we wanted to do something smaller that didn't prejuidice extensions like testtools still doing more that would be fine too.

The core idea of matchers is that rather than a standalone function f() -> nil/raise, you build a callable object f() -> Option(Mismatch), and a Mismatch can be shown to users, combined with other mismatches to form composites or sequences and so forth. So this would give room for the state around object formatting and the like too.

rbtcollins commented 5 years ago

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that these are the only options I'd support - just that these are the things I've thought through and that I think will all work well... I'm sure there are more options available ;)