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PROFILE_TASK for PGO build is not a good workload #80225

Closed nascheme closed 5 years ago

nascheme commented 5 years ago
BPO 36044
Nosy @nascheme, @gpshead, @methane, @zooba, @ZackerySpytz, @pablogsal, @miss-islington, @tianon
  • python/cpython#14702
  • python/cpython#14910
  • python/cpython#14985
  • python/cpython#14997
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = created_at = labels = ['build', '3.8', '3.9', 'performance'] title = 'PROFILE_TASK for PGO build is not a good workload' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'nascheme' assignee = 'none' closed = True closed_date = closer = 'nascheme' components = ['Build'] creation = creator = 'nascheme' dependencies = [] files = [] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 36044 keywords = ['patch'] message_count = 26.0 messages = ['336018', '336020', '347605', '347649', '347650', '347660', '347661', '347889', '347917', '347994', '348151', '348187', '348305', '348306', '348363', '348366', '348547', '348569', '348571', '348589', '348590', '348591', '348657', '348658', '348678', '348764'] nosy_count = 8.0 nosy_names = ['nascheme', 'gregory.p.smith', 'methane', 'steve.dower', 'ZackerySpytz', 'pablogsal', 'miss-islington', 'tianon'] pr_nums = ['14702', '14910', '14985', '14997'] priority = 'normal' resolution = 'fixed' stage = 'resolved' status = 'closed' superseder = None type = 'performance' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.8', 'Python 3.9'] ```

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    I was doing some 'perf' profiling runs of Python. I decided to try running PROFILE_TASK to see what the profile looks like. I was surprised that gc_collect dominated runtime:

    Children Self Symbol + 93.93% 6.00% [.] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
    + 76.19% 0.12% [.] function_code_fastcall
    + 70.65% 0.31% [.] _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallKeywords
    + 63.24% 0.13% [.] _PyCFunction_FastCallKeywords
    + 58.67% 0.36% [.] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName
    + 57.45% 23.84% [.] collect
    + 52.89% 0.00% [.] gc_collect
    + 52.10% 0.08% [.] _PyFunction_FastCallDict
    + 41.99% 0.02% [.] _PyObject_Call_Prepend
    + 36.37% 0.18% [.] _PyFunction_FastCallKeywords
    + 20.94% 0.07% [.] _PyObject_FastCallDict
    + 19.64% 0.00% [.] PyObject_Call
    + 17.74% 0.11% [.] _PyObject_FastCallKeywords
    + 12.45% 0.00% [.] slot_tp_call
    + 12.27% 4.05% [.] dict_traverse
    + 11.45% 11.04% [.] visit_reachable
    + 11.18% 10.76% [.] visit_decref
    + 9.65% 0.11% [.] type_call
    + 8.80% 0.83% [.] func_traverse
    + 7.78% 0.08% [.] _PyMethodDescr_FastCallKeywords

    Part of the problem is that we run full cyclic GC for every test. I.e. cleanup_test_droppings() calls gc.collect(). Maybe we could make these calls conditional on the --pgo flag of regtest. Or, maybe we need to re-evaluate if running the unit test suite is the best way to generate PGO trace data.

    Based on a tiny bit of further investigation, it looks like gc_collect() is getting called quite a lot of times, in addition to cleanup_test_droppings(). Maybe there is some low-hanging fruit here for optimization. Full GC is pretty expensive.

    pablogsal commented 5 years ago

    Also, the test suite exercises a lot of branches (like passing incorrect types to function to check errors) that will hurt the branch prediction that PGO generates.

    gpshead commented 5 years ago

    In my experience, people overthink what needs to go into a CPython profiling run. Sure, our default PROFILE_TASK is rather unfortunate because it takes a very long time by including runs of super slow tests that won't meaningfully contribute profile data (multiprocessing, subprocess, concurrent_futures, heavy I/O, etc).

    But despite somewhat popular belief, it is not actually a problem that the suite exercises other sides of branches, because by and large just by executing Python code at all and exercising C extension module code, it still acts like most any Python program and spends most of the time on the common critical paths - regardless tests that trigger specific number of executions of other paths. Those executions pale in comparison to the ordinary ones in anywhere critical.

    I don't recommend making any claim about something "harming" the profile without reliable data to prove it.

    Feel free to tune what test.regrtest --pgo enables or disables by default. But try to do it in a scientific data based manner rather than guessing. Decreasing the total wall time for a default --enable-optimizations build would be a good thing for everyone, provided the resulting interpreter remains "effectively similar" in speed. If you somehow manage to find something that actually speeds up the resulting interpreter, amazing! is your friend for real world performance measurement. Patience is key. The builds and benchmark runs are slow.

    One thing --enable-optimizations does _not do today is enable link time optimization by default. Various toolchain+platform versions were having problems successfully generating a working interpreter with LTO enabled. If you want a potential large speed up in the interpreter, figuring out how to get link time optimization on top of the existing PGO working reliably, detecting when toolchains+platform combos where it will be reliable, and enabling it by default on such systems is _likely the largest possible gain still to be had.

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    Decreasing the total wall time for a default --enable-optimizations build would be a good thing for everyone, provided the resulting interpreter remains "effectively similar" in speed. If you somehow manage to find something that actually speeds up the resulting interpreter, amazing!

    I spent quite a lot of time making different PGO builds and comparing with pyperformance. The current PGO task is *really* slow. Just running the PROFILE_TASK takes 24 minutes on my decently fast PC.

    Using this set of tests seems to work pretty well:

    PROFILE_TASK=-m test.regrtest --pgo \ test_collections \ test_dataclasses \ test_difflib \ test_embed \ test_float \ test_functools \ test_generators \ test_int \ test_itertools \ test_json \ test_logging \ test_long \ test_ordered_dict \ test_pickle \ test_pprint \ test_re \ test_set \ test_statistics \ test_struct \ test_tabnanny \ test_xml_etree

    Instead of 24 minutes, the above task takes one and a half minutes. pyperformance results seem largely unchanged. Comparison below. Tuning the tests to get the best pyperformance result is a bit dangerous and perhaps running the whole test suite is safer (i.e. we are not optimizing for specific benchmarks). I didn't tweak the list too much. I added test_int, test_long, test_struct and test_itertools as a result of my pyperformance runs. Not too surprising those are important modules.

    I think the set of tests above should do a pretty good job of covering the hot code paths in most Python programs. So, maybe it is good enough given the massive speedup in build time.

    +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | Benchmark | task-all | task-short | +=========================+==========+==============================+ | 2to3 | 311 ms | 315 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | chaos | 111 ms | 108 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | crypto_pyaes | 114 ms | 112 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | dulwich_log | 78.0 ms | 78.7 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | fannkuch | 470 ms | 452 ms: 1.04x faster (-4%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | float | 118 ms | 117 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | go | 253 ms | 255 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | json_dumps | 12.5 ms | 11.8 ms: 1.06x faster (-6%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | json_loads | 26.3 us | 25.4 us: 1.04x faster (-3%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | logging_format | 9.53 us | 9.66 us: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | logging_silent | 198 ns | 196 ns: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | mako | 15.2 ms | 15.8 ms: 1.04x slower (+4%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | meteor_contest | 98.2 ms | 96.8 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | nbody | 135 ms | 133 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | nqueens | 97.2 ms | 96.6 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | pathlib | 19.4 ms | 19.7 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | pickle | 8.10 us | 9.07 us: 1.12x slower (+12%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | pickle_dict | 23.1 us | 18.6 us: 1.25x faster (-20%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | pickle_list | 3.64 us | 2.81 us: 1.30x faster (-23%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | pickle_pure_python | 470 us | 460 us: 1.02x faster (-2%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | pidigits | 169 ms | 173 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | python_startup | 7.94 ms | 8.02 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | python_startup_no_site | 5.44 ms | 5.49 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | raytrace | 495 ms | 490 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | regex_dna | 172 ms | 179 ms: 1.04x slower (+4%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | regex_effbot | 2.95 ms | 2.85 ms: 1.04x faster (-3%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | regex_v8 | 20.7 ms | 21.5 ms: 1.04x slower (+4%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | richards | 68.9 ms | 69.8 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 4.57 ms | 4.29 ms: 1.07x faster (-6%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | spectral_norm | 134 ms | 133 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | sqlalchemy_declarative | 161 ms | 163 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | sqlalchemy_imperative | 30.6 ms | 31.0 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | sqlite_synth | 2.90 us | 2.95 us: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | sympy_expand | 422 ms | 418 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | sympy_integrate | 19.0 ms | 19.2 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | sympy_sum | 89.6 ms | 91.7 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | telco | 6.06 ms | 6.28 ms: 1.04x slower (+4%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | tornado_http | 178 ms | 181 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | unpickle_list | 3.97 us | 3.78 us: 1.05x faster (-5%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | unpickle_pure_python | 326 us | 324 us: 1.00x faster (-0%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | xml_etree_generate | 90.6 ms | 91.0 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+ | xml_etree_process | 72.0 ms | 71.4 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+----------+------------------------------+

    Not significant (15): deltablue; django_template; hexiom; html5lib; logging_simple; regex_compile; scimark_fft; scimark_lu; scimark_monte_carlo; scimark_sor; sympy_str; unpack_sequence; unpickle; xml_etree_parse; xml_etree_iterparse

    gpshead commented 5 years ago

    yeah I pulled a similar looking list of tests for the PROFILE_TASK to suggest to the Docker Python image maintainers - see and

    I haven't run comparisons of that vs the default overly long profile task, but a comparison against a non PGO enabled cpython 3.7 build shows the types of speedups i'd expect from a decent PGO build.

    doing proper comparisons against a full build would take a lot more time than I have right now.

    It'd be reasonable to change the default task to something that is faster to build so long as we don't appear to be making major sacrifices in speed somewhere.

    (your benchmark table's pickle result changes are inconsistent and odd, but that benchmark may not be very meaningful as written, i haven't looked at it)

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    I tweaked the list of unit tests a little more, trying to incorporate some from your Docker build settings. Not sure what's going on with the pickle results. Below are new pyperformance runs, comparing my PR to the "master" version it is based on.

    I added the --with-profile-task configure option. If someone really wants to wait for a long build to gain a tiny bit of extra speed, that makes it pretty easy to do so.

    BTW, I tried making the --pgo disable most of the gc_collect() calls. It doesn't actually make much difference in profile generation time so I discarded those changes.

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | Benchmark | task-all2 | task-short7 | +=========================+===========+=============================+ | 2to3 | 304 ms | 305 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | crypto_pyaes | 109 ms | 107 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | django_template | 116 ms | 109 ms: 1.06x faster (-6%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | dulwich_log | 76.8 ms | 77.0 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | fannkuch | 454 ms | 449 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | float | 113 ms | 112 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | hexiom | 9.50 ms | 9.56 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | html5lib | 93.4 ms | 95.4 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | json_loads | 24.7 us | 26.5 us: 1.07x slower (+7%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | logging_format | 9.55 us | 9.63 us: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | logging_simple | 8.54 us | 8.72 us: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | nbody | 131 ms | 130 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | nqueens | 93.6 ms | 92.8 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | pathlib | 19.0 ms | 19.1 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | pickle_list | 2.72 us | 2.66 us: 1.02x faster (-2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | pidigits | 168 ms | 168 ms: 1.00x faster (-0%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | python_startup | 7.89 ms | 7.89 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | python_startup_no_site | 5.41 ms | 5.41 ms: 1.00x slower (+0%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | raytrace | 470 ms | 481 ms: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | regex_compile | 168 ms | 169 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | regex_dna | 168 ms | 173 ms: 1.03x slower (+3%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | regex_effbot | 2.91 ms | 2.72 ms: 1.07x faster (-7%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | regex_v8 | 20.4 ms | 21.1 ms: 1.03x slower (+3%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | richards | 67.6 ms | 66.9 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | scimark_fft | 341 ms | 339 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | scimark_monte_carlo | 101 ms | 98.2 ms: 1.03x faster (-3%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 4.05 ms | 3.97 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | spectral_norm | 128 ms | 129 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | sqlalchemy_imperative | 30.0 ms | 30.4 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | sympy_expand | 408 ms | 411 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | sympy_sum | 90.1 ms | 89.6 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | sympy_str | 182 ms | 180 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | tornado_http | 175 ms | 179 ms: 1.03x slower (+3%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | unpack_sequence | 50.0 ns | 47.5 ns: 1.05x faster (-5%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | unpickle | 12.0 us | 12.3 us: 1.02x slower (+2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | unpickle_list | 3.78 us | 3.89 us: 1.03x slower (+3%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | unpickle_pure_python | 320 us | 322 us: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | xml_etree_parse | 128 ms | 127 ms: 1.01x faster (-1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | xml_etree_generate | 88.2 ms | 86.9 ms: 1.02x faster (-2%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | xml_etree_process | 68.8 ms | 69.6 ms: 1.01x slower (+1%) | +-------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+

    Not significant (17): chaos; deltablue; go; json_dumps; logging_silent; mako; meteor_contest; pickle; pickle_dict; pickle_pure_python; scimark_lu; scimark_sor; sqlalchemy_declarative; sqlite_synth; sympy_integrate; telco; xml_etree_iterparse

    zooba commented 5 years ago

    Looking at PR 14702, I would much rather update what -m test --pgo does than make this exclusive to Makefile.

    Back when we added the --pgo flag, the intent was always to move toward an equivalently good profile, but for practical reasons we settled at the time for "skip tests that break PGO".

    I know that will make the change far more skips throughout the test suite, so perhaps we want to change how --pgo works completely, but it would certainly be better to make --pgo do what it advertises than have multiple lists of PGO profiles.

    gpshead commented 5 years ago

    As far as where to put the lists of tests, you're probably right. putting it within test.regrtest itself under the --pgo banner makes sense. (though we should keep logic to accept a list of explicit tests to add or exclude if the user has also provided those)

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback. I agree that putting the tests in regrtest is better. I've made the following changes:

    methane commented 5 years ago

    ./configure [...] --with-profile-task='-m test --pgo-extended'

    I think this is abusing of --with options. --with-* is for external software 1. But --with-lto option abuses it already.

    How about ./configure PROFILE_TASKS="-m test --pgo-extend"?

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    I changed to use AC_ARG_VAR instead. So, you can override it as you suggest:

    ./configure [..] PROFILE_TASK="-m test --pgo-extended"

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    New changeset 4e16a4a3112161a5c6981c0588142d4a4673a934 by Neil Schemenauer in branch 'master': bpo-36044: Reduce number of unit tests run for PGO build (GH-14702)

    miss-islington commented 5 years ago

    New changeset 2406672984e4c1b18629e615edad52928a72ffcc by Miss Islington (bot) in branch '3.8': bpo-36044: Reduce number of unit tests run for PGO build (GH-14702)

    2776f601-9573-4690-ab86-59139fdf3c89 commented 5 years ago

    Travis only runs 40 tests after this change (

    gpshead commented 5 years ago

    tracking that as a release blocker in

    zooba commented 5 years ago

    I just ran this on Windows and noticed that there is no data for _msi.pyd, winsound.pyd or _sqlite3.pyd.

    The first two don't matter - we should just suppress PGO on those projects to avoid the warnings (add a \<SupportPGO>false\</SupportPGO> property). That's a note to myself, unless someone else gets there first.

    However, I think we should get coverage of the sqlite3 module, so it may be worth adding its tests into this set. I'm not sure if they're great coverage, but it'll be better than nothing.

    zooba commented 5 years ago

    I also added test_bz2 and test_lzma into the PGO profile, as the extension modules for those on Windows were barely being covered (they get imported, apparently, but that seems to be it).

    methane commented 5 years ago

    @steve.dower Does the PGO have significant benefit for those modules?

    miss-islington commented 5 years ago

    New changeset e1b900247227dad49d8231f1d028872412230ab4 by Miss Islington (bot) (Steve Dower) in branch 'master': bpo-36044: Avoid warnings in Windows PGO build and add lzma, bz2 and sqlite coverage (GH-14985)

    gpshead commented 5 years ago

    i doubt test_lzma test_bz2 and test_sqlite matter. What matters there is compiling the underlying lzma, bz2, and sqlite3 libraries with PGO. that isn't done as part of our build system.

    regardless, those tests are fast enough so i've approved the PR to add them.

    miss-islington commented 5 years ago

    New changeset 36fd7b6f01127bc6a8b4a37a363e0aa9cfd76506 by Miss Islington (bot) in branch '3.8': bpo-36044: Avoid warnings in Windows PGO build and add lzma, bz2 and sqlite coverage (GH-14985)

    zooba commented 5 years ago

    What matters there is compiling the underlying lzma, bz2, and sqlite3 libraries with PGO. that isn't done as part of our build system.

    On Windows they are linked in as source files, which is why it matters for us. On platforms where we rely on system libraries for this it doesn't matter.

    We currently don't PGO OpenSSL on Windows, which would probably be nice but is much harder to set up as we use their build scripts. Libffi is built in our build though, so adding ctypes would get that covered, but I'm not so worried about it.

    zooba commented 5 years ago

    Thanks for approving my PR, Greg!

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    I think expanding the list of tests used by --pgo is fine, as long as we put a little thought into each one we add. The ones added by Steve look fine to me.

    It seems useful to run a profiler and see if there are any unusually expensive tests being added. I used 'cprofile' and found a few candidates. See bug bpo-37707 and PR 15009.

    nascheme commented 5 years ago

    Closing as I think PR 14702 mostly resolves this. The gc_collect() issue has not been resolved but based on some investigation, I think it is not worth the effort to try to reduce the time spend in that function. Reducing the number of unit tests being run had a huge benefit and did not significantly impact the optimization.