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Clarify requirements for file-like objects #65962

Open 7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 opened 10 years ago

7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 commented 10 years ago
BPO 21763
Nosy @birkenfeld, @rhettinger, @ncoghlan, @pitrou, @benjaminp, @ezio-melotti, @merwok, @bitdancer, @hynek
  • iobase.diff
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = None created_at = labels = ['type-feature', 'docs'] title = 'Clarify requirements for file-like objects' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'ncoghlan' assignee = 'docs@python' closed = False closed_date = None closer = None components = ['Documentation'] creation = creator = 'nikratio' dependencies = [] files = ['35636'] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 21763 keywords = ['patch'] message_count = 15.0 messages = ['220588', '220647', '220663', '220680', '220685', '220687', '220777', '220830', '220875', '220878', '220879', '220880', '220883', '220888', '220901'] nosy_count = 12.0 nosy_names = ['georg.brandl', 'rhettinger', 'ncoghlan', 'pitrou', 'benjamin.peterson', 'stutzbach', 'ezio.melotti', 'eric.araujo', 'r.david.murray', 'nikratio', 'docs@python', 'hynek'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = None stage = None status = 'open' superseder = None type = 'enhancement' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.4', 'Python 3.5'] ```

    7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 commented 10 years ago

    It is currently not perfectly clear what Python (and the standard library) assumes about file-like objects (see e.g.

    The attached doc patch tries to improve the current situation by stating explicitly that the description of IOBase et al specifies a *mandatory* interface for anything that claims to be file-like.

    bitdancer commented 10 years ago

    I don't think that's true, though. "file like" pretty much means "has the file attributes that I actually use". That is, it is context dependent (duck typing).

    I'm also not sure I see the point in the change. It is inherent in the definition of what ABCs are. I think the language should be audited for imperative/prescriptive voice, though:

    Flush and close this stream. If called again, do nothing. Once the file is closed, any operation on the file (e.g. reading or writing) should raise a ValueError.

    My use of 'should' there might be controversial, though, since in the default implementation 'will' is correct. If 'will' is kept, then perhaps some variation of your note would be appropriate.

    7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 commented 10 years ago

    On 06/15/2014 08:29 AM, R. David Murray wrote:

    I don't think that's true, though. "file like" pretty much means "has the file attributes that I actually use". That is, it is context dependent (duck typing).

    Well, but when you pass your file-like object to some function from the standard library, you don't know what file attributes will be used. So to make sure that things work as expected, you have to make sure that your file-like object behaves as prescribed by the IOBase* classes.

    I'm also not sure I see the point in the change. It is inherent in the definition of what ABCs are.

    True. But not everyone reading the io documentation is familiar enough with ABCs to immediately make that mental translation.

    ncoghlan commented 10 years ago

    Asking the question "Does it quack and walk *enough* like a duck for my code to work and my tests to pass?" is part of the nature of ducktyping.

    ABCs are definitely a useful guide to expectations, but even there it's possible to lie to the interpreter and have "required" methods that raise NotImplementedError, or do an explicit registration without implementing the full interface.

    7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 commented 10 years ago

    Maybe I'm missing some important point here, but I think that the documentation ought to tell me how I have to design a file-like object such that it fulfills all expectations of the standard library.

    Yes, you can get away with less than that in many situations, but that doesn't mean that the documentation should not tell me about the full set of expectations.

    rhettinger commented 10 years ago

    [R David Murray]

    I don't think that's true, though. "file like" pretty much means "has the file attributes that I actually use".
    That is, it is context dependent (duck typing).

    That is pretty much on-target.

    Also, the phrase "file-like" has been used very loosely from Python's inception. Laying down a "mandatory" specification doesn't match the reality of how the phrase is used or the way our code has been written.

    Maybe I'm missing some important point here

    Yes, I think you are. That is evident in this and your other tracker items whose theme is "there must be precisely documented rules for everything, all expectations, norms, cultural conventions, patterns must be written down, made precise, and enforced, etc".

    Before creating more tracker items, please take time to learn about how Python's history, how it is used, and its cultural norms. In particular, read the Zen of Python, consider what is meant by duck-typing, what is meant by "a consenting adults language", what is meant by over-specification, etc. Python is quite different from Java in this regard.

    In a quest for "tell me exactly what I have to do", I think you're starting to make-up new rules that don't reflect the underlying reality of
    the actual code or its intended requirements.

    I recommend this tracker item be closed for the reasons listed by Nick Coghlan and David Murray. I think the proposed patch doesn't make the docs better, and that it seeks to create new made-up rules rather than documenting the world as it actually exists.

    Side-note: The place to talk about what "file-like" means is the glossary. The ABC for files and the term "file-like" are related but are not equal.

    7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 commented 10 years ago

    On 06/15/2014 06:26 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

    Before creating more tracker items, please take time to learn about how Python's history, [...]

    It'd be nice if you would have at least followed the link to before commenting. In case you still can't spare the time for that: I explicitly asked on python-dev about this *before* I opened a tracker item.

    Apart from that, I think your remarks are neither appropriate nor do they belong in the tracker.

    bitdancer commented 10 years ago

    Nikolaus: while I agree that Raymond's comments were a bit strongly worded, it doesn't read to me as if the thread you link to is on point for this issue. The thread was focused on a *specific* question, that of calling close twice. The question of what the docs mean by "a file like object" is a different question. Specifically, you will note that "duck typing" never came up in that thread (as far as I remember).

    As Raymond indicated, a glossary entry would be appropriate, and would reference the ABCs.

    This entry already exists; although it is labeled "file object", it mentions that they are also called "file like objects". It would be appropriate to link mentions of the phrase "file like object" in the docs to this glossary term, if they aren't already.

    7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 commented 10 years ago

    "R. David Murray" \\ writes:

    R. David Murray added the comment:

    Nikolaus: while I agree that Raymond's comments were a bit strongly worded, it doesn't read to me as if the thread you link to is on point for this issue. The thread was focused on a *specific* question, that of calling close twice. The question of what the docs mean by "a file like object" is a different question. Specifically, you will note that "duck typing" never came up in that thread (as far as I remember).

    That's quite correct. But did not come up in the original issue report either - that's why I still don't understand why we're discussing it here at all.

    My line of thought was as follows:

    I still don't see how this contradicts / interacts with the concept of duck typing. I think the documentation (with and without the patch) clearly implies that you can implement an object that does not have the full IOBase API and successfully hand it to some standard library function - it's just that in that case you can't complain if it breaks.

    Or is the point of contention just the title of this issue? Maybe it was poorly chosen, I guess "Clarify standard library's expectations from stream objects" would have been better.

    Best, -Nikolaus

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    bitdancer commented 10 years ago

    Well, but we think it's pretty clear. The glossary entry says file object interfaces are defined by the classes in the io module. As do the io module docs. Perhaps the first sentence of the io docs could be modified to strengthen that (but it already does link to the glossary entry which is explicit that the io module defines the interfaces).

    On the other hand, your statement that "few or no other assumptions are made" is, while not accurate, not *wrong, in the following sense: *if a standard library module depends on file attributes and methods, then it expects them to conform to the io module interfaces. If it does not depend on a particular part of the API, then a duck type class doesn't actually have to implement that API in order to work with that standard library module. Of course, we might change what elements of the file API are depended on, but hopefully we only do that kind of change in a feature release. I'm sure we have made such changes while fixing bugs, though, so if you want to be *sure* of forward compatibility, you should indeed implement the full io-specified interface in your file-like class. Which is one reason the ABCs provide default implementations for most of the methods. It makes it really easy to build a future-proofed duck type.

    bitdancer commented 10 years ago

    Re-reading my last paragraph, I see that I'm pretty much agreeing with you. So the contention is more that we don't think your suggested patch is necessary. Especially since, unlike your patch wording says, in fact most of the methods *are* implemented in the classes.

    pitrou commented 10 years ago

    Rather than a note, there could be a separate section for guidelines when implementing one's own IO classes. Assuming there's anything significant to put in such a section, that is :-)

    7cb04df6-5f46-4078-bf67-48262ccd0118 commented 10 years ago

    On 06/17/2014 01:28 PM, R. David Murray wrote:

    Well, but we think it's pretty clear.

    This wasn't the impression that I had from the thread on python-devel, but I'll accept your judgement on that. I'll be more restrained when being asked for suggestions in the future.

    bitdancer commented 10 years ago

    I believe Antoine was suggesting that you suggest wording that would make it clear (rather than implied) that close was idempotent, but "This method has no effect if the file is already closed" seems pretty unambiguous to me, so I don't really see anything to do there (and presumably neither did you :) Which means your patch here wasn't really what Antoine was suggesting.

    But please don't hesitate to offer improvements in any context, solicited or not. You just have to be prepared for pushback, because open source :) And when shifting from mailing list to bug tracker, you may invoke a different audience with different perceptions of the problem.

    Now, two alternate suggestions have been made here in reaction to your suggestion: strengthening the "this is also a specification" sense of the first sentence in the IO docs, and writing a separate section on implementing your own IO classes. You could take a crack at either of those if you like. Neither of these would have been suggested if you hadn't posted your thoughts on what to do and engaged in this discussion, so it is a positive contribution even if your patch is not accepted.

    ncoghlan commented 10 years ago

    I can add a third suggestion: a "HOWTO" guide on implementing and using file-like objects. It's actually a somewhat complex topic with various trade-offs involved, particularly in Python 3 where the differences between binary and text IO are greater. It could also point users to existing file-like objects that they may have missed (like the spooled temporary file support in tempfile).

    On the more specific matter at hand, I think "close() is idempotent" is not only one of our most pervasive assumptions about file-like objects, but also an assumption we tend to make about resources *in general*.