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Special Characters Don't Work When Using Virtual Environment #82279

Closed c893ee71-9e64-4269-ac86-76a8148327d6 closed 5 years ago

c893ee71-9e64-4269-ac86-76a8148327d6 commented 5 years ago
BPO 38098
Nosy @pfmoore, @vstinner, @tjguk, @ezio-melotti, @zware, @eryksun, @zooba, @glGarg

Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current state.

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GitHub fields: ```python assignee = None closed_at = created_at = labels = ['type-bug', '3.8', 'OS-windows', '3.7', 'expert-unicode', '3.9'] title = "Special Characters Don't Work When Using Virtual Environment" updated_at = user = '' ``` fields: ```python activity = actor = 'eryksun' assignee = 'none' closed = True closed_date = closer = 'eryksun' components = ['Unicode', 'Windows'] creation = creator = 'glGarg' dependencies = [] files = [] hgrepos = [] issue_num = 38098 keywords = [] message_count = 4.0 messages = ['351757', '352313', '352348', '352370'] nosy_count = 8.0 nosy_names = ['paul.moore', 'vstinner', 'tim.golden', 'ezio.melotti', 'zach.ware', 'eryksun', 'steve.dower', 'glGarg'] pr_nums = [] priority = 'normal' resolution = 'third party' stage = 'resolved' status = 'closed' superseder = None type = 'behavior' url = '' versions = ['Python 3.7', 'Python 3.8', 'Python 3.9'] ```

c893ee71-9e64-4269-ac86-76a8148327d6 commented 5 years ago

Recently, I noticed that whenever I execute python from inside a virtual environment, I can't seem to write special characters into the shell. Although, when I exit the virtual environment, this issue no longer occurs. I've confirmed that the versions of python inside and outside the virtual environment are the same.

For example, when I paste the string 'doesn’t' (with the Unicode apostrophe) into the shell without virtual environment, I get the following:
>>> doesn’t     # without virtual environment

When I paste the same string into the shell with a virtual environment active (and the same version of python), I get the following:
>>> doesnt      # with virtual environment

The version of python I am using is python 3.7.4 (though I have reproduced this on python 3.6.5 as well). I am creating the virtual environments using the venv module. Also, I think that this problem only happens on Windows as I couldn’t reproduce it on Linux.

Does anyone know why this may be happening? Please let me know if I should provide any other details.

zooba commented 5 years ago

Thanks Spandan

This doesn't reproduce trivially for me, so I suspect there is some difference in the venv.

Could you run "pip list" in both the venv and with it deactivated and share the output? There are some packages that modify how console input works.

zooba commented 5 years ago

Thanks Spandan

This doesn't reproduce trivially for me, so I suspect there is some difference in the venv.

Could you run "pip list" in both the venv and with it deactivated and share the output? There are some packages that modify how console input works.

c893ee71-9e64-4269-ac86-76a8148327d6 commented 5 years ago

This is the output of pip list with venv active: (aladdin_windows_env) C:\Users\t-spga\Documents\workspace\aladdin_windows_env>pip list DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning. adal (1.2.2) antlr4-python3-runtime (4.7.2) applicationinsights (0.11.9) argcomplete (1.10.0) asn1crypto (0.24.0) azure-batch (7.0.0) azure-cli (2.0.72) azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg (2.0.3) azure-cli-core (2.0.72) azure-cli-nspkg (3.0.4) azure-cli-telemetry (1.0.3) azure-common (1.1.23) azure-cosmos (3.1.1) azure-datalake-store (0.0.47) azure-functions-devops-build (0.0.22) azure-graphrbac (0.60.0) azure-keyvault (1.1.0) azure-kusto-data (0.0.33) azure-mgmt-advisor (2.0.1) azure-mgmt-apimanagement (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-appconfiguration (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-applicationinsights (0.1.1) azure-mgmt-authorization (0.52.0) azure-mgmt-batch (6.0.0) azure-mgmt-batchai (2.0.0) azure-mgmt-billing (0.2.0) azure-mgmt-botservice (0.2.0) azure-mgmt-cdn (3.1.0) azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices (5.0.0) azure-mgmt-compute (6.0.0) azure-mgmt-consumption (2.0.0) azure-mgmt-containerinstance (1.5.0) azure-mgmt-containerregistry (3.0.0rc5) azure-mgmt-containerservice (5.3.0) azure-mgmt-cosmosdb (0.7.0) azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics (0.2.1) azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg (3.0.1) azure-mgmt-datalake-store (0.5.0) azure-mgmt-datamigration (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-devtestlabs (2.2.0) azure-mgmt-dns (2.1.0) azure-mgmt-eventgrid (2.2.0) azure-mgmt-eventhub (2.6.0) azure-mgmt-hdinsight (1.1.0) azure-mgmt-imagebuilder (0.2.1) azure-mgmt-iotcentral (1.0.0) azure-mgmt-iothub (0.8.2) azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices (0.2.0) azure-mgmt-keyvault (1.1.0) azure-mgmt-kusto (0.3.0) azure-mgmt-loganalytics (0.2.0) azure-mgmt-managedservices (1.0.0) azure-mgmt-managementgroups (0.2.0) azure-mgmt-maps (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering (0.2.1) azure-mgmt-media (1.1.1) azure-mgmt-monitor (0.5.2) azure-mgmt-msi (0.2.0) azure-mgmt-netapp (0.5.0) azure-mgmt-network (4.0.0) azure-mgmt-nspkg (3.0.2) azure-mgmt-policyinsights (0.3.1) azure-mgmt-privatedns (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-rdbms (1.9.0) azure-mgmt-recoveryservices (0.4.0) azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup (0.4.0) azure-mgmt-redis (6.0.0) azure-mgmt-relay (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-reservations (0.3.1) azure-mgmt-resource (2.2.0) azure-mgmt-search (2.1.0) azure-mgmt-security (0.1.0) azure-mgmt-servicebus (0.6.0) azure-mgmt-servicefabric (0.2.0) azure-mgmt-signalr (0.3.0) azure-mgmt-sql (0.13.0) azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine (0.4.0) azure-mgmt-storage (4.0.0) azure-mgmt-trafficmanager (0.51.0) azure-mgmt-web (0.42.0) azure-multiapi-storage (0.2.4) azure-nspkg (3.0.2) azure-storage-blob (1.5.0) azure-storage-common (1.4.2) bcrypt (3.1.7) certifi (2019.6.16) cffi (1.12.3) chardet (3.0.4) colorama (0.4.1) cryptography (2.7) fabric (2.5.0) gitdb2 (2.0.5) GitPython (2.1.11) humanfriendly (4.18) idna (2.8) invoke (1.3.0) isodate (0.6.0) javaproperties (0.5.1) Jinja2 (2.10.1) jmespath (0.9.4) jsondiff (1.2.0) knack (0.6.3) MarkupSafe (1.1.1) mock (2.0.0) msrest (0.6.10) msrestazure (0.6.1) oauthlib (3.1.0) paramiko (2.6.0) pbr (5.4.3) pip (9.0.3) portalocker (1.5.1) psutil (5.6.3) pycparser (2.19) pydocumentdb (2.3.3) Pygments (2.4.2) PyJWT (1.7.1) PyNaCl (1.3.0) pyOpenSSL (19.0.0) pypiwin32 (223) pyreadline (2.1) python-dateutil (2.8.0) python-git (2018.2.1) pytz (2019.1) pywin32 (224) PyYAML (5.1.2) requests (2.22.0) requests-oauthlib (1.2.0) ruamel.yaml (0.16.5) ruamel.yaml.clib (0.1.2) scp (0.13.2) Send2Trash (1.5.0) setuptools (39.0.1) six (1.12.0) smmap2 (2.0.5) sshtunnel (0.1.5) tabulate (0.8.3) urllib3 (1.25.3) vsts (0.1.25) vsts-cd-manager (1.0.2) websocket-client (0.56.0) wheel (0.30.0) xmltodict (0.12.0) You are using pip version 9.0.3, however version 19.2.3 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

This is the output of pip list with venv deactivated: C:\Users\t-spga\Documents\workspace\aladdin_windows_env>pip list DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning. pip (9.0.3) setuptools (39.0.1) You are using pip version 9.0.3, however version 19.2.3 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.



eryksun commented 5 years ago

pyreadline (2.1)

The problem is pyreadline. It uses a low-level console read, but it fails to account for the Alt+Numpad sequence of input records that the console uses for non-OEM characters. IIRC, the Unicode character is only sent in the final input record of the sequence.