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Previously-working SWIG code fails in Python 3.6 #73944

Closed b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 closed 7 years ago

b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago
BPO 29758
Nosy @brettcannon, @vstinner, @serhiy-storchaka
  • cell.h
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = created_at = labels = ['interpreter-core'] title = 'Previously-working SWIG code fails in Python 3.6' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'brett.cannon' assignee = 'none' closed = True closed_date = closer = 'brett.cannon' components = ['Interpreter Core'] creation = creator = 'Tristan Croll' dependencies = [] files = ['46711'] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 29758 keywords = [] message_count = 12.0 messages = ['289245', '289280', '289281', '289314', '289317', '289318', '289319', '289320', '289322', '289323', '289324', '289399'] nosy_count = 4.0 nosy_names = ['brett.cannon', 'vstinner', 'serhiy.storchaka', 'Tristan Croll'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = 'third party' stage = 'resolved' status = 'closed' superseder = None type = None url = '' versions = ['Python 3.6'] ```

    b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago

    Possibly related to - yields the same error message:

    Objects/tupleobject.c:81: bad argument to internal function

    I have a large SWIG project which was previously working well in Python 3.5. After migrating to Python 3.6.0, I find I can still create any wrapped object from Python via its constructor(s), but any internal function that returns certain objects fails with the above message. I have so far been unable to find any distinction between classes that do and don't return successfully. Take the below (and attached) headers, for example. Functions that return Spacegroup objects work, as do those that return Metric_tensor objects from the attached cell.h. On the other hand, functions returning Cell or Cell_descr objects fail with the above message. Yet in all cases I can successfully call the objects' constructors. Not ashamed to say I'm a bit lost here.

    #include "symop.h"
    #include "spacegroup_data.h"

    namespace clipper {

    // forward definitions class HKL; class HKL_class; class Coord_frac;

    //! spacegroup description /*! The spacegroup description is a compact description of a spacegroup. It may be initialised from Hall or H-M symbols, a string of symops or a number. Internally a hash code is used to refer to the spacegroup, so this object is only 32 bits in size.

        For more details of spacegroup symbols, see Sydney R. Hall & Ralf
        W. Grosse-Kunstleve 'Concise Space-Group Symbols',
      class Spgr_descr
        enum TYPE { Hall, HM, XHM, Symops, Number, Unknown };
        //! null constructor
        //! constructor: from symbol or operators.
        explicit Spgr_descr( const String& symb, TYPE type = Unknown );
        //! constructor: from number.
        explicit Spgr_descr( const int& num );
        //! return the spacegroup number
        int spacegroup_number() const;
        //! return the Hall symbol
        String symbol_hall() const;
        //! return the H-M symbol
        String symbol_hm() const;
        //! return the extended H-M symbol
        String symbol_xhm() const;
        //! return the extension H-M symbol
        String symbol_hm_ext() const;
        //! set preferred default spacegroup choice
        static void set_preferred( const char& c );
        //! Vector of symop codes and associated methods
        class Symop_codes : public std::vector<Symop_code>
          //! initialise from Hall symbol
          void init_hall( const String& symb );
          //! initialise from symops
          void init_symops( const String& symb );
          //! expand (incomplete) list of symops
          Symop_codes expand() const;
          //! return primitive non-inversion ops (by computation)
          Symop_codes primitive_noninversion_ops() const;
          //! return inversion ops (by computation)
          Symop_codes inversion_ops() const;
          //! return primitive incl inversion ops (by computation)
          Symop_codes primitive_ops() const;
          //! return lattice centering ops (by computation)
          Symop_codes centering_ops() const;
          //! return Laue ops
          Symop_codes laue_ops() const;
          //! return point group ops
          Symop_codes pgrp_ops() const;
          //! return Patterson ops
          Symop_codes patterson_ops() const;
          //! return minimal list of generator ops
          Symop_codes generator_ops() const;
          //! return product of this (expanded) list by another (expanded) list
          Symop_codes product( const Symop_codes& ops2 ) const;
          //! return hash code of symop list
          unsigned int hash() const;
    //! constructor: from symop list.
    explicit Spgr_descr( const Symop_codes& ops );
    //! return the generators for the spacegroup
    const Symop_codes& generator_ops() const { return generators_; }
    //! return the hash code for the spacegroup \internal
    const unsigned int& hash() const { return hash_; }

    protected: unsigned int hash_; //!\< hash code of spacegroup Symopcodes generators; //!\< codes for symop generators

    static char pref_12, pref_hr;  //!\< preferred origin and hex/romb symbols


    // ObjectCache data type class Spgr_cacheobj { public: typedef Spgr_descr Key; Spgr_cacheobj( const Key& spgr_cachekey ); //!\< construct entry bool matches( const Key& spgr_cachekey ) const; //!\< compare entry String format() const; //!\< string description // data Key spgrcachekey; //!\< spacegroup cachekey int nsym, nsymn, nsymi, nsymc, nsymp; //!\< number of syms: total, primitive int lgrp; //!\< Laue group number std::vector\<Symop> symops; //!\< symmetry operators std::vector\<Isymop> isymops; //!\< symmetry operators Vec3\<> asumin, asumax; //!\< real space ASU static Mutex mutex; //!\< thread safety };

    //! Spacegroup object /*! The spacegroup object is a full description of a spacegroup, including all the most regularly used information in an efficient form. It may be initialised from a clipper::Spgr_descr. This object.

        For more details of spacegroup symbols, see Sydney R. Hall & Ralf
        W. Grosse-Kunstleve 'Concise Space-Group Symbols',
      class Spacegroup : public Spgr_descr
        //! enumeration for fast construction of Null or P1 spacegroup
        enum TYPE { Null, P1 };
        //! enumeration for cell axes
        enum AXIS { A=0, B=1, C=2 };
        //! null constructor
        Spacegroup() {};
        //! constructor: fast constructor for Null or P1 spacegroup
        explicit Spacegroup( TYPE type );
        //! constructor: from spacegroup description
        explicit Spacegroup( const Spgr_descr& spgr_descr );
        //! initialiser: from spacegroup description
        void init( const Spgr_descr& spgr_descr );
    //! test if object has been initialised
    bool is_null() const;
        // methods
        //! get spacegroup description
        inline const Spgr_descr& descr() const { return (*this); }
        //! get number of symops
        inline const int& num_symops() const { return nsym; }
        //! get number of primitive symops (identical to num_primitive_symops())
        inline const int& num_primops() const { return num_primitive_symops(); }
        //! get number of primitive symops (inc identity and inversion)
        inline const int& num_primitive_symops() const { return nsymp; }
        //! get number of centering symops (inc identity)
        inline const int& num_centering_symops() const { return nsymc; }
        //! get number of inversion symops (inc identity)
        inline const int& num_inversion_symops() const { return nsymi; }
        //! get number of primitive non-inversion symops (inc identity)
        inline const int& num_primitive_noninversion_symops() const { return nsymn;}
        //! get n'th symop
        inline const Symop& symop( const int& sym_no ) const
          { return symops[sym_no]; }
        //! get n'th primitive symop (identical to symop(sym_no))
        inline const Symop& primitive_symop( const int& sym_no ) const
          { return symops[sym_no]; }
        //! get n'th inversion symop (0...1 max)
        inline const Symop& inversion_symop( const int& sym_no ) const
          { return symops[nsymn*sym_no]; }
        //! get n'th centering symop (0...3 max)
        inline const Symop& centering_symop( const int& sym_no ) const
          { return symops[nsymp*sym_no]; }
        //! get the order of rotational symmetry about a given axis
        int order_of_symmetry_about_axis( const AXIS axis ) const;
    //! get 'class' of reflection: multiplicity, allowed phase, absence
    HKL_class hkl_class( const HKL& hkl ) const;
    //! test if hkl is in default reciprocal ASU
    bool recip_asu( const HKL& hkl ) const;
        //! get symop number corresponding to the product of two symops
        int product_op( const int& s1, int& s2 ) const;
        //! get symop number corresponding to the inverse of a symop
        int inverse_op( const int& s ) const;
    //! get map ASU, upper bound
    Coord_frac asu_max() const;
    //! get map ASU, lower bound
    Coord_frac asu_min() const;
    //! test if change of hand preserves spacegroup
    bool invariant_under_change_of_hand() const;
    // inherited functions listed for documentation purposes
    //-- int spacegroup_number() const;
    //-- String symbol_hall() const;
    //-- String symbol_hm() const;
    //! return the Laue group symbol
    String symbol_laue() const;
    //! Return P1 spacegroup
    static Spacegroup p1() { return Spacegroup( P1 ); }
    //! Return null spacegroup
    static Spacegroup null() { return Spacegroup( Null ); }
        void debug() const;

    private: ObjectCache\<Spgr_cacheobj>::Reference cacheref; //!\< object cache reference const Symop symops; //!\< fast access ptr const Isymop isymops; //!\< fast access ptr data::ASUfn asufn; //!\< fast access ptr int nsym, nsymn, nsymi, nsymc, nsymp; //!\< fast access copies };

    } // namespace clipper


    vstinner commented 7 years ago

    Which function raises this exception? Add the traceback place. It may be a bug in your code.

    b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago

    OK, a further clue. First, a little more detail on how my project is arranged (to re-iterate, this works without complaint in Python 3.5):

    Rather than use my SWIG output directly, I've created a further wrapper layer in Python to add functions/syntactic sugar that would be difficult to achieve in SWIG, add a bit of extra documentation, and bury some classes that may be occasionally useful but don't really need to be in the primary API. The SWIG output Python library I name clipper_core, and I use the following class decorators for classes in the front-end API to reduce the amount of code (Python and SWIG) needed:

    def mappedclass(old_cls):
        Ensures that objects returned from functions in the clipper_core
        library are instantiated in Python as the derived class with the
        extra functionality. 
        def decorator(cls):
            def __newnew__(thiscls, *args, **kwargs):
                if thiscls == old_cls:
                    return object.__new__(cls)
                return object.__new__(thiscls)
            old_cls.__new__ = __newnew__
            return cls
        return decorator
    def getters_to_properties(*funcs):
        Class decorator. Add the names of any getter functions with void 
        arguments (e.g. Coord_grid.u()) to convert them to properties. If
        you want the property name to be different from the function name,
        add the desired name and the function name as a tuple 
        (e.g. ('uvw', '_get_uvw'))
        def property_factory(func):
            def getter(self):
                return getattr(super(self.__class__, self), func)()
            prop = property(getter)
            return prop
        def decorator(cls):
            for func in funcs:
                if type(func) == tuple:
                    setattr(cls, func[0], property_factory(func[1]))
                    setattr(cls, func, property_factory(func)) 
            return cls
        return decorator
    def format_to_string(cls):
        Class decorator to redirect the Clipper format() function to __str__,
        to provide pretty printing of the object.
        def format(self):
            return super(self.__class__,self).format()
        def __str__(self):
            return self.format
        setattr(cls, 'format', property(format))
        setattr(cls, '__str__', __str__)
        return cls

    Experimenting this morning with the following two classes:

    class Cell_descr(clipper_core.Cell_descr):
        def __init__(self, abc, angles):
            __init__(self, abc, angles) -> Cell_descr
                abc ([float*3]): cell dimensions in Angstroms
                angles ([float*3]): alpha, beta and gamma angles in degrees
            clipper_core.Cell_descr.__init__(self, *abc, *angles)
    @getters_to_properties('cell_descr', 'matrix_frac', 'matrix_orth', 
                           'metric_real', 'metric_reci', 'volume')
    class Cell(clipper_core.Cell):
        Define a crystallographic unit cell using the lengths of the three
        sides a, b, c (in Angstroms) and the three angles alpha, beta, gamma
        (in degrees). 
        def __init__(self, abc, angles):
            __init__(self, abc, angles) -> Cell
                abc ([float*3]): cell dimensions in Angstroms
                angles ([float*3]): alpha, beta and gamma angles in degrees
            cell_descr = Cell_descr(abc, angles)
            #cell_descr = clipper_core.Cell_descr(*abc, *angles)
            clipper_core.Cell.__init__(self, cell_descr)
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.equals(other)

    Then: import clipper cell = clipper.cell([100,100,100],[90,90,90]) cell.cell_descr

    SystemError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-4-c5072ce3ae97> in <module>()
    ----> 1 c.cell_descr

    /home/tic20/apps/chimerax/lib/python3.6/site-packages/chimerax/clipper/ in getter(self) 87 def propertyfactory(func): 88 def getter(self): ---> 89 return getattr(super(self.\_class__, self), func)() 90 prop = property(getter) 91 return prop

    /home/tic20/apps/chimerax/lib/python3.6/site-packages/chimerax/clipper/lib/clipper_python_core/ in cell_descr(self) 8249 8250 """ -> 8251 return _clipper.Cell_celldescr(self) 8252 8253 \_swig_destroy__ = _clipper.delete_Cell

    SystemError: Objects/tupleobject.c:81: bad argument to internal function

    ... but if I comment out the derived Cell_descr class and switch to the alternate celldescr constructor in Cell.\_init__(), then it works as expected. I have tried commenting out the other class decorators, with no effect - so it would seem it's what's happening in the @mappedclass decorator that is causing my troubles.

    b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago

    OK, this seems to narrow down the problem. The following was legal in Python 3.5.1, but in 3.5.3 and 3.6.1rc1 returns:

    'TypeError: must be type, not classobj'

    class Foo_Base:
    class Bar_Base:
        def get_foo(self):
            f = Foo_Base()
            return f
    class Foo(Foo_Base):
    class Bar(Bar_Base):
        def get_foo2(self):
            return super(Bar, self).get_foo()
    bar = Bar()
    b = bar.get_foo2()

    Is this a deliberate and permanent change? If so, it looks like I have a lot of work on my hands.

    b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago

    Nope - belay that. Checking through the SWIG-generated Python code, all the classes correctly inherit from object, which negates that issue.

    vstinner commented 7 years ago

    The code in msg289314 doesn't emit any warning. I tested 3.5, 3.6 and master development branches and system Python 3.5.2.

    vstinner commented 7 years ago

    "Nope - belay that. Checking through the SWIG-generated Python code, all the classes correctly inherit from object, which negates that issue."

    I don't understand your comment, on Python 3, any class inherit from object be default. There is no more old and new classes.

    haypo@selma$ cat class A: pass class B(object): pass


    haypo@selma$ python3 (\<class 'object'>,) (\<class 'object'>,)

    b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago

    Sorry - ignore that. Brain-fart at the end of a (very) long day.

    brettcannon commented 7 years ago

    Since it sounds like everything on the Python side is fine I'm closing this.

    b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago

    I don't agree that it should be closed yet. I still have the issue that an approach that was perfectly legal in Python 3.5 now no longer works in Python 3.6, and I don't know why. The description in msg289281 stands, and is a real problem. Nothing has changed in my code - I compile against Python 3.5 and it works, against 3.6 it doesn't.

    b3d57634-7fee-4747-aa7f-4cca00871598 commented 7 years ago

    I've cross-posted the following to the SWIG bug tracker. Hopefully someone can find an answer, because I'm getting nowhere.

    If I have two classes Foo and Bar (where Bar has a function get_foo() that returns a Foo object) defined in the SWIG-generated library foobar, and wrap them as follows:

    def mappedclass(old_cls):
        Ensures that objects returned from functions in the clipper_core
        library are instantiated in Python as the derived class with the
        extra functionality. 
        def decorator(cls):
            def __newnew__(thiscls, *args, **kwargs):
                if thiscls == old_cls:
                    return object.__new__(cls)
                return object.__new__(thiscls)
            old_cls.__new__ = __newnew__
            return cls
        return decorator
    class Foo(foobar.Foo):
    class Bar(foobar.Bar):
        def get_foo(self):
            return super(Bar, self).get_foo()

    then in Python 3.5:

    f = Foo()
    b = Bar()

    all work. In Python 3.6:

    f = Foo()
    b = Bar()

    ... both work, but b.get_foo() yields the error as per my OP. Real-world examples:

    Constructor (works without trouble in both versions)

    SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_new_Cell_descr__SWIG_0(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
      PyObject *resultobj = 0;
      clipper::Cell_descr *result = 0 ;
      if(!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args,(char *)"new_Cell_descr",0,0)) SWIG_fail;
          result = (clipper::Cell_descr *)new clipper::Cell_descr();
        } catch (clipper::Message_fatal m)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, m.text().c_str() );
        } catch (std::out_of_range e)
          const char *errString;
          if ( !strcmp(e.what(), "" ) ) {
            errString = "Index out of range!";
          } else {
            errString = e.what();
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_IndexError, errString );
        } catch (std::length_error e)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, e.what() );
        } catch (std::invalid_argument e)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, e.what() );
        } catch (std::exception e)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_UnknownError, e.what() );
        } catch (...)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_UnknownError, "Unknown error" );
      resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(SWIG_as_voidptr(result), SWIGTYPE_p_clipper__Cell_descr, SWIG_POINTER_NEW |  0 );
      return resultobj;
      return NULL;

    Getter (fails under the above conditions):

    SWIGINTERN PyObject *_wrap_Cell_cell_descr(PyObject *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(self), PyObject *args) {
      PyObject *resultobj = 0;
      clipper::Cell *arg1 = (clipper::Cell *) 0 ;
      void *argp1 = 0 ;
      int res1 = 0 ;
      PyObject * obj0 = 0 ;
      clipper::Cell_descr result;
      if(!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args,(char *)"Cell_cell_descr",1,1,&obj0)) SWIG_fail;
      res1 = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj0, &argp1,SWIGTYPE_p_clipper__Cell, 0 |  0 );
      if (!SWIG_IsOK(res1)) {
        SWIG_exception_fail(SWIG_ArgError(res1), "in method '" "Cell_cell_descr" "', argument " "1"" of type '" "clipper::Cell *""'"); 
      arg1 = reinterpret_cast< clipper::Cell * >(argp1);
          result = clipper_Cell_cell_descr(arg1);
        } catch (clipper::Message_fatal m)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_RuntimeError, m.text().c_str() );
        } catch (std::out_of_range e)
          const char *errString;
          if ( !strcmp(e.what(), "" ) ) {
            errString = "Index out of range!";
          } else {
            errString = e.what();
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_IndexError, errString );
        } catch (std::length_error e)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, e.what() );
        } catch (std::invalid_argument e)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError, e.what() );
        } catch (std::exception e)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_UnknownError, e.what() );
        } catch (...)
          SWIG_exception(SWIG_UnknownError, "Unknown error" );
      resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((new clipper::Cell_descr(static_cast< const clipper::Cell_descr& >(result))), SWIGTYPE_p_clipper__Cell_descr, SWIG_POINTER_OWN |  0 );
      return resultobj;
      return NULL;
    brettcannon commented 7 years ago

    Please keep this issue closed until you hear back from the SWIG team. Just because your code worked under Python 3.5 doesn't mean SWIG didn't accidentally emit something that breaks under Python 3.6 because we started being more stringent about something. Basically unless we have C code (and not SWIG or C++ code) to reproduce this then we have to go on the assumption it's a problem on SWIG's side.