python / mypy

Optional static typing for Python
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Allow unsafe overrides in sub-subclasses that are compatible with subclass #12372

Open sterliakov opened 2 years ago

sterliakov commented 2 years ago


When a subclass is implemented with unsafe method override, error can be suppressed with # type: ignore[override] comment. However, further subclassing requires this comment to be present in subclasses too.


Suppose we have the following structure:

class A:
    def foo(self) -> int: pass

class B(A):
    def foo(self) -> str: pass  # type: ignore[override]

class C(B):
    def foo(self) -> str: pass

Currently mypy complains: error: Return type "str" of "foo" incompatible with return type "int" in supertype "A"

But in reality we do expect that all B subclasses should implement foo with signature () -> str. For instance, it is useful when B is replacement for A with slightly different usage (when we don't want to replicate all internal logic - e.g. if it comes from third-party package). It takes care to override all methods that became incompatible after this change, and now B is consistent. Then we want to add some feature to B via subclassing while preserving its interface. All signatures are preserved, but mypy complains that we are incompatible with old base (A). I think that when unsafe override is explicitly ignored once, mypy should check new implementation against definitions in B, not in A, ignoring the fact that B has unsafe overrides. Actually now the checker reports errors that are explicitly ignored: we already took care to ignore that errors inside B.

Real world example: ModelChoiceField in Django inherits from ChoiceField (yeah, that's bad design decision, but I'm working on stubs and can't change the source). Incompatible part:

class ChoiceField(Field):
    def to_python(self, data: Optional[Any]) -> str: ...

class ModelChoiceField(ChoiceField):
    def to_python(self, data: Optional[Any]) -> Optional[Model]: ...  # type: ignore[override]

When end Django user tries to subclass ModelChoiceField and implements to_python with same signature, user receives mypy error. However, this implementation is perfectly valid as long as direct superclass already defines that incompatible change.

KotlinIsland commented 2 years ago

Same thing with unsafe variance in protocol inheritance:

from typing import Protocol, _T_co as T_co

class A(Protocol[T_co]):  # type: ignore
    def foo(self, t: T_co) -> None: ...  # type: ignore

class B(A[T_co], Protocol):  # ERROR! using covariant type variable where invariant one expected!!!
    def bar(self) -> T_co: ...


intgr commented 1 year ago

For some reason this is allowed for attrbutes. Seems inconsistent:

class A:
    attr: int

class B(A):
    attr: str  # type: ignore

class C(B):    # This is considered OK
    attr: str