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urlparse of urllib returns wrong hostname #80519

Open 32592b68-c94f-4bc9-93e9-1aafe3c94843 opened 5 years ago

32592b68-c94f-4bc9-93e9-1aafe3c94843 commented 5 years ago
BPO 36338
Nosy @ronaldoussoren, @orsenthil, @tiran, @vadmium, @matrixise, @tirkarthi, @jpic, @iritkatriel
  • python/cpython#14896
  • python/cpython#16780
  • Files
  • Unittest for this issue.
  • Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

    Show more details

    GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = None created_at = labels = ['type-security', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11', '3.7', 'library'] title = 'urlparse of urllib returns wrong hostname' updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'vstinner' assignee = 'none' closed = False closed_date = None closer = None components = ['Library (Lib)'] creation = creator = 'sanebow' dependencies = [] files = ['48215'] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 36338 keywords = ['patch'] message_count = 14.0 messages = ['338171', '338172', '338173', '338599', '338960', '338972', '349153', '351511', '351589', '351590', '354634', '354746', '355322', '407558'] nosy_count = 9.0 nosy_names = ['ronaldoussoren', 'orsenthil', 'christian.heimes', 'martin.panter', 'matrixise', 'xtreak', 'sanebow', 'jpic', 'iritkatriel'] pr_nums = ['14896', '16780'] priority = 'high' resolution = None stage = 'patch review' status = 'open' superseder = None type = 'security' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.7', 'Python 3.8', 'Python 3.9', 'Python 3.10', 'Python 3.11'] ```

    32592b68-c94f-4bc9-93e9-1aafe3c94843 commented 5 years ago

    The urlparse function in Python urllib returns the wrong hostname when parsing URL crafted by the malicious user. This may be caused by incorrect handling of IPv6 addresses. The bug could lead to open redirect in web applications which rely on urlparse to extract and validate the domain of redirection URL.

    The test case is as follows:

    >> from urllib.parse import urlparse >> urlparse(urlparse('\\[]').hostname >> ''

    The correct behavior should be raising an invalid URL exception.

    matrixise commented 5 years ago

    I can confirm with 3.7.2 on fedora 29

    matrixise commented 5 years ago

    Here is a unittest where you can test this issue and the result on Python 3.8.0a2 and 3.7.2

    >>> 3.8.0a2
    ./python /tmp/
    /tmp/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence \[
      url = '\[]'
    3.8.0a2+ (heads/master:23581c018f, Mar 18 2019, 09:17:05) 
    [GCC 8.3.1 20190223 (Red Hat 8.3.1-2)]
    test_bad_url (__main__.TestUrlparse) ... FAIL

    ====================================================================== FAIL: test_bad_url (main.TestUrlparse) ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/tmp/", line 13, in test_bad_url
        self.assertEqual(hostname, expected_hostname)
    AssertionError: '' != ''

    Ran 1 test in 0.001s

    FAILED (failures=1)

    >>> 3.7.2
    python /tmp/
    3.7.2 (default, Jan 16 2019, 19:49:22) 
    [GCC 8.2.1 20181215 (Red Hat 8.2.1-6)]
    test_bad_url (__main__.TestUrlparse) ... FAIL

    ====================================================================== FAIL: test_bad_url (main.TestUrlparse) ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/tmp/", line 13, in test_bad_url
        self.assertEqual(hostname, expected_hostname)
    AssertionError: '' != ''

    Ran 1 test in 0.000s

    FAILED (failures=1)

    tirkarthi commented 5 years ago

    See also bpo-20271 that discusses the other format http://[::1]spam where ::1 is returned as hostname. urlparse tries to parse the hostname as IPV6 address when there is [ and parses till ] at [0] thus "\[]" is treated as a URL where is assumed as the IPV6 hostname. I am not sure of the correct behavior. FWIW at least Java and golang return "[]" and Ruby raises an exception that this is a bad URL.


    (.getHost ( "\\\\[]")) "\\[]"



    ronaldoussoren commented 5 years ago

    Given a quick scan of RFC 3986[1] I'd say that the behaviour of Ruby seems to be the most correct. That said, I'd also check what the major browsers do in this case (FWIW both FF and Safari use '' as the hostname in this case).


    tirkarthi commented 5 years ago

    I found this page to be uesful : and following the steps it seems that this should raise an error since at the 7th step it denotes that asciiDomain shouldn't contain forbidden host code point including "[]" . As another data point using 'new URL("[]")' in browser's Javascript console also raises exception that this is a bad URL. Even if is assumed to be the correct host by Python it's not validated to be an IPV6 address where it should fail.

    Ruby seems to use a regex : Java parseurl : golang :

    32592b68-c94f-4bc9-93e9-1aafe3c94843 commented 5 years ago

    Python2 urlparse.urlparse and urllib2.urlparse.urlparse have a similar IPv6 hostname parsing bug.

    >> urlparse.urlparse('[]').hostname >> '['

    This is less practical to exploit since the parsed domain contains a '[' in the end.

    Do I need to create a separate issue for this Python2 bug?

    I think the way PR 14896 fix the python3 bug can also be applied to this.

    Also, do we need a CVE ID for the python3 bug? As it may lead to some security issues in some Python apps, e.g., open-redirect. I have found such a case in a private bug bounty program.

    tiran commented 5 years ago

    The guidelines make a lot of sense to me. Python should refuse hostnames with "[" unless

    Python should refuse any hostname with forbidden chars "\x00\n\r #%/:?@", too.

    vstinner commented 5 years ago

    To be clear, the \ in '\\[]' is not needed to reproduce the bug:

    vstinner@apu$ python3 
    Python 3.7.4 (default, Jul  9 2019, 16:32:37) 
    >>> from urllib.parse import urlparse; print(urlparse('[]').hostname)
    vstinner commented 5 years ago

    Python 3.5 and newer are impacted, but Python 2.7 behaves differently:

    vstinner@apu$ python2
    Python 2.7.16 (default, Apr 30 2019, 15:54:43) 
    >>> from urlparse import urlparse
    >>> urlparse('[]').hostname
    vstinner commented 4 years ago

    I proposed PR 16780 which makes the urllib.parse module way more stricter:

    Sadly, validating using ipaddress.IPv6Address() cannot be easily ported to Python 2 which doesn't have this module.

    vstinner commented 4 years ago

    I modified my PR 16780 to also fix bpo-33342: "urllib IPv6 parsing fails with special characters in passwords".

    vstinner commented 4 years ago

    OMG parsing an URL is a can of worms... There are so many open issues related to URL parsing!


    There are 124 open issues with "urllib" in their title and 12 open issues with "urlparse" in their title.

    iritkatriel commented 2 years ago

    It produces a deprecation warning on 3.11, but still does the same.

    >>> urlparse('\[]').hostname
    <stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence '\['