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with statements are not ensuring that __exit__ is called if __enter__ succeeds #74174

Closed njsmith closed 2 years ago

njsmith commented 7 years ago
BPO 29988
Nosy @rhettinger, @gpshead, @ncoghlan, @nirs, @njsmith, @markshannon, @embray, @serhiy-storchaka, @jdemeyer, @1st1, @ryanhiebert, @xgid, @jack1142
  • python/cpython#1799
  • python/cpython#18334
  • Dependencies
  • bpo-31344: f_trace_opcodes frame attribute to switch to per-opcode tracing
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = created_at = labels = ['interpreter-core', 'type-bug', '3.9', '3.10'] title = 'with statements are not ensuring that __exit__ is called if __enter__ succeeds' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'Mark.Shannon' assignee = 'none' closed = True closed_date = closer = 'Mark.Shannon' components = ['Interpreter Core'] creation = creator = 'njs' dependencies = ['31344'] files = [] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 29988 keywords = ['patch'] message_count = 60.0 messages = ['291148', '291157', '294272', '294296', '294400', '294402', '294404', '294434', '297177', '297179', '297180', '297182', '297185', '297186', '297189', '297190', '301235', '301248', '301274', '301277', '301278', '301285', '301289', '301360', '301429', '301553', '301557', '301566', '301573', '301601', '301609', '301610', '301611', '301620', '301630', '301660', '301667', '301668', '301672', '301675', '301682', '301698', '301717', '301721', '301771', '301869', '312874', '321225', '321318', '350123', '350134', '352026', '352039', '352199', '352212', '352457', '353415', '372499', '386711', '389922'] nosy_count = 15.0 nosy_names = ['rhettinger', 'gregory.p.smith', 'ncoghlan', 'nirs', 'njs', 'Mark.Shannon', 'erik.bray', 'serhiy.storchaka', 'jdemeyer', 'yselivanov', 'deleted0524', 'ryanhiebert', 'xgdomingo', 'jack1142', 'Ami Fischman'] pr_nums = ['1799', '18334'] priority = 'normal' resolution = 'fixed' stage = 'resolved' status = 'closed' superseder = None type = 'behavior' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.9', 'Python 3.10'] ```

    gpshead commented 5 years ago

    The signal handler in this case is CPython's internal signal handling system thus any such onus falls on us...

    The great signal handling hack of "set a flag that the interpreter loop checks on occasion" trick lasted a long time, but our VM has since evolved to be much more complicated than every bytecode being a safe interrupt point.

    FYI - Most of the in-room conversation we tried to capture on this issue thread was at the core dev sprint a couple years ago (Sept 2017). It'll similarly take me a while to swap this context back in.

    ncoghlan commented 5 years ago

    There is also the draft test case at

    That needs updating to account for the eval loop changes since I last worked on it, though. (I think that conflict may also be keeping the bots from running, even after I updated the issue title to use the modern convention)

    rhettinger commented 5 years ago

    Is there a chance this will get resolved for 3.8? This is an important guarantee.

    gpshead commented 5 years ago

    While there is technically still time, it'd take people spending dedicated time on it before the 3.8 release. I won't be.

    Important? Sure. But not urgent; this bug is not new. We've lived with it for many releases already. I believe it has been around since 2.5 when with statements were introduced.

    markshannon commented 5 years ago

    I expect to fix this is as part of the general improvements I am making to the bytecode, interpreter and compiler. So it should be fixed for 3.9 but not for 3.8

    ncoghlan commented 5 years ago

    It's also not unique to with statements - it applies to all finally clauses. The longstanding workaround when deterministic cleanup is absolutely critical has been to run the "real" application in a subthread, and devote the main thread to gracefully terminating the subthread when requested.

    When cleanup is critical, but doing it in a deterministic order is less so, __del__ methods are often used to fill the gap (although they too can be interrupted by a subsequent Ctrl-C).

    I also realized that allowing infinite loops in cleanup code to ignore Ctrl-C may actually be a tolerable outcome: in the worst case, users can still escalate to Ctrl-Break/kill -9/Force stop/etc and pull the entire OS process out from under the interpreter. It's not good, but may be worth it in order to better handle users pressing Ctrl-C multiple times.

    gpshead commented 4 years ago

    As a note on the general pattern, a user at work diagnosed a ^C problem in their code when running on 2.7 to be due to Queue.get's


    Pattern, with the KeyboardInterrupt triggering after acquire() but before the try is entered. so release() is never called.

    A try finally pattern that probably alleviates this by entering the try block first might look like:

    try: acquire() ... finally: try: release() except ThreadError: pass # interrupted before acquire() succeeded.

    It'd be a shame if any with statements lock acquisition context managers need to be turned into that, but I _believe_ it'd be a viable workaround for the time being if this race is found to be biting anyone.

    ncoghlan commented 4 years ago

    Belatedly clearing the issue assignment here - while I do still sometimes ponder this problem, I haven't been actively working on it since the 2017 core sprint where Greg & I made our last serious attempt at trying to improve the situation.

    Mark's PR at looks very promising to me, though - my main request was just to bring over the tests I wrote at the 2017 core dev sprints, and confirm that the revised eval breaker logic solves the issue.

    287fad31-6852-4cd7-9684-fe7b51e6f7cb commented 3 years ago

    Does solve this issue for synchronous with?

        with closing(this), closing(that):

    If it does, can we backport this fix to python 3.6?

    3.6 is used as system python for RHEL/Centos 8, will be used for at least 5 years or so.

    markshannon commented 3 years ago

    The bytecode instruction set has changed a lot since 3.6, so I think a backport would be impractical.

    3.6 is in security fix only mode, so you'd need to take this up with Red Hat.